2021年3月28日 星期日

你把胡適摘去做什麼? (余光中: 死亡,你不要驕傲—悼佛洛斯特)



六 十年代剛開始,死亡便有好幾次豐收。漢明戚。福克納。胡適。康明恩。現在輪到佛洛斯特。當一些靈魂如星般升起,森森然,各就各位,為我們織一幅怪冷的永恆 底圖案,一些軀體像經霜的楓葉,落了下來。人類的歷史就是這樣:一些軀體變成一些靈魂,一些靈魂變成一些名字。好幾克拉的射著青芒的名字。稱一稱人類的歷 史看,有沒有一斗名字?就這麼俯踐楓葉,仰望星座,我們愈來愈寂寞了。死亡你把這些不老的老頭子摘去做什麼?你把胡適摘去做什麼?你把佛洛斯特的銀髮摘去 做什麼?.....

......在可能是他最後的一首詩(一九六二年八月所作的那首 The Prophets Really Prophesy as Mystics/The Commentators Merely by Statistics)中,佛洛斯特曾說:人的長壽都是有限的,現代詩元老的佛洛斯特公公不過享了八八高齡,比狄興和蕭伯納畢竟還減幾歲。然而在詩人之 中,能像他那麼老當愈壯創作不衰的大詩人,實在寥寥可數。現在他死了,為他,我們覺得毫無遺憾。然而為了我們,他的死畢竟是自由世界的不幸。美國需要這麼 一位偉人,需要這麼一位為青年們所仰望的老人,正如一世紀前,她需要愛默森和林肯。高爾基論前輩托爾斯泰時,曾說:「一日能與此人生活在相同的地球上,我就不是孤兒。」對於佛洛斯特,正如對於胡適,我們也有相同的感覺。(元月三十一日)

2021年3月21日 星期日

杜威工具主義對胡適人類哲學的影響- Lee Tjiek Oei (1934-2008) "HU SHIH'S PHILOSOPHY OF MAN AS INFLUENCED BY JOHN DEWEY'S INSTRUMENTALISM." (1974).

Prof. Oei Lee Tjiek (1934-2008) - Budaya-Tionghoa.Net
web.budaya-tionghoa.net › item › 24...

2012/10/28 — Budaya-Tionghoa.Net | Professor Oei Lee Tjiek (Oei Lee Tek / Huang Lide ) dilahirkan di Semarang pada tahun 1934. Dia merupakan mahaguru filsafat di U...

杜威工具主義對胡適人類哲學的影響- Lee Tjiek Oei - Google ...
books.google.com › books › about

杜威工具主義對胡適人類哲學的影響. Front Cover. Lee Tjiek Oei. 成文出版社, 1977 - 208 pages.

research.library.fordham.edu › AAI7...

LEET OEI 著 · 1974 · 被引用数: 2 — OEI, LEE TJIEK, "HU SHIH'S PHILOSOPHY OF MAN AS INFLUENCED BY JOHN DEWEY'S INSTRUMENTALISM." (1974). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI7419681. https://research.library.fordham.edu/dissertations/AAI7419681.

2021年3月14日 星期日

周作人譯 石川啄木(Ishikawa Takuboku) 短歌『努力周報 』1922.6.4 刊出〈石川啄木的歌〉

1922/5/12 周作人的日紀:"為適之譯啄木之歌十七首" 
這是為 『努力周報 』出版 石川啄木的"短歌"
1922.6.4 刊出:〈石川啄木的歌〉,署仲密譯

 (沒考證翻譯史 這應該是中文譯界的大事 因為國人對這種日本31音節的詩之形式應該相當陌生的) 和詩 乃是周作人的文學翻譯的野心之一 所以他到60年代將其主要作品翻譯出來 

據2005年的版本說 原稿已遺失和注解被大量刪減 很可惜 我們在2005/7/22對此詩有一些討論: SU朋友們談石川啄木(Ishikawa Takuboku) 『一握沙集 』之清淚 比較前年之資料《苦雨齋譯叢》(共十四冊十二種,周作人譯,中國對外翻譯出版 公司,1999-2003年),與當今的《苦雨齋譯叢》(共十六冊十六種,周作人譯,中國對外翻譯出版公司,1999-2005 年),我們可知在2005年出版兩種:(日)國木田獨步,石川啄木等著『現代日本小說集:兩條血痕.』;『如夢記、石川啄木詩歌集』。 

 苦雨齋的譯書,注解都很可讀。他們前輩提日人之名,都會在漢字之後附其羅馬讀音。譬如說,石川啄木詩歌集「可悲的玩具」(為『一握沙集 』之續集),談其病中許多心境和想法,相當有意思。 ----- 上周,歐巴桑在simon university留言版所提的石川啄木(Ishikawa Takuboku 1886-1912 請注意他27歲就過世) 之詩, 「最近處理到一位法國作家就有提到一句石川啄木的詩,石川寫著: 我們分手的時候 眼皮閃了閃 我的雙頰有點冰涼 光看這句 好像有點濫情耶?! 我們分手的時候 鼻子擤了擤 我的兩個鼻孔有點冰涼」 ---- 

