網路流傳 1918年4月《新青年》4卷4期發表了胡適完全用白話口語體翻譯的蘇格蘭女詩人林德賽(Anne Lindsay)的《老洛伯》(Auld Robin Gray)。胡適在譯詩自序中曾說:“此詩向推為世界情詩之最哀者,全篇作村婦口氣,語語率真,此當日之白話詩也。”在原詩中作者使用了口語體,彷彿一女子正傾訴心思。
Robin Gray is a good old man who marries a young woman already in love with a man named Jamie. Jamie goes away to sea in order to earn money so that the couple can marry. The woman, who narrates the ballad, tells the story of being compelled by her parents' misfortune to marry Robin Gray while her lover is away. Robin promises to maintain her and her parents in return for her hand. Jamie returns a few weeks after the marriage, looking like a ghost. They have a sad reunion, kiss and tear themselves away from each other. The woman resolves to do her best to be a good wife to Robin, though she is extremely sad at the loss of her true love.
The original tune was composed by the Rev. William Leeves. George Thomson commissioned Joseph Haydn to arrange the ballad for piano and soprano, as well as for piano, violin, cello, and soprano.
Only a few of these poems are included in this online version, primarily in cases whereTeasdale made slight changes from earlier versions. Note that she left .
Hong Yen Chang (张康仁; birth year unknown, estimated between 1859 and 1860) was reportedly the first Chinese immigrant licensed to practice law in the ...
In 1890, the California Supreme Court said Hong Yen Chang (Yale Class of 1883) couldn't practice law because he was Chinese. This week, spurred by a Yale Law alum and his students, the court reversed that decision.