2023年2月23日 星期四



【#逐字學英文國際日報】85:blue law, Sabbath, Sabbatical, code of conduct.

A sabbatical changed this HBS lecturer's life and it inspired him to find out if time away from work did the same for others.

David F Abel ‎ Vintage Weird
'The Witches Sabbath' (1798), by Francisco de Goya.

 blue law 〔米〕 (日曜に遊興娯楽などを禁ずる清教徒的)厳法.
blue law
U.S. statute regulating work, commerce, and amusements on Sundays. The name is said to derive from a list of Sabbath regulations published (on blue paper or in blue wrappers) in New Haven, Conn., in 1781. Throughout colonial New England such laws regulated morals and conduct. Most lapsed after the American Revolution, but some, such as prohibitions against the Sunday sale of alcoholic beverages, remain on the books in some areas.
(© Britannica Concise Encyclopedia)

Hughes joins Hunt inquiry callsSenior Liberal Democrat Simon Hughes joins calls for an inquiry into whether Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt breached the ministerial code of conduct. 

Judith Shulevitz’s book, “The Sabbath World: Glimpses of a Different Order of Time,” will be published in March.

Sabbatarian  (1) 安息日派:基督(耶穌)教派別之一,堅持信守星期六為安息日,如基督複臨安息日會 Seventh-day Adventists  (2) 謹守主日派:清教徒之一派,嚴守主日(星期日),禁止娛樂。
Sabbath :安息日;瞻禮七;禮拜六;星期六:根據舊約,天主于六日中創造天地,第七日休息,稱為安息日;猶太教至今仍以星期六為安息日。天主教因紀念耶穌在安息日的次日復活,延後一天為主日(安息日、星期天、禮拜天),而演變成今日國際公認的星期天假日,許多基督教亦認同。 Sabbath 拉丁文稱 Sabbatum 
Sabbatical :安息日的;安息的:譬如 Sabbatical year 是七年一次的安息年-休假年。


━━ n., a. (普通the 〜) 安息日(の) (Sabbath day) ((キリスト教では日曜,ユダヤ教では土曜)). (s-) 安息.
 break the Sabbath 安息日を破る.
 keep [observe] the Sabbath 安息日を守る.
 ━━ a., n. (時にS-) 安息日を厳守する(人).
sab・ba・tar・i・an・ism n.

