2022年2月6日 星期日

"Government for the People: Troubling Legacies of the Confucian Statecraft Tradition" was the title of The 2021-2022 Hu Shih Distinguished Lecture given by Tim Brook of the University of British Columbia.


最愛 3小時 
Timothy Brook,卜正民在康奈爾大學胡適纪念講座的演講
前面韓籍的女教授SuYoung Son 大概花了10分鐘介紹卜正民的主要工作
Hanching Chung
演講正標題沒翻譯 中國學界異議份子
國 state/country

"Government for the People: Troubling Legacies of the Confucian Statecraft Tradition" was the title of The 2021-2022 Hu Shih Distinguished Lecture given by Tim Brook of the University of British Columbia.
Americans are familiar with Lincoln’s “of the people, by the people, for the people,” just as the Chinese are familiar with Sun Yatsen’s “three principles of the people.” They are parallel discourses of government, but rise from different traditions and anticipate different outcomes. On the Chinese tradition of government for the people, no one writes more clearly than Qiu Jun (1421-1495), chancellor of the National Academy and compiler of the authoritative handbook of state administration. Caught between the models of Great State ambition and Confucian self-cultivation, Qiu put Confucian philosophy to work so that the state acted for the people—but not of them or by them. If he deserves our notice, it is because even today his vision shapes Chinese perceptions of good government in ways that surprise and trouble.

最愛 7小時 

卜正民 我的興趣是研究芸芸眾生丨一種關注_南方人物週刊 - 微文庫
卜正民 我的興趣是研究芸芸眾生丨一種關注_南方人物週刊 - 微文庫


  • Geographical Sources of Ming-Qing History. Ann Arbor: Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan, 1988. Second expanded edition, 2002.
  • Quelling the People: The Military Suppression of the Beijing Democracy Movement. New York: Oxford University Press, Toronto: Lester Publishing, 1992; Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1998.[10][11][12][13][14]
  • Praying for Power: Buddhism and the Formation of Gentry Society in Late-Ming China. Cambridge: Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University, 1993.[15][16][17][18]
  • (中文) 《為權力祈禱︰佛教與晚明中國士紳社會的形成》,南京:江蘇人民出版,2005
  • The Confusions of Pleasure: Commerce and Culture in Ming China. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998.[19]
  • (捷克文) Čtvero ročních dob dynastie Ming: Čína v období 1368-1644. Prague: Vyšehrad, 2003.
  • (中文) 《縱樂的困惑:明代的商業與文化》,北京市,三聯書店,2004年。縱樂的困惑─明朝的商業與文化,臺北: 聯經, 2004
  • (韓文) K'waerak ǔi hondon: Chungguk Myǒngdaeǔi sangǒp kwa munhwa. Seoul: Yeesan, 2005.
  • (中文) 《通敵:二戰中國的日本特務與地方菁英》,臺北:遠流出版社,7.2015。《秩序的淪陷——抗戰初期的江南五城》,北京:商務印書館,10.2015
  • The Chinese State in Ming Society. London: Routledge Curzon, 2005.[25][26]
  • (中文) 《明代的社會與國家》,黃山書社,2009。北京:商務印書館,11.2014
  • Vermeer's Hat: The Seventeenth Century and the Dawn of the Global World. New York: Bloomsbury; Toronto: Penguin; London: Profile, 2008.[3][4]
  • (法文) Le chapeau de Vermeer : Le XVIIe siècle à l'aube de la mondialisation. France: Payot, 2010.
  • (中文) 《維梅爾的帽子:從一幅畫看十七世紀全球貿易》,臺北: 遠流,2009;《維梅爾的帽子~從一幅畫看全球化貿易的興起》,北京:文匯,2010
  • Death by a Thousand Cuts, with Jérôme Bourgon and Gregory Blue. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2008.[27][28]
  • (中文) 《殺千刀~ 中西視野下的凌遲處死》,北京,商務印書館,2013
  • The Troubled Empire: China in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2010; Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, 2013.[29][30][31]

(中文) 《掙扎的帝國:氣候、經濟、社會與探源南海的元明史》,臺北:麥田出版社,4.2016

  • Mr Selden's Map of China: The spice trade, a lost chart & the South China Sea, Profile Books, 9.2013

(中文) 《塞爾登先生的中國地圖:香料貿易、佚失的海圖與南中國海》,臺北:聯經出版社,9.2015;《塞爾登的中國地圖:重返東方大航海時代》,北京;中信出版社,9,2015

(中文) 《哈佛中國史 (全六冊)》,擔任本書主編,並撰寫第五卷:《掙扎的帝國:元與明》(即《掙扎的帝國:氣候、經濟、社會與探源南海的元明史》),北京;中信出版社,10,2016。原書名:History of Imperial China,哈佛大學出版,2009--2013。

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』



ティモシー・ブルック(Timothy James Brook、1951年1月6日-)は、カナダの歴史学者、中国学者。ブリティッシュコロンビア大学教授。専門は、明朝の社会文化史。



  • Quelling the people: the military suppression of the Beijing democracy movement, Oxford University Press, 1992.
  • Praying for power: Buddhism and the formation of gentry society in late-Ming China, Harvard University Press, 1993.
  • The confusions of pleasure: commerce and culture in Ming China, University of California Press, 1998.
  • The Chinese state in Ming society, RoutledgeCurzo , 2005.
  • Collaboration: Japanese agents and local elites in wartime China, Harvard University Press, 2005.
  • Vermeer's hat: the seventeenth century and the dawn of the global world, Profile, 2008.
フェルメールの帽子 - 作品から読み解くグローバル化の夜明け英語版』、本野英一訳、岩波書店、2014年
  • The troubled empire: China in the Yuan and Ming dynasties, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2010.
  • Mr Selden's map of China: the spice trade, a lost chart and the South China Sea, Profile, 2013.


  • Death by a thousand cuts, Timothy Brook, Jérôme Bourgon, Gregory Blue, Harvard University Press, 2008.


  • The Asiatic mode of production in China, edited by Timothy Brook. M.E. Sharpe, 1989.
  • Culture and economy: the shaping of capitalism in Eastern Asia, edited by Timothy Brook and Hy V. Luong, University of Michigan Press, 1997.
  • Civil society in China, edited by Timothy Brook and B. Michael Frolic, M.E. Sharpe, 1997.
  • China and capitalism: genealogies of sinological knowledge, edited by Timothy Brook and Gregory Blue, Cambridge University Press, 1999.
  • Documents on the rape of Nanking, edited by Timothy Brook, University of Michigan Press, 1999.
  • Nation work: Asian elites and national identities, edited by Timothy Brook and Andre Schmid, University of Michigan Press, 2000.
  • Opium regimes: China, Britain, and Japan, 1839-1952, edited by Timothy Brook and Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi, University of California Press, 2000.

