在我國歷史上大規模之從事繙譯外國文字,約有二次:二次且皆為受宗教信仰之啟發。一為第一至第十世紀之九百年來繙譯佛家書籍之努力,成書二千種,現仍為人諷誦者尚有《華嚴經》、《法華經》、《維摩詰》等二十餘種。其影響於中國文學者則(一)介紹國人創作上之新材料,新形式。(二)引起創作家之想像力,擴大文學描寫之範圍。此皆中國文學篇所缺乏者。第二次則為近世紀來之西洋書籍之大批繙譯,而此中最足稱述者為「《聖經》」之繙譯。其故亦有二。(一)因繙譯《聖經》者之具有宗教的虔誠嚴肅態度,忠實於繙譯,及《聖經》本身之優美故譯本成為一種「直譯的模範作品」(Model literal translation)簡明可愛,由以官話譯本中「〈福音〉」(Gospels)及「〈舊約〉」(Old Testment)中〈詩篇〉等部,堪稱為優美之文學作品,影響於中國創作家及譯著家者甚多。(二)則為中文聖經之於中國方言方面的供献。中國方言甚多,初無有文字之形式記載,有方言《聖經》之譒譯後,乃給中國多種方言以文學上之價值,對於研究語言學、語音學、民俗學上,有莫大之裨益。
胡適在1959.6.3 向人借本"Short Bible " (胡頌平原文)
應該是The Shorter Bible
The Shorter Bible
Abbreviation: | SBK |
Released: | 1925 |
Contents: | Old Testament, New Testament |
Source Used: | Charles Scribner's Sons (NT 1918, OT 1925) |
Location: | Tyndale House, Cambridge, United Kingdom |
Duplications have been omitted, while kindred parts have been brought together. The material in each group has been arranged according to the nature of its contents or the order in which it was written. Thus, the order of the King James Version is not followed. The groups in the Old Testament are titled as follows: Stories and Histories, Laws, The Prophets, The Lyrics, and The Teachings of the Wise. In the New Testament, they are titled as follows: Matthew, Mark, and Luke; The Teachings of Jesus; The Acts of the Apostles; PaulÌs Letters; Later Writings; and The Gospel of John. The Index of Biblical Passages in both Testaments lists the books, the Biblical reference, the section number, and the page number.
Sample Verses
In the beginning when God created the heaven and the earth,
And while the earth was still unformed and chaotic,
With darkness on the surface of the deep,
And the Spirit of God brooding over the waters, ...
John 1: 1 - 3
In the beginning was the divine Wisdom, and the divine Wisdom was with God, and the divine Wisdom was God. He was in the beginning with God; through him all things came into being and without him nothing which existed came into being.