我(hc)初讀之後,問道:不知道它是否為(周作人譯)『一握沙集 第三六三首』: 
「臨別了,偶然一眨【原書用異體字「 」(目+夾)】眼, 無緣無故的, 覺得冰冷的東西沿著面頰流下來了。''」 

---- 歐巴桑 留言: 我不知道。奴家採用的是法國作家所引用的版本。 不過我看了看周作人版本與歐巴桑版本似乎有出入。 校長可否找出日文原文對照看看呢? ----- わかれ来てふと瞬けば ゆくりなく つめたきものの頬をつたへり (『一握沙集』原文:http://www.geocities.jp/jinysd02/itiaku.html) ------ 歐巴桑留言:「(該詩)可否稍微解釋一下下? 」 HC:幾小時之前,我也是查了幾個字才了解:你之由法文轉譯和周譯,都可以通啦(雖然他這首譯詩,用字(稍微解釋)特別多(或許\每首應限定10個漢字表示,不過,這樣無法表達日文許\多複音形容…),意思也可以通達)。這種情形,同我昨天所說的某人翻譯B氏法文詩(OUP出版),只翻前半而已,後半維持法文(無法譯)。日本的歌,多少也類似,它的主要特徵有音和情之表達。 已請(mailed)日本文學專家邱先生幫忙。 經一周,邱振瑞給鍾先生信: 譯家譯詩各有千秋,我覺得詩意最難傳達。 這首詩的意思,誠如法文專家所譯,只是白話了些。 拙譯如下,請勿見笑。 君道離別 我眼簾輕啟 不知已淚\溼雙頰

2021年3月10日 星期三



排擠駐美大使胡適--宋子文檔案館窺之一, pp.571~576







2021年3月5日 星期五

訪談中的人物 (5): 胡適之先生:A Talk with Hu Shih By Vincent Y. C. Shih 施友忠, The China Quarterly Volume 10, April 1962 《胡適之先生年譜長編初稿》1959.2.28 頁2837~2839

 A Talk with Hu Shih By Vincent Y. C. Shih  施友忠,  The China Quarterly Volume 10, April 1962 



A Talk with Hu Shih*


The distinguished Chinese scholar Hu Shih died on February 24. Born in 1891 and educated at Cornell and Columbia, Dr. Hu will always be remembered as the apostle of the literary revolution that led to the replacement of classical Chinese by the vernacular (pai-hua) as the literary medium. During the twenties and thirties, he held important academic posts including that of Dean of the College of Arts at the National Peking University during 1930–37. During much of the war (1938–42), he was his country's ambassador in Washington, but later returned to academic life as Chancellor of the Peking National University (1945–49). A disciple of Dewey, Dr. Hu had remained faithful to liberalism and pragmatism when many of his colleagues turned to Marxism, and when the Communists took over he left China. Because of their great influence, his ideas were selected by the Communists as a prime object of attack during the early fifties in their campaign to remould the intellectuals. After living in the United States for a number of years, Dr. Hu settled in Formosa where he was appointed President of the Academia Sinica in 1958.



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* This is a brief report of a talk I had with Dr. Hu one Saturday in the spring of 1959. The interview took place in his residence at Nankang, the site of the Academia Sinica in Formosa, and lasted from ten in the morning to three in the afternoon, with a one-hour break at noon for lunch.

林肯150年的生日紀念 (1959.2) 廣播稿。Abraham Lincoln : A Play By John Drinkwater 1918; 《林肯》 沈性仁譯、趙元任校、胡適序

林肯150年的生日紀念 (1959.2) 廣播稿。


Drinkwater, John, 1882-1937.; 德林瓦脫 (Drinkwater, John, 1882-1937);
人人文庫. 2029-2030.
、胡適序 pp.1~10

胡適1921.5.8日記   "......校讀沈性仁女士(陶孟和夫人)譯的Drinkwater's Abraham Lincoln 第一幕及第6幕,為加一長註。"

In 1918 he had his first major success with his play Abraham Lincoln

_Lincoln_: My friends, I am touched, deeply touched, by this mark of your good-will. After four dark and difficult years, we have achieved the great purpose for which we set out. General Lee's surrender to General Grant leaves but one Confederate force in the field, and the end is immediate and certain. _(Cheers_.) I have but little to say
at this moment. I claim not to have controlled events, but confess plainly that events have controlled me. But as events have come before me, I have seen them always with one faith. We have preserved the American Union, and we have abolished a great wrong. _(Cheers_.) The task of reconciliation, of setting order where there is now confusion, of bringing about a settlement at once just and merciful, and of directing the life of a reunited country into prosperous channels of good-will and generosity, will demand all our wisdom, all our loyalty.
It is the proudest hope of my life that I may be of some service in this work. _(Cheers_.) Whatever it may be, it can be but little in return for all the kindness and forbearance that I have received. With malice toward none, with charity for all, it is for us to resolve that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that
government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.