2011年2月25日 星期五

Anna Karenina


胡適留學日記(上) - 圖書基本資料

卷五民國三年[1914]七月七日至八月十日一、《自殺篇》 .... 七、盛名非偶然可得八、思遷居九、再記木爾門教派一○、讀托爾斯泰《安娜傳》 ...

 一○、讀托爾斯泰《安娜傳》(七月十日)   連日讀托爾斯泰(Lyof N. Tolstoi)所著小說《安娜傳》(Anna Karenina)。此書為托氏名著。其書結構頗似《石頭記》,布局命意都有相似處,惟《石頭記》稍不如此書之逼真耳。《安娜傳》甚不易讀;其所寫皆家庭 及社會纖細瑣事,至千二百頁之多,非有耐心,不能終卷。此書寫俄國貴族社會之淫奢無恥,可謂鑄鼎照奸。書中主人李問(Levin),蓋托氏自寫生也。其人 由疑而復歸於信仰。一日聞一田夫之言,忽大解悟,知前此種種思慮疑問都歸無用,天國不遠,即在心中,何必外求?此托氏之宗教哲學也。其說亦有不完處,他日 當詳論之。  托氏寫人物之長處類似莎士比亞,其人物如安娜,如李問夫婦,如 安娜之夫,皆亦善亦惡,可褒可貶。正如莎氏之漢姆勒特王子,李耳王,倭色羅諸人物,皆非完人也。迭更司寫生,褒之欲超之九天,貶之欲墜諸深淵:此一法也。 薩克雷(Thackeray)寫生則不然,其書中人物無一完全之好人,亦無一不可救藥之惡人,如Vanity Fair中之Rebecca Sharp諸人:此又一法也。以經歷實際證之,吾從其後者,托氏亦主張此法者也。  

“Well, my theory is this: war, on the one hand, is such a terrible, such an atrocious thing that no man, at least no Christian man has the right to assume the responsibility of beginning it; but it belongs to government alone, when it become inevitable. On the other hand, both in law and in common sense, where there are state questions, and above all in matters concerning war, private citizens have no right to use their own wills.”(Vol. III, P. 381)

   “Suppose you were walking in the street, and saw a drunken man beating a woman or a child. I think you would not stop to ask whether war had been declared on such a man before you attacked him and protected the object of his fury.  
   “No; but I should not kill him.” “Yes, you might even kill.” “I don’t know. If I saw such a sight, I might yield to the immediate feeling. I cannot tell how it would be. But in oppression of the Slavs, there is not, and cannot be, such a powerful motive.”  則托氏此時尚持兩端也。   (第二冊,頁148-150)

-----我們 hc 2005
Source: "You're encroaching on Princess Myakaya's special domain now. That's the question of an enfant terrible," and Betsy obviously tried to restrain herself, but could not, and went off into peals of that infectious laughter that people laugh who do not laugh often. "You'd better ask them," she brought out, between tears of laughter.

「◎舊俄小說中有不少法語,這應該有人研究過。我好奇rl所引的Leo Tolstoy: « Anna Karenina » Part 3, Chapter 17是否原文即用enfant terrible?如果不然,俄語的原語言可有意思…..
Anna Karenina (AN-uh kuh-REN-uh-nuh)
(1873-1876) A novel by Leo Tolstoy; the title character enters a tragic adulterous affair and commits suicide by throwing herself under a train.
• Anna Karenina begins with the famous sentence "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."

Widely regarded as a pinnacle in realist fiction, Tolstoy considered this book his first true novel. Dostoevsky, Tolstoy's contemporary, in reviewing the book, declared it to be "flawless as a work of art"….
Trivia (翻譯者發大財(hc看過紐約時報的報導,因為此書成為公共領域東西,新的英文版翻譯者則有其翻譯版權…..))……
The novel became a best-seller in the United States 2004 after a recommendation by TV personality Oprah Winfrey.

