2012年5月27日 星期日

羅素夫婦 Bertrand Arthur Russell , Dora Winifred Russell

本文 "羅素夫婦"指:
Bertrand Arthur Russell (1872-1970)羅素
Dora Winifred Russell (1894-1986)羅素夫人 (婚姻1921-1932 生一男一女 正式離婚1935)
他們(未婚)一起造訪中國 1920.9?-1921.6?  
夫婦1927一起 創校 Beacon Hill School (Telegraph House) 1932年之後由Dora 負責1943結束(多次遷校)  1932 Dora 出版 Defense of Children  我讀此校經驗似乎在 羅素的論教育一書
徐志摩後來訪問他們於Cornwall (1962年Dora 回去此地)

In August 1920 Russell travelled to Russia as part of an official delegation sent by the British government to investigate the effects of the Russian Revolution.[36] He met Vladimir Lenin and had an hour-long conversation with him. In his autobiography, he mentions that he found Lenin rather disappointing, sensing an "impish cruelty" in him and comparing him to "an opinionated professor". He cruised down the Volga on a steamship. Russell's lover, Dora Black, visited Russia independently at the same time—she was enthusiastic about the revolution, but Russell's experiences destroyed his previous tentative support for it. He wrote a book The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism[37] about his experiences on this trip, taken with a group of 24 others from Britain, all of whom came home thinking well of the regime, despite Russell's attempts to change their minds. For example, he told them that he heard shots fired in the middle of the night and was sure these were clandestine executions, but the others maintained that it was only cars backfiring.
Russell subsequently lectured in Beijing on philosophy for one year, accompanied by Dora. He went there with optimism and hope, as China was then on a new path. Other scholars present in China at the time included Rabindranath Tagore, the Nobel laureate Indian poet.[11] While in China, Russell became gravely ill with pneumonia, and incorrect reports of his death were published in the Japanese press.[38] When the couple visited Japan on their return journey, Dora notified the world that "Mr. Bertrand Russell, having died according to the Japanese press, is unable to give interviews to Japanese journalists." The press, not appreciating the sarcasm, were not amused.[39]
Dora was six months pregnant when the couple returned to England on 26 August 1921.

余英時以《日記》中保存的一篇羅素書評為證。 1923年著名哲學家羅素為美國著名雜誌Nation寫了《先秦名學史》(胡適著)​​的評論,開始便說:“對於想掌握中國思想的歐洲讀者而言,這本書完全是一個新的開端。歐洲人很難同時是第一流的漢學家,又是合格的(competent)哲學家,這是不足驚異的。……胡適博士對西方哲學的精熟好像是一個歐洲人,英文寫作之佳則和多數美國的教授沒有分別,至於翻譯古代中國文本的確實可靠,我想任何外國人都很難趕得上。”可見在羅素眼中,胡適的西方哲學至少是“合格的”。胡適生前從來沒有向任何人提起過羅素的書評。如果不是他把這篇文字附收在《日記》中,這件事便將根本埋沒了。 (《東方早報》供稿記者陳佳) 
胡適日记全集, 第 1 卷 1906-1914

