2020/10/20 — The Japanese government has reportedly decided to pump highly radioactive cooling water from the Fukushima plant into the Pacific Ocean. The plan has been slammed by environmental groups, locals and neighboring ...
其中"除役":71 billion,即710億美金
Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings (TEPCO) is struggling to decommission the four damaged reactors, and the Japanese government has doubled the cost estimates for the cleanup of the disaster-affected Fukushima area to $195 billion (22 trillion yen), $71 billion (8 trillion yen) of which is slated for decommissioning ...2019/09/06
Fukushima Nuclear Clean-up May rise to Several Billion Dollars a Year : Government (10/25/2016 REUTERS 路透社) by Kentaro Hamada and Osamu Tsukimori / Tokyo 日本政府在星期二(10/25)公開宣布2011年發生核災的福島一號核電廠的善後清理費用可能會增加到每一年要花費好幾十億美金的規模,並且宣稱日本政府正在評估將核電部門從東京電力公司單獨分拆開來的可行性。 這個分拆東電核電部門另外成立一個單獨的子公司的可能方案,其目的是要方便將來把核電部門轉售出去或是與其他公司合併的選項預留空間。 根據多位知情的政府官員透露,星期二在福島核災善後專案小組的討論中,這樣分拆東電的構想,其實也跟東電公司內部持續在討論的以任何可能的方式來挽救公司的大方向是一致。 在一份日本經濟產業省為這次福島核災善後經費評估專門小組會議所準備的資料中指出,當核災善後工作人員開始進行從福島一號核電廠受損的三座反應爐中取出燃料束殘骸的時候,福島一號的除役費用將會從目前每年接近8億美元除役費用的水準大幅攀升。這個福島核災善後規劃的專案小組被賦予幫忙東電釐清一個實際可行的福島核災善後費用財務規劃的任務。 這個專案小組除了正在執行解決不斷飆漲的核災善後費用的問題之外,也著手研究將東京電力公司拆解重組的各種可行性,自從2011年311東日本強烈地震引發的大海嘯摧毀福島一號核電廠多個反應爐造成世紀性核災之後,東京電力公司就等同被日本政府實質接管了。 “將現有東電核電事業與其他日本的核電廠合併重組成為一個新的核電專門營運公司是其中一個可能的選項。” 負責主管電力和瓦斯等公用事業的日本經濟產業大臣世耕弘成(Yojiro Hatakeyama)對記者如此表示。 但是專家們表示,任何試圖將核電經營權拆解再重組的舉動都將面臨日本現有其他核電廠經營者的強烈反抗。
COVID-19 Map - Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center coronavirus.jhu.edu › map This website and its contents herein, including all data, mapping, and analysis are copyright 2020 Johns Hopkins University, all rights reserved. When linking to the website, attribute the Website as the "COVID-19 Dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University"
U.S. Map Johns Hopkins U.S. County Level COVID-19 Tracking Map.
World Map FAQ Frequently asked questions regarding the COVID-19 Map by ...
A COVID-19 dashboard is available providing up to date data from around the world。Showing the latest stats and information related to COVID-19。Official info on COVID-19。
■ More than 70,450 new coronavirus cases were reported in the U.S. on Friday, the highest figure since July 24, according to a Times database, and the global seven-day average of new cases is hovering near 350,000.
1 日前 — China and Covid-19: what went wrong in Wuhan? The first days and weeks of the pandemic were crucial. So why was no action taken? Through a six-month investigation in the city, the FT has uncovered the answers.
A lawyer working at a cafe in Wausau, Wisc., kept his mask on. Gabriela Bhaskar for The New York Times
In parts of the world where the coronavirus is surging again, the outbreaks and a rising sense of apathy are colliding, a dangerous combination that could worsen what health officials fear could be a devastating new wave.
Pandemic fatigue is especially stark in the U.S. and setting off alarms in Europe. “Things are different now,” said an American psychologist who studies stress. “Fear has really been replaced with fatigue.”
Japan's Zipair starts Tokyo-Seoul flights NHK WORLD Zipair Tokyo started passenger flights twice a week between Narita Airport and Incheon near Seoul on Friday. It follows Japan's easing earlier this month ...
The streets of Paris and eight other French cities were deserted on Saturday night as a new 21:00 to 06:00 curfew came into force.隨著新的21:00至06:00的宵禁生效,巴黎和其他八個法國城市的街道在周六晚上荒廢了。
■ The Chinese disease control agency said the coronavirus had survived on packages of imported frozen cod, fueling an outbreak in Qingdao, in eastern China, though many scientists say the likelihood of catching the virus from packaged frozen food is very low.
Serum Institute of India and Bharat Biotech are expected to pursue late stage clinical trials of intranasal COVID-19 vaccines in the coming months once they receive regulatory approval, Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan said on Sunday.
‘We will build back better from the Covid crisis’: Jacinda Ardern’s landslide win
New Zealand’s prime minister and her Labour Party coasted to victory in national elections, riding a wave of support for her response to the coronavirus. Ms. Ardern has now cemented her position as New Zealand’s most popular prime minister in generations, if not ever.
The 40 year-old politician has become a global standard-bearer for a progressive politics that defines itself as compassionate and competent in crisis. “We will govern as we campaigned: positively,” Ms. Ardern said in her acceptance speech on Saturday night. “We will build back better from the Covid crisis. This is our opportunity.”
Political rebalancing: Ms. Ardern’s first term was marked by a partnership with the populist, center-right New Zealand First Party. Now Labour will be able to govern on its own, giving her more leeway to move left. The core decision that Ms. Ardern faces is how far to push.
Details: With more than 95.5 percent of the vote counted, Labour had secured 49 percent, with the National Party at 27 percent. Labour was expected to win 64 of the 120 seats in Parliament, with 35 expected to go to the National Party. It is the best result for Labour in 50 years. ‘我們將在Covid危機中更好地重建’:Jacinda Ardern的壓倒性勝利 新西蘭總理和工黨在全國大選中獲勝,並為她對冠狀病毒的應對提供了支持。阿德恩(Ardern)女士現在已經鞏固了她作為幾代人以來新西蘭最受歡迎的總理的地位。 這位40歲的政治家已成為進步政治的全球標杆,該政治將自己定義為富有同情心和在危機中勝任的能力。 “我們將在競選活動中執政:積極”,阿德恩女士在周六晚上的致辭中說。 “我們將從Covid危機中更好地重建。這是我們的機會。” 政治再平衡:阿登女士的第一個任期以與民粹主義者,中右翼的新西蘭第一黨建立夥伴關係為標誌。現在,工黨將能夠自行執政,這給了她更多的迴旋餘地。阿登女士面臨的核心決定是要推進多遠。 詳細信息:工黨獲得了超過95.5%的選票,獲得了49%的選票,國民黨獲得了27%的選票。預計工黨將贏得議會120個席位中的64個席位,其中35個席位將進入國民黨。這是工黨五十年來最好的成績。