李田意先生介紹 金守拙 (1901–60)
李田意(編). 《Selected Works of George A. Kennedy》. 紐黑文: 耶魯大學.
李田意 傳記文學 9:2 民55.08
📖[EAL Events] Exhibition of “From East to West: History of the Chinese Collection at Yale 1848-2019”
(4) George Alexander Kennedy: Faculty Member and Curator
George Alexander Kennedy 金守拙 (1901–60), the son of Protestant missionaries, was born in Moganshan 莫干山, Zhejiang Province, China. Although his family spoke English at home, Kennedy grew up speaking the local Chinese dialect and often said that Chinese was his native language. He joined the Yale faculty first as a lecturer in Chinese language in 1936 and was elevated to Professor of Chinese Language and Literature in 1954. He specialized in historical linguistics and was the principal author of the Yale Romanization of Mandarin system. Kennedy also served as the associate curator of the Chinese Collection from 1937 to 1947 and then curator from 1947 to 1960. Professor Kennedy recommended that Yale Library consider making the Chinese books into a special collection because of China’s unique book culture. During his tenure, the Chinese Collection experienced a significant increase in holdings. After Kennedy passed away in 1960, his family gave his personal copies to the Yale Library, including several rare historical novels printed from the late Ming Dynasty to the early Qing Dynasty.
.<Reduplicatives in the Book of Odes>,《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊(故胡院長適之先生紀念論文集)》,第34本下,民國52年12月。
詩經 - 東海大學中文系
chinese.thu.edu.tw › newspaper_upload › 01-呂珍玉PDF
呂珍玉 著 -
関連記事二)分別對金守拙(George A. Kennedy,1901-1960)、高本漢對待重疊形. 式提出商榷。肯定金氏說《詩經》重疊形式和一般的重疊 ... 是不是如王力所說,類似動詞的詞頭,還是如胡適所說相當於「而」或. 「乃」,那就是聯詞呢?現在還不能作什麼決定。
(3)雖……式…… 此用法只見於《詩經》。丁聲樹先生曰:「式之為勸令之詞……由其與「雖」 字相承,亦可徵也。」胡適之先生曰:「其(「式」)與「雖」對列,亦一正一反, 凡「雖」字句皆與正句相反。」 雖無旨酒,式飲庶幾;雖無嘉殽,式食庶幾;雖無德與女,式歌且舞。(《詩‧ 小雅‧車舝》)朱熹《詩集傳》:「言我雖無旨酒、嘉殽、美德以與女,女 亦當飲食歌舞以相樂也。」 戎雖小子,而式弘大。(又〈大雅‧民勞〉) (4)雖……猶(尚) 雖無老成人,尚有典型。(《詩‧大雅‧蕩》) (5)雖+謂語+亦…… 誰謂女無家?何以速我訟?雖速我訟,亦不女從。(《詩‧周南‧行露》)