2020年8月30日 星期日

1933年羅家倫、 H. G. WELLS 預測第二次世界大戰爆發的必然性;1933年倫敦經濟會議無法取得協議

However, the British economist John Maynard Keynes hailed Roosevelt's decision as "magnificently right" and the US economist Irving Fisher wrote to Roosevelt that the message "makes me the happiest of men." 及H. G. Wells in his 1933 book The Shape of Things to Come gives a detailed description of the conference, making fun of the various participants' ineptness and incompetence but also expressing the writer's poignant disappointment with their failure and its likely dire consequences. This is expressed in the title given by Wells to the relevant chapter: "The London Conference: the Crowning Failure of the Old Governments; The Spread of Dictatorships and Fascisms". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_Economic_Conference

參考:但是,英國經濟學家約翰·梅納德·凱恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)稱讚羅斯福的決定“非常正確”,而美國經濟學家歐文·費舍爾(Irving Fisher)給羅斯福寫信說,這一信息“使我成為最幸福的男人”。 及

H. G.威爾斯(H. G. Wells)在其1933年出版的《即將到來的國際事物的形狀》(The Shape of Things to Come)中對會議進行了詳細的描述,取笑了各種參與者的無能和無能,但也表達了作者對會議失敗和可能帶來的可怕後果的強烈失望。 威爾斯在該書有關章節的標題中表達了這一點:“倫敦會議:諸國舊政府的最嚴重失敗;獨裁統治和法西斯主義的蔓延”。

1933年6月12日至7月27日,倫敦經濟會議是66個國家的代表在倫敦地質博物館舉行的會議。 其目的是就抗擊大蕭條,恢復國際貿易和穩定貨幣匯率的措等取得協議。

可在美國總統富蘭克林·羅斯福(Franklin D. Roosevelt)在7月初"魚雷式突擊"---她譴責不應將美國與英法貨幣的匯率固定定之後就崩潰了。

The London Economic Conference was a meeting of representatives of 66 nations from June 12 to July 27, 1933 at the Geological Museum in London. Its purpose was to win agreement on measures to fight the Great Depression, revive international trade, and stabilize currency exchange rates.
It collapsed after it was "torpedoed" by US President Franklin D. Roosevelt in early July when he denounced currency stabilization.

It Must Not Fail - Cuts (1933)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7DIqrv0PUk


1933年他在政校講「太平洋戰爭與中國前途」時,更詳細地分析了第二次世界大戰爆發的必然性,並預測「總 ...

胡適與羅家倫 - 胡適紀念館

