2012年6月26日 星期二

Burritt, Elihu, 博學鐵匠巴立特

胡適"博學鐵匠巴立特 (The Learned Blacksmith ) " (1913年 10月8日 日記) 的要點
不過胡適說他生於1811  錯誤

竟然幾乎與 "哥倫比亞百科" (1946/1/25 哥倫比亞大學某班學生合送胡適) 中的條目不相上下:
Burritt, Elihu, 1810-79, American reformer, b. New Britain, Conn. A blacksmith, he studied mathematics, languages, and geography and became known as "the learned blacksmith." Profoundly idealistic, he supported many reform causes-antislavery, temperance, and self-education-and he pleaded for them when he edited (1844-51) the weekly Christian Citizen at Worcester, Mass. Most of all, however, he worked to promote world peace, organizing world peace congresses. Burritt argued for cheaper international postal rates and greater intellectual exchange among nations. Among his much-read books were Sparks from the Anvil (1846) and Ten Minute Talks (1873).

External links

  • Walking with Elihu, poems on Elihu Burritt, the Learned Blacksmith by Taylor Graham on Amazon.com
See M. Curti, ed., The Learned Blacksmith (his letters and journals, 1937, repr. 1973); biography by P. Tolis (1968).

