Smells like Beethoven
Using the word “note” to describe an odour may be more than just metaphor(19)
杭立武先生訪問紀錄 | |
類型:口述歷史叢書 作者: 王 萍 官曼莉 出版年: 1990 頁數: 152 開本: 25 開 檔案:PDF |
编辑摘要 1900年(清光绪26年庚子年)八国联军攻陷北京,强迫清政府于次年9月7日签订了《辛丑条约》,其中规定付给美、英、俄、德、日、奥、法、意、西、荷、比等 11国赔偿银4亿5仟万两,年息4厘,分39年付清。1918年第一次世界大战结束,德、奥等同盟国失败,英、法、美等协约国取胜。中国当时参加了协约 国,也成了战胜国。1924年5月中苏复交,签署了《中俄解决悬案大纲》,苏联宣布放弃庚子赔款的帝俄部分。巴黎和会之后,在中国人民爱国运动的促使下, 英国政府虽然在1922年12月就宣言“以后中国应付逐期庚款预备悉数退回”,但又附加条件规定要“作为两国互有利益之用”。后经多次交涉,直至1930 年才由中英两国政府以正式换文成立。换文规定“(一)设立董事会;(二)全部退回之庚款,设置基金,借充建筑铁路及经营其他生产事业,再以所得利息兴办教 育文化事业;(三)在伦敦另设购料委员会,凡铁路及其他生产事业借用资金需购外洋器材必需交购料委员会在英国购买。”由此可见,帝国主义国家退回庚款是附 加了条件的,资金使用受对方的严格控制。1931年4月8日在南京召开了第一次中英庚款董事会,购料委员会亦于同日在伦敦成立。其他美、法、意、荷、比等 国也仿效英国先后与中国政府协议或换文确定了退回庚子赔款的办法。这样,又陆续建立了一些分别管理各国退回庚款的董事会。1933年国民政府、行政院“为 谋各庚款管理机关的集中、合作”设立了各庚款管理机关的联席会议,委派参事张平群为秘书办理其事,规定每年10月开例会一次,“讨论下年度预算及用途之重 要原则”。
据1941年11月《管理中英庚款董事会工作报告》和1944年《中英庚款董事会十三年财务处理概况》介绍:“英庚款应退回之总额 为英金1118万余镑”,“自董事会成立至民国27年底(1931—1938年底)实际收到退回之庚款连伦敦购料委员会料款部分在内共计736.9万余 镑,约占金额2/3弱。”“自民国28年(1939年)起,财政部停付海关担保的赔款,庚款收入即告中止”。国民党中央政治会议规定了庚款支配标准:“铁 道事业可借全部庚款2/3,其余1/3中导淮事业可借40%,广东治河可借20%,基本工业电气事业及黄河水利可借12.33%。借用利息一律周息五厘。 本身不能生利之事业由国库负担利息”。因此,《工作报告》强调,“本会之工作即以上述已收到之736.9万余镑,按支配标准运用於生产事业之投资与教育文 化事业之补助及提倡”。
这笔基金的大部分在抗战前已陆续借出,主要投资於铁路、公路、电讯等交通运输事业。当时的津浦、胶济、陇海、北宁、平 汉、京沪、沪杭甬、京赣、浙赣、粤汉、湘桂铁路、南京的轮渡以及叙昆、滇缅公路的兴建与整理均使用了庚款。尤其是粤汉路的投资最大的株州至韶关新建工程, 湘鄂段、广韶段的整理,全部依靠庚款完成。还为招商局购置了四艘海轮,建设了国际无线电台、九省长途电话网和西北、西南无线电话网等。其次为水利工程,经 庚款协助完成的有黄河堵口,广东西江基围修理工程,导淮之邵伯淮阴刘涧三闸并张福河疏浚工程。再次为电气事业,如首都电厂、电工器材厂、昆明电厂。曾筹备 过硫酸錏厂、炼钢厂、中央机械制造厂、温溪造纸公司等,因抗战爆发而无法进行。
对于文化教育事业的补助,“支配总额仅1800万元(1941 年时国币)”。主要用於:1、保护文物古迹。整理影印了敦煌经卷和居延汉简。“建设中央博物馆和中央图书馆。在南京撤退前博物馆已兴工,图书馆已勘定地 址”。“于南京沦陷前,垫付运费派人抢运了故宫博物院的古文物13000余箱西上。”2、补助高等教育与研究机关。“大概分为建筑、设备、讲座三项,全国 专科以上学校研究机关,无论省立、国立、私立,曾受庚款补助者七十余家,达600万元以上,约占总数1800万元的35%。”3、考送留英公费生。“先后 办理七届共148人”,“第八届因欧战紧张而停止”。4、补助特种教育事业。“曾与教育部南京市政府合办中央工业职业学校”,“在湖南补助农业职业学校两 校,抗战前受补助而筹设助产学校已达十四省”。5、对“人”的补助。“抗战开始北方大学教授迁徙,而各处科学人员亦被疏散,大学新毕业青年更难寻找适当工 作”,为适应需要办理了三件事:一、在内地各大学设置讲座,以期安定北方一部分教授三十余人。二、协助科学人员,救济被疏散人员百余人。三、设置科学研究 助理救济大学新毕业青年七十余人。6、自办事业单位。“在遵义设中国蚕桑研究所,北培设地理研究所”。“兰州设甘肃科学教育馆,肃州设河西中学,西宁设湟 川中学,安顺设黔江中学”。
中英庚款董事会办公大楼现为南京市鼓楼区政府在地。 南京管理中英庚款董事会位于山西路124号,中英庚款董事会现为鼓楼区人民政府所在地。中英庚款董事会是专门负责办理中国学生前往英国留学事宜的机构。中英庚款董事会其办公楼由杨廷宝设计,中英庚款董事会1934年建造。中英庚款董事会办公楼为两层中廊式建筑,底层为秘书、会客及杂务用房;二层为正、副董事长室和会议室等,阁楼作贮藏用。办公楼为房殿四坡顶,上铺褐色琉璃瓦,外墙贴棕色面砖,大楼入口简洁朴实。
原庚子赔款办公楼(Former Compensation Building in 1900;中英庚款董事会)(1934)又名南京管理中英庚款董事会。位于南京山西路124号,曾为原教育部办公楼,现为鼓楼区人民政府所在地。
标签: 文化 | |
Write an essay on either of the following two subjects:
(1)My Scientific Training
(2)Protrait of a Scholar
Translate the following passage into Chinese:
