2016年6月26日 星期日

June 六月 歷史上今天;杜魯門下令第七艦隊「協防」台灣


胡適日记全集, 第 1 卷 1906-1914

胡適日記全集 , 第 2 卷 1915-1920

1919年6月3日 中國出現第一次大規模罷工  拘學生千人史稱"六三"  胡適1921.6.3記 是日國立八校教ˊ職員代表赴總統府陳情在新華門被軍警凶毆


King George V
June 3 June 3

On June 28, 1919, the Treaty of Versailles was signed in France, ending World War I.

胡適日记全集, 第 3 卷 1921-22‎

胡適日記全集 4 : 1923-1927‎

胡適日記全集 5: 1928-1929

On June 7, 1929, the sovereign state of Vatican City came into existence as copies of the Lateran Treaty were exchanged in Rome.

On June 17, 1928, Amelia Earhart embarked on the first trans-Atlantic flight by a woman. She flew from Newfoundland to Wales in about 21 hours.

胡適日記全集, 第 6卷 1930-33

On June 16, 1933, President Roosevelt opened his New Deal recovery program, signing bank, rail and industry bills and initiating farm aid.

 胡適 論對日外交方針1932.6.13

胡適日記全集 7: 1934-1939

胡適日記全集, 第 8 卷: 1940-1952

On June 6, 1944, the D-Day invasion of Europe took place during World War II as Allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy, France.

On June 11, 1942, the United States and the Soviet Union signed a lend lease agreement to aid the Soviet war effort in World War II.

On June 18, 1948, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights adopted its International Declaration of Human Rights.

On June 22, 1940, during World War II, Adolf Hitler gained a stunning victory as France was forced to sign an armistice eight days after German forces overran Paris.

 On June 23, 1947, the Senate joined the House in overriding President Truman's veto of the Taft-Hartley Act.

On June 27, 1950, President Truman ordered the Air Force and Navy into the Korean War following a call from the United Nations Security Council for member nations to help South Korea repel an invasion from the North.

杜魯門下令第七艦隊「協防」台灣 (1950年6月27日)
韓戰爆發後第三天 ,對國民黨而言,原以為已被美國白皮書而準備死守,因為杜魯門突如其來下令第七艦隊「協防」台灣 ! 藉此巡弋台灣海峽的動作以遏止中共對台攻擊企圖,遂使蔣介石吃下定心丸;不過,麥帥後來繼續發表「台灣陸軍是亞洲最大的反共武力,美方應充分協助其打回中國大陸」之意見,踩到杜魯門總統之紅線,不旋踵慘遭解職。
美軍協防台灣司令部(United States Taiwan Defense Command)於一九七九年四月二十六日舉行最後一次降旗典禮,「協防」劃下休止符!

胡適日記全集 9 : 1953-1962

On June 2, 1953, Queen Elizabeth II of Britain was crowned in Westminster Abbey, 16 months after the death of her father, King George VI.

On June 9, 1954, Army counsel Joseph N. Welch confronted Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy during the Senate-Army Hearings over McCarthy's attack on a member of Welch's law firm, Frederick G. Fisher. Said Welch: "Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?''

胡適日記全集, 第 10 卷 索引

