2020年8月8日 星期六


用"胡適 旗袍"google搜索,多是八卦:胡適與穿旗袍的吳健雄對胡的傾慕......

下張海報 的模特兒穿旗袍。旗袍在20年代起流行中上階層;中共建國後禁旗袍;台灣在20世紀或2020年代,都還可以找到作旗袍的師傅 (雖然很少了)。前幾年我的朋友溫肇東教授將他母親留下的約20件旗袍"送"?"捐"?輔仁大學的織品研究所代管?

英文的Infant formula 資料相對豐富,應該參考,

Advertising poster for Lactogen Collection A. Depigny infant formula
It was Henri Nestlé who introduced powdered milk to China in 1920. It met with great success with women from the well-to-do classes, who were concerned about emancipation and innovations.
The young woman, chosen for the advertisement, wears the quipao, a tight, slit dress with a split collar.
This feminine garment, fashionable in the 1920s and 30s, in Shanghai, combined tradition and modernity in a city which, with the presence of foreign concessions, was sensitive to the progress of the West.
The Communist Party, which took power a few years later, banned this garment, which he said was synonymous with Western decadence.
Poster presented in the “Double Happiness” exhibition at the Museum of African and Asian Arts, Vichy musee-aaa.com/?page_id=1772
Through the story of a marriage in the midst of the Han or Manchu elite, “Double Happiness” tells the story of the place of women in China, from the 18th century to today.
Extract from the museum website

