2021年5月29日 星期六

韋慕庭(Clarence Martin Wilbur,1908年-1997年)。胡適之先生日記:1956年6月16日:Prof. Martin Wilbur介紹 Iwao Ayusawa (鮎沢 巌, Ayusawa Iwao),了解日本有479個大學........大學標準的維持,全靠一個大學立案審查委員會 (The Charting Committee).

C. Martin Wilbur - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › C._...

C. Martin Wilbur ... Clarence Martin Wilbur (1908–1997) was the George Sansom Professor of Chinese History at Columbia University from 1947 to 1976. Biography[edit].

Major publications[edit]

  • Berthold Laufer, C. Martin Wilbur, The American Plant Migration (Chicago, 1938. Anthropological Series. Field Museum of Natural History, V. 28, No. 1 Publication 418). ISBN 978-0-527-01888-7.
  • C. Martin Wilbur, Slavery in China During the Former Han Dynasty, 206 B.C.-A.D. 25 ([Chicago, 1943. Field Museum of Natural History. Publication, 525). 490p. OCLC 615419001; reprinted, New York: Russell & Russell, 1967 OCLC 2118215.
  • C. Martin Wilbur, Sun Yat-Sen, Frustrated Patriot, Columbia University Press (1976) ISBN 978-0-231-04036-5.
  • C. Martin Wilbur, The Nationalist Revolution in China, 1923–1928 (Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1984). ISBN 978-0-521-31864-8. First published 1983 as chapter 11 of John K. Fairbank, ed., The Cambridge History of China, volume 12.
  • C. Martin Wilbur and Julie Lien-ying How, Missionaries of Revolution: Soviet Advisers and Nationalist China, 1920–1927, Harvard University Press (1989) ISBN 978-0-674-57652-0
  • China in My Life: An Historian's Own History, (edited by Anita M. O'Brien) M.E. Sharpe (1996) ISBN 978-1-56324-763-7


韋慕庭(Clarence Martin Wilbur,1908年-1997年),美國歷史學家。




1960年,韋慕庭聽說哥大在整理圖書館檔案時發現一篇1924年的碩士論文,名字叫《The communist movement in China》,作者是Ch'en Kung-Po,即陳公博。碩士論文《中國的共產主義運動》兩份英文附件分別是《中國共產黨的第一個綱領》和《中國共產黨關於黨的目標的第一個決議案》。1921年中共一大會議被法租界巡捕打斷後,陳公博沒參與南湖上的最後一天會議,但是最後定稿的《綱領》和《決議》被陳公博帶了一份遞交給未能參會的陳獨秀了。陳獨秀決定先不發表,於是這份文件就這樣留在陳公博手裡了。1923年赴美留學,在美國寫碩士論文剛好用上[1]


  • 《孫中山:壯志未酬的愛國者》(Sun Yat-Sen: Frustrated Patriot)
  • 《中國的鄉村政府》(Village Government in China,1934)
  • 《前漢時代中國的奴隸制》(Slavery in China during the Former Han Dynasty,1943)
  • 《中國國民革命(1923-1928)》(The Nationalist Revolution in China,1923-1928,1984)
  • 《我生命中的中國:一個歷史學家自己的歷史》(China in My Life: An Historian's Own History,1996)
  • 《關於共產主義、民族主義及在華蘇聯顧問的文件(1918-1927):1927年北京警察局搜獲的俄國使館密件》(Documents on communism, nationalism, and Soviet advisers in China, 1918-1927: Papers seized in the 1927 Peking raid,1956)(與夏連蔭(Julie Lien-ying How)合編)

周陽山在1982年訪談過Martin Wilbur
《 中國研究五十年---韋慕庭教授訪談錄,收入其現代文明的隱者 》,台北:三民,1994, 213~222

胡適之先生日記:1956年6月16日:Prof. Martin Wilbur介紹  Iwao  Ayusawa (鮎沢 巌, Ayusawa Iwao),了解日本有479個大學........大學標準的維持,全靠一個大學立案審查委員會 (The Charting Committee).

Prof. Martin Wilbur 介紹鮎沢 岩(sic 原為巌).....
 Iwao  Ayusawa 先生說,先前與胡適見面兩次: 1931杭州 1954 東京駐日大使館。

大學標準的維持,全靠一個大學立案審查委員會 (The Charting Committee)。它油文部省聘任,但完全自由獨立。

Martin Wilbur (1907–1997) was the George Sansom Professor of Chinese History at Columbia University from 1947 to 1976. Born in Dayton, Ohio, Wilbur went

胡适研究通讯 - 中央研究院近代史研究所

基督教大学”教授鲇泽岩sic(Iwao Aynsawa)吃饭。 按:“Iwao Aynsawa”,当作“Iwao Ayusawa”。日记手稿不误② 。

Iwao Ayusawa - Wikipedia

Iwao Frederick Ayusawa (鮎沢 巌, Ayusawa Iwao) (October 15, 1894 – November 30, 1972) was a diplomat and international authority on social and labor issues. 

Contents. [hide]. 1 Career; 2 Faith; 3 Family; 4 Publications; 5 References ...


In 1911 he went to Hawaii as a recipient of the Friend Peace Scholarship. He graduated from Haverford Collegein 1917, and then attended Columbia University, from which he graduated in 1920. He served as the Japanesedelegate to the International Labour Organization in Geneva, Switzerland, and as Director of the Tokyo branch of the ILO until 1939. He joined the staff of the International Christian University in 1952. In 1956, he received an honorary degree from Haverford College. He published several books and articles, including A History of Labor in Modern Japan in 1966. His papers are held by the library of Haverford College.[1]


  • International labor legislation, New York, 1920
  • Industrial conditions and labour legislation in Japan, Geneva : International Labour Office, 1926
  • A History of Labor in Modern Japan, Honolulu, East-West Center Press, 1966
  • International Labor Legislation. Clark, N.J.: Lawbook Exchange, 2005. ISBN 1-58477-461-4.


