2022年1月15日 星期六

1944年12月7日哈佛大學: HU SPEAKS ON CHINA PUZZLE Communist Faction Lagging Claims Former Ambassador


1944年度只刪9月的一行:"九月起,先生應哈佛大學之聘。 (趙元任1968.4.15復編者的信)"


中國的戰爭問題是一個在科學與技術上毫無準備的國家,對上軍事產業都是一流的日本。這一問題在起初的七年半都沒改變。直到過去3年中國取得西方的援助,才有所改變。日本更是打從一開始就全心讓中國無法取得西方的援助。 (我的簡略翻譯)
哈佛大學的刊物The Harvard Crimson 隔天即有所報導:對老美而言,中國內部的共產黨抗日說法和史迪威將軍與蔣介石失和的故事,都是老外很有興趣的。此文可了解胡適認為共產黨的抗日論是誇大的,不實的.....史迪威將軍事件,外人都還不清楚。


Communist Faction Lagging Claims Former Ambassador

Hu Shih, professor of Chinese Thought, addressed a group of 50 in the Lowell House Junior Common Room Wednesday night, in a speech sponsored by the International Club, the Harvard Liberal Union, and the Postwar Council.
Admitting the power of the Communist Party in China, and its threat to the Chungking Government, he asserted that the Communists' fight against Japan was not all that it should have been. "How could the Japs," he asked, "have made such great gains in China if the Communist armies had done all that they claim to have done?"
Professor Hu based the ability of China to withstand the ravages of war for almost eight years on four main factors. These are China's vast superiority to Japan in quantity of land and manpower, its intense national patriotism, and its firm belief that the forces of good must eventually overcome those of evil.
On the question of General Stilwell's return, Professor Hu pleaded ignorance, adding that the few who knew couldn't say. He closed his address by pointing out that China's need for aid was greater than ever and urged even closer Chinese-American relations.


China in Stalin's Grand Strategy By Hu Shih, October 1950 Issue
American aid and arms for the Communists in China never materialized. Even President Roosevelt's attempt in 1944 to place General Joseph W. Stilwell in command, under Chiang Kai-shek, of all Chinese forces, "including the Communist forces," did not succeed. The President had said to Chiang Kai-shek: "When the enemy is pressing us toward possible disaster, it appears unsound to reject the aid of anyone who will kill Japanese." But Chiang Kai-shek was opposed to it. His position was supported by the American Ambassador, Patrick J. Hurley. So General Stilwell was recalled. The Chinese Red Army remained poorly armed and ill-equipped. It remained a guerrilla force of great mobility and skill, but as late as the last year of the war, it had not attained the stature of an established army that could face the Japanese enemy or the Government forces in open battles.

