2023年2月19日 星期日

仮名手本忠臣蔵, Kana dehon Chūshingura

The Treasury of Loyal Retainers (仮名手本忠臣蔵Kana dehon Chūshingura[1]) is an 11-act bunraku puppet play composed in 1748.[2] It is one of the most popular Japanese plays,[3] ranked with Zeami's Matsukaze, although the vivid action[4] of Chūshingura differs dramatically from Matsukaze.[5]


The kabuki adaptation appeared shortly after the puppet play did in Osaka and Kyoto, and soon was being performed by three companies in Edo.[8] It is "only intermittently faithful" and frequently cuts entire acts.[9] The saved time is available for a lengthier 11th act, with a sequence featuring a duel on a bridge; as well, the kabuki theater could use a revolving stage to switch between scenes of the siege in Act 9.[10] The short sequence with the highwayman Sadakurō has been developed into an elaborate mime, rendering it a "coveted assignment" for ambitious actors.[11]



On 20 March 1703, the 46 rōnin were ordered to commit seppuku by the shōgun. Two weeks later, a kabuki play opened in Edo. It was entitled Akebono Soga no Youchi ("Night attack at dawn by the Soga [Brothers]"; see Soga Monogatari), a standard topic of plays. It was shut down by the authorities, and is thought to have been a disguised version of the recent events. Perhaps because of the touchiness of authorities, kabuki companies did not attempt any further plays on the subject.[12]

In 1706, the great playwright Chikamatsu wrote a three-act puppet play entitled Goban Taiheiki ("A chronicle of great peace played on a chessboard"), placing the action in the era of Taiheiki (the 14th century); the third act appeared in another puppet play, and was ostensibly about the historical samurai Kō no Moronao; Moronao was actually a cipher for the offending master of court etiquette, Kira Yoshinaka, who was nearly slain by Asano Naganori.[13] The use of Moronao's name for Kira and many of the other renamings would be copied in the later Chūshingura.[14]

Three years later in the Kyoto-Osaka region where censorship was reportedly lighter, Chūshingura premiered.[15]

It was an instant success, and was quickly imitated countless times, with variants coming out annually between 1706 and 1748.[16]

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2021年5月28日 — 描述赤穗47義士為主君復仇的「忠臣藏」故事,從江戶時代開始便以各種創作形式不斷的搬演,傳頌至今,是日本最著名的武士道範本。東京的泉岳寺在每年 .