If then a practical end must be assigned to a University course, I say it is that of training good members of society. Its art is the art of social life, and its end is fitness for the world. It neither confines its views to particular professions on the one hand, nor creates heroes or inspires genius on the other. Works indeed of genius fall under no art; heroic minds come under no rule; a University is not a birthplace of poets or of immortal authors, of founders of schools, leaders of colonies, or conquerors of nations. It does not promise a generation of Aristotles or Newtons, of Napoleons or Washingtons, of Raphaels or Shakespeares, though such miracles of nature it has before now contained within its precincts. Nor is it content on the other hand with forming the critic or the experimentalist, the economist or the engineer, though such too it includes within its scope. But a University training is the great ordinary means to a great but ordinary end; it aims at raising the intellectual tone of society, at cultivating the public mind, at purifying the national taste, at supplying true principles to popular enthusiasm and fixed aims to popular aspiration, at giving enlargement and sobriety to the ideas of the age, at facilitating the exercise of political power, and refining the intercourse of private life. It is the education which gives a man a clear conscious view of his own opinions and judgments, a truth in developing them, an eloquence in expressing them, and a force in urging them. It teaches him to see things as they are, to go right to the point, to disentangle a skein of thought, to detect what is sophistical, and to discard what is irrelevant. It prepares him to fill any post with credit, and to master any subject with facility. It shows him how to accommodate himself to others, how to throw himself into their state of mind, how to bring before them his own, how to influence them, how to come to an understanding with them, how to bear with them. He is at home in any society, he has common ground with every class; he knows when to speak and when to be silent; he is able to converse, he is able to listen; he can ask a question pertinently, and gain a lesson seasonably, when he has nothing to impart himself; he is ever ready, yet never in the way; he is a pleasant companion, and a comrade you can depend upon; he knows when to be serious and when to trifle, and he has a sure tact which enables him to trifle with gracefulness and to be serious with effect. He has the repose of a mind which lives in itself, while it lives in the world, and which has resources for its happiness at home when it cannot go abroad. He has a gift which serves him in public, and supports him in retirement, without which good fortune is but vulgar, and with which failure and disappointment have a charm. The art which tends to make a man all this, is in the object which it pursues as useful as the art of wealth or the art of health, though it is less susceptible of method, and less tangible, less certain, less complete in its result.
