2011年5月8日 星期日

為學要如金字塔 既能廣大又能高

"為學要如金字塔 既能廣大又能高"
這是胡適的話 但我們不能因人廢言

程千帆 儉腹抄 頁374

曾永義先生以為許常惠先生的"音樂歷程" 深合胡適之先生的"為學說" ...
(參考 1990/5/24 聯合副刊 收入 散文集 牽手五十年 (台北:聯經 1990) 頁359-62

這句有很多層次 譬如說 海耶克的自由憲章的全集版:
The new edition of “The Constitution of Liberty,” which was first published in 1960, differs from the original primarily insofar as the extensive endnotes in the original edition have now been placed at the bottom of the page and heavily annotated by the editor, Ronald Hamowy. The notes, often more extensive than the text itself, make clear the extraordinary breadth and depth of Hayek’s erudition, and his ability to wander far beyond economics into history, philosophy, biology and other fields.

