2012年5月3日 星期四

李定一 Paul Monroe "A cyclopedia of education"

 胡適日記全集 7: 1934-1939 p.451
1937.10.19  到紐約Garrison 見Paul Monroe "此公老了 平庸之至"
 Paul Monroe主編過 A Cyclopedia of Education edited by Paul Monroe. 1913


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China Institute owes its inception to three celebrated Columbians: the New Culture Movement leader Hu Shih (胡適), the world-renowned philosopher John Dewey and the international educational leader Paul Monroe.

Shortly after Dewey returned to New York, Monroe was invited by Hu Shih and others to go to China to lecture and conduct surveys.

The Chinese Student Club at Teachers College in 1916. In the middle is Professor Paul Monroe. Among the others are Jiang Menglin, second from left, back row; Hu Shi, first from left, front row; Sun Ke, second from right, front row; Tao Xingzhi, fourth from right, third row; and Lin Bing, third from right, third row. Upon their return to China, these members became the initiators of the May Fourth New Culture and New Education Movements that changed the outlook of China. [Paul Monroe Papers, Special Collections, Teachers College Library] The Chinese Student Club at Teachers College in 1916. In the middle is Professor Paul Monroe. Among the others are Jiang Menglin, second from left, back row; Hu Shi, first from left, front row; Sun Ke, second from right, front row; Tao Xingzhi, fourth from right, third row; and Lin Bing, third from right, third row. Upon their return to China, these members became the initiators of the May Fourth New Culture and New Education Movements that changed the outlook of China in the educational field. [Paul Monroe Papers, Special Collections, Teachers College Library]
Professor Paul Monroe (1869-1947), Director of the International Institute of Teachers College. Monroe first visited China in 1913. He lectured in China in 1921 and returned many times to assist in the educational development of China. [Photograph by Champlain, ca. 1920; Paul Monroe Papers, Special Collections, Teachers College Library] Professor Paul Monroe (1869-1947), Director of the International Institute of Teachers College. Monroe first visited China in 1913. He lectured in China in 1921 and returned many times to assist in the educational development of China. [Photograph by Champlain, ca. 1920; Paul Monroe Papers, Special Collections, Teachers College Library]

1957/7/20 胡適給趙元任的信

李定一教授Prof. Din-Yi Lee當時在哈佛大學

李敖: 二十七、教"中國近代史"的李定一,我沒選過他的課,他是書獃子,上課時說他一生只知道一位電影明星,名字叫做"瑪麗'夢蓮'露"(Marilyn Monroe,譯名應為"瑪麗蓮·夢露")!其實這種有趣的孤陋寡聞也不止李定一,胡適亦然,胡適知道遠在天邊千萬人所不知的神會和尚,卻不知道近在眼前 千萬人皆知的大明星瑪麗蓮·夢露,引得人們大笑。


Books Birdviews 書海: 李定一:《中華史綱》

2011年4月24日 ... 1973年我們的近代史採用李定一的《中國近代史》(台北:作者自印,1956年 ....胡適詞點評(增訂本)》/ 胡適: 詞選/宇文所安(Stephen Owen)開講 ...