Translate the following passage into English:
我們要學外國,是要 迎頭趕上去,不要向後跟著他。譬如學科學,迎頭趕上去,便可以減少兩百多年的光陰。我們到了今日的地位,如果還是睡覺,不去奮鬥,不知道恢復國家的地位, 從此以後便要亡國滅種。現在我們知道了跟上世界的潮流,去學外國之所長,必可以學得比較外國還要好,所謂“後來者居上”。從前雖然是退後了幾百年,但是現 在只要幾年便可以趕上,日本便是一個好榜樣。日本從前的文化是從中國學去的,比較中國低得多。但是日本近來專學歐美的文化,不過幾十年便成世界中列強之 一。我看中國人的聰明才力不亞於日本,我們此後去學歐美,比較日本還要容易。所以這十年中,便是我們的生死關頭。如果我們醒了,像日本人一樣,大家提心吊 膽去恢復民族的地位,在十年之內,就可以把外國的政治、經濟和人口增加的種種壓迫和種種禍害都一齊消滅。日本學歐美不過幾十年便成世界列強之一,但是中國 的人口比日本多十倍,領土比日本大三十倍,富源更是比日本多,如果中國學到日本,就要變成十個列強。現在世界之中,英、美、法、日、意大利等不過五大強 國,以後德、俄恢復起來,也不過六七個強國;如果中國能夠學到日本,只要用一國便變成十個強國。到了那個時候,中國便可以恢復到頭一個地位。
胡適 似乎沒談過通感的問題 這錢鍾書談得多
她糾正胡頌平家鄉的"聽見香氣"等的說法 舉白居易琵琶行的正確用法"聞"......
Using the word “note” to describe an odour may be more than just metaphor(19)
Deus (Latin pronunciation: [ˈdeːʊs]) is Latin for "god" or "deity". Latin deus and dīvus "divine", are descended from Proto-Indo-European *deiwos, from the same root as *Dyēus, the reconstructed chief god of the Proto-Indo-European pantheon. Compare Greek Zeus (Ζεύς, pronounced zdeús), in Aeolic Greek Δεύς (deús).
In Classical Latin it was a general noun referring to any divine figure. In Late Latin, it came to be used mostly of the Christian God. It is inherited directly in the Romance languages, as French dieu, Spanish dios, Portuguese deus, Italian dio, etc.
In ancient Sanskrit, the word used for 'God' or a deity is Dev, Deva, or Devta (देव/देवता) which also means "[He/She] who gives or provides". [1] 'Dev' is a very commonly used word and also can be used for anything Divine or of God. [2] Many etymologists believe that the Sanskrit word 'Dev' is the root of Deus.[3]
FOREIGN investors in China will be increasingly drawn to China’s interior provinces in the years ahead, according to a report by the Economist Intelligence Unit, our sister organisation. Rapid urbanisation in these provinces will provide a ready source of labour and contribute to booming retail markets. In the central provinces the average urbanisation rate will leap from around 44% in 2010 to nearly 55% in 2020. This shift is already clear. In 2007 the municipality of Chongqing in western China was ranked 22nd out of China’s 31 provinces in terms of overall FDI. In 2011 it attracted an estimated $10.8 billion in inward investment, more than the capital, Beijing. By 2014 it will be the fourth-largest destination in China, ahead of Shanghai and Tianjin. Within five years, nearly half of FDI will go to areas outside of the eastern seaboard, compared with less than 20% in 2000. View the interactive map below (in Firefox, Safari or Chrome) for 2011-15 forecasts for each province.
The Economist welcomes your views. Please stay on topic and be respectful of other readers. Review our comments policy.
「有一年我跟內人去參觀羅漢塔,我就感慨地跟她說:『無論數學做得怎麼好,頂多是做個羅漢。』菩薩或許大家都知道他的名字,羅漢誰也不知道那人是哪 個人,所以不要把名看得太重。Riemann的工作為什麼重要呢?因為數學跟其它的科學一樣要不斷擴充範圍,大家重視的工作,都是開創性的工作。」
「我解讀這段文字如下:陳先生當然認為自己是羅漢,還不是菩薩。這是不是表示他過於謙讓呢?我不是數學家,不敢評說。但是如果韋伊一九四八年的猜想 是對的,那麼陳先生的開創性的陳氏級等數學工作的重要性,就要旁及物理世界的最最基本結構了,那時數學仙山上的大雄寶殿中豈能不迎來一尊新菩薩?」......
