2011年2月10日 星期四

The Canonist Doctrine/蒿目時艱

胡適1913/10/9 日記用"蒿目/蒿目時艱

同日 稱對 The Canonist Doctrine 甚有所得 不過他沒想到以後日記要給人看 所以沒解釋一下 可惜
或許了解教會在昔日同政體一樣大 所以要講究其組織法/憲法和其他關係法

canonist :教會法學家;教律學家。

Canon law was the law of the universal church and from the 4th cent. became a complete legal system, taking much inspiration from the civil (Roman) law. All European countries accepted the authority of canon law and the conflict between church and state in many countries, and in England notably between Henry II and Thomas Becket, arose from disputes over the boundaries between canon law and domestic law in matters such as advowsons (the right to present to a clergy living), criminous clerks, or other jurisdictional disputes.