2021年5月25日 星期二

中央大學 (1927‒1949,後改為東南大學);羅家倫;中央大學大禮堂 1931


Southeast University
老校名南京高等師範學校、 國立東南大學國立中央大學南京工學院
校訓誠樸求實 止於至善
校址 中華人民共和國江蘇省南京市

32°3′21.5316″N 118°47′39.156″E座標32°3′21.5316″N 118°47′39.156″E
總面積5888 (3.93平方千米)





Auditorium of Southeast University
National Central University Mengfang Library

2021年5月22日 星期六

康乃爾大學 finger lake區《胡適留學日記》中的諸多寶貝;校景

Leading civic and business leaders of Ithaca, New York greet the 1909 Shibusawa Delegation, along with representatives of the U.S. government.
The 1909 Baron Shibusawa delegation is welcomed by the City of Ithaca, New York.


梁實秋先生在憶新月的文章說,胡適之先生能寫出這樣的"留學日記",是很少人做得到的。誠然,近日讀我1987年3月3日 (34歲?)在日本寫的數行,還有ECR等忘記的詞.....梁先生當時無緣見胡先生日記的全貌....
胡先生偶而只記一行,如1914年: 二一、山谷詩名句(五月)偶翻山谷詩,見「心猶未死醉中物,春不能朱鏡裡顏」頗喜之。....

來到finger lake區第一個景點,Letchworth state park,園區遼闊分享有up,middle,down三處瀑布,我們一一造訪玩賞,天氣晴朗,氣溫偏高,屬於乾爽型態,一路走來仍難免揮汗。不過,飽覽美景,不虛此行。

早上的buttermilk falls缺水,下午前往同屬Cayugo lake畔的Robert H Treman state park,又是另人耳目一新,心曠神怡的景點。沿trail路徑行走,既促進心肺功能,又有溪流天籟配樂,樹蔭生風輕輕拂面,美景常映眼瞼,幸福呀~

2021年5月17日 星期一

Claude Monet (1840~ 1926.12.5) 過世,胡適旅英,日記有剪報


Famous French Artists

1. Claude Monet

Impression Sunrise

Claude Monet is arguably the most famous French artist of all time. His waterlilies are famous throughout the world and are studied in elementary schools globally.

Claude Monet was born in 1840 and passed away in 1926. He is best known as the founder of the impressionism movement. Furthermore, Claude Monet was the driving force behind this revolution in the world of art.

He was also the most consistent practitioner of the movement. The name is actually taken from a work he completed which was titled Impressionism, Sunrise which is often referred to as one of the most famous French paintings ever produced.

Claude Monet was known as a master of light. He had the ability to paint the same subject over and over again yet creating a completely different work of art because of his skills.

He is universally acknowledged as the best impressionist artists and his work is held as the standard that all others are judged by.

Claude Monet is best known for his series of water lilies, which he painted between 1896 and 1926. He also published series that explored smoke, steam, rain, and mist. His prolific collection contains around 250 works.

Monet 1926.12.5 過世,胡適旅英,12.6日記有剪報

Oscar-Claude Monet was a founder of French Impressionist painting, and the most consistent and prolific practitioner of the movement's philosophy of expressing one's perceptions before nature, especially as applied to plein-air landscape painting.Wikipedia
DiedDecember 5, 1926, Giverny, France
SpouseAlice Hoschedé (m. 1892–1911), Camille Doncieux (m. 1870–1879)

Everyone discusses my art and pretends to understand, as if it were necessary to understand, when it is simply necessary to love.
I perhaps owe having become a painter to flowers.
The richness I achieve comes from Nature, the source of my inspiration.

The groundbreaking “Monet: The Early Years” is the first exhibition ever devoted to the young genius of Claude Monet. See it at the Kimbell Art Museum from October 16, 2016, to January 29, 2017. #KimbellMonet

Monet: The Early Years
This groundbreaking exhibition is the first ever devoted to the young genius of Claude Monet. See it at the Kimbell Art Museum from October 16, 2016 to Janua...


Photo of Claude Monet in his studio in Giverny, 1923


1926年的今天,著名画家莫奈去世。 Theresa Bonney/The New York Times

《纽约时报》当时的标题简洁平实:《克劳德·莫奈去世:著名画家》(Claude Monet dies; famous painter)



他在1870年代帮助建立的印象派运动的名称来源于《印象:日出》(Impression, Sunrise),这是他描绘法国勒阿弗尔港口画作的名称。印象派这个称呼是一名评论人为了嘲讽而造出的,后来被莫奈及其他印象派画家所使用,其中包括皮埃尔-奥古斯特·雷诺阿(Pierre-Auguste Renoir)卡米耶·毕沙罗(Camille Pissarro)



“Radiant inspiration to the very end” – The Wall Street Journal, 2019
Claude Monet in his studio at Giverny in 1920.
Exhibition opens Sunday, June 16. Book your tickets now.

Kimbell Art Museum

Claude Monet (French, 1840–1926) | The Bodmer Oak, Fontainebleau Forest | 1865

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

"Public Parks, Private Gardens: Paris to Provence" presents 19th century artists who celebrated the out-of-doors as a place of leisure, renewal, and inspiration during an era when France played host to innovative movements – both artistic and green. https://met.org/2spWuUM
Claude Monet (French, 1840–1926) | The Bodmer Oak, Fontainebleau Forest | 1865