Our Battle: Being One Man's Answer to "My Battle" by Adolf Hitler, 1938, Simon and Schuster
據作者說 1938年10月12日 紐約市長 (Fiorello H. La Guardia January 1 1934 December 31 1945 12 years) 被噓 所以他14日起奮而寫此書
Author: Noguchi, Yoné, 1875-1947
Subject: Japanese poetry -- History and criticism
Publisher: London : J. Murray
Possible copyright status: NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT
Language: English
Call number: AZQ-9018
Digitizing sponsor: MSN
Book contributor: Robarts - University of Toronto
Collection: robarts; toronto
Full catalog record: MARCXML
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Westward the course of empire takes its way; The four first Acts already past, A fifth shall close the Drama with the day; Time’s noblest offspring is the last.
Why is Berkeley called Berkeley?
On May 24, 1866, some of the trustees of the private College of California met on their future campus site at a place later called Founder’s Rock. The trustees had been hoping for months to find an appropriate name for their property, which included the proposed campus for their College and adjacent land they were subdividing for residential development.
As they stood at the rock outcropping looking west towards San Francisco Bay and the Golden Gate, trustee Frederick Billings recalled a poem written in 1726 by George Berkeley, who later became a respected philosopher and the Anglican Bishop of Cloyne, Ireland. Bishop Berkeley had unsuccessfully endeavoured to create a missionary college for both British colonists and Native Americans in the American colonies. His poem especially the last stanza (see below), expressed his idealism.
Many of the trustees were familiar with George Berkeley’s writings, and the name and poem resonated with them as they stood looking west to the Pacific. That day at lunch at the home of College President Samuel Willey, the trustees apparently continued to discuss "Berkeley." Later in the afternoon, they met formally in San Francisco (with Billings absent) and voted to adopt the name "Berkeley" for their new campus site.
A dozen years later, in 1878 "Berkeley," the settled area around the small campus, merged with "Oceanview," the original community that was establlished along the waterfront, and they incorporated as one. It was decided to officially use the name "Berkeley" for the entire community.
The Muse, disgusted at an age and clime Barre of every glorious theme, In distant lands now waits a better time, Producing subjects worthy fame: In happy climes, where from the genial sun Aand virgin earth such scenes ensue, The force of art by nature seems outdone, And fancied beauties by the true: In happy climes, the seat of innocence, Where nature guides and virtue rules, Where men shall not impose for truth and sense The pedantry of courts and schools: | There shall be sung another golden age, The rise of empire and of arts, The good and great inspiring epic rage, The wisest heads and noblest hearts. Not such as Europe breeds in her decay; Such as she bred when fresh and young, When heavenly flame did animate her clay, By future poets shall be sung. Westward the course of empire takes its way; The four first Acts already past, A fifth shall close the Drama with the day; Time’s noblest offspring is the last. |
《胡適日記》是一套很重要的書,利用它的方式,可以多方面。這篇短文處理他在政治學的一篇重要的論文,Instrumentalism as a Political Concept《工具主義作為一政治概念》,的相關的研究。
在耿雲志的《胡適研究論稿‧胡適年譜 1891-1962》(北京社會科學文獻,2007,頁347)中,將杜威的生日和此篇,都寫成1940年10月20日,而這是錯誤的。我們根據《胡適日記》,胡適1939年的10月18日寫短文Instrumentalism as a Political Concept,並在10月20日參加杜威的80歲生日慶生會。胡適在1940年再將它擴充為長文,發表在The Philosopher of the Common Man 論文集。這一篇有一譯文,參考《胡適研究‧第三輯》(合肥:安徽教育出版社,2001,頁497-508)。
由於這篇是胡先生從20年代就經常放在心的題目,他在上文出版之後又再花一個月重寫 它(按:我尚未讀過此稿),在1940年9月19日的日記中詳說此事,當天他在賓州大學的Houston Hall 演講此改寫過的論文。隔天,他赴該校200年校慶,並接受名譽法學博士 L. L.D.。
*此套書將胡適的原文翻譯 錯誤相當多
以他到賓大發表的演說中的president 和隔天受頒博士學位時的president 分別是兩人
不過都譯成校長 (p.408 v p.409) 讓賓大校長鬧雙胞....