2019年4月5日 星期五

A. W. Grabau , Amadeus William, 1870~1946; 250美金:The world we live in: A new interpretation of earth history、 哈定: 兩位令胡適欽佩的人

胡適看哈定夫婦 他下月要去新疆 努力學突厥語 很令他欽佩

約隔10年之後 北大地質系某美國教授半生殘廢 卻努力作學問.....


地質學美國人教授 1937/1/9 
A. W. Grabau 67 歲生日宴半生殘廢而努力做學問:胡適日記全集: - Google 圖書結果
胡適日記 1934/1/9 生日

1940.1.8 發電慶 Grabau, A.W 博士70歲生日
1930.10.23 日記.....Dr. A. W. Grabau......他兩腳已不能行動 行動皆需人抬 然而他的興致不少衰.......前幾天我的演講他也去聽
此中似含有鼓勵朋友與後進之意 其用意最仁厚可感

1928年我到北平任國立清華大學校長。那時候在君一手經營的地質調查所,有半年以上不曾領到經費,所裡為地質學工作的人員,幾乎無以為生,所長翁文灝也不在例外。其中最困難的是一位著名的美國地質學權威葛利普(Grabau)教授。他本來是哥倫比亞地質系主任,負國際間重望,抱了移植地質學到中國來的熱忱,來到北平教學和研究。他本職是北京大學教授,同時負指導研究的責任,而不兼薪。那時候北大也和地質調查所一樣,薪水欠得一塌糊塗。他早把美國的生活水準,降得和中國教授一樣,但是半年以上的欠薪,使他真活不下去了。我平素對於科學的地理學,頗為熱心;初長清華時,即添辦一個地理學系,聘翁文灝任該系主任。為了我素來尊重葛利普教授的學問和人格,於是致送月薪六百元的聘書請他在清華地理系擔任教授。果然葛利普真值得我尊重,他答應到清華來教課,但是他拒絕接受六百元一月的專任教授全薪。他的理由是北京大學雖然若干個月不送薪水給他,他都不能因北大窮了,就丟了北大,而來清華做專任教授。經再三解說,他僅接受二百八十元一月的車馬費。這種外國學者的高風亮節,及其所持道義的標準,不但值得我們佩服,而且應該為中國學術界所效法。 (羅家倫)

胡適日記 1957.1.15
寄250美金給Amadeus William  Grabau的秘書,買 Grabau遺稿,送"中國地質學會",由阮維周先生代收,他很高興。

The world we live in: A new interpretation of earth history Unknown Binding – 1961

Grabau, A.W.; 1923: Stratigraphy of China, Part 1: Palaeozoic and lower, Geological Survey of China, 529 pp.

[strətígrəfi] [名][U]《地質学》層位学, 層序学.

Amadeus William Grabau was a German-American paleontologist and geologist who was born on January 9, 1870 in Cedarburgh, Wisconsin in the United States and died on March 20, 1946 in Peking, China. He was employed as faculty at MIT and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. In 1901 he became a professor at Columbia University in New York and he later become professor at Peking National University in 1919. As part of his life's work, he conducted a geologic survey of China, and is now known as the father of Chinese geology. He was also a prolific author, publishing at least 10 books in the first half of the 20th century. Grabau developed various theories during his lifetime, among them the theory of rhythms concerning the growth of the earth's crust and a theory concerning mountain building and creation. The Dorsum Grabau, a wrinkle ridge on the Moon is named after him. For a biography of Grabau and his wife, the Jewish writer Mary Antin, see "A Romance in Natural History: The Lives and Works of Amadeus Grabau and Mary Antin," by Allan Mazur, Syracuse University.
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In 1936, Grabau was awarded the Mary Clark Thompson Medal from the National Academy of Sciences for most important service to geology and paleontology.[1]


A list of books written by Grabau, and their publication dates. [2]
  • North American Index Fossils (1909, 1910)
  • Principles of Stratigraphy (1913)
  • Textbook of Geology (1920–21) Two volumes
  • Silurian Fossils of Yunnan (1920)
  • Ordovician Fossils of North China (1921)
  • Paleozoic Corals of China (1921)
  • Stratigraphy of China (1924–25)
  • Migration of Geosynclines (1924)
  • Early Permian Fossils of China (1934)
  • Rhythm of the Ages (1940)


External links

The Geological Survey of China (CGS) (simplified Chinese: 中国地质调查局) is a government-owned, not-for-profit, Chinese organization researching China's mineral resources. It is the largest Geoscience agency in China since being reconstructed in 1999.
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The Geological Survey of China originated in the early days of the Republic of China (when it had control over mainland China). [1] Many prominent geologists and paleontologists worked with the Survey in the early days, such as Davidson Black. It was disbanded after the People's Republic of China gained control over mainland China and just recently reconstructed.

Science 18 June 1943:
Vol. 97 no. 2529 pp. 555-556
DOI: 10.1126/science.97.2529.555-a


