雅各布·尼德曼,在哈佛和耶鲁接受教育,San Francisco州立大学教授,伯克莱神学研究员新宗教研究中心前主任,美国深有影响的作家,曾受邀参与Bill Moyer著名的电视节目《心智世界》。
譯者: 王聪、學生物1986年畢,同年赴美.....工作多年,細思民智,....定居美國費城。以譯事為樂。本書America 和 American 不翻譯,贊成。出版社:: 华夏出版社 2005 它將原書的標題和副標題改了: The American Soul: Rediscovering the Wisdom of the Founders By Jacob Needleman 《美國理想:一部文明的歷史》
雅各布·尼德曼,在哈佛和耶魯接受教育,San Francisco州立大學教授,伯克萊神學研究員新宗教研究中心前主任,美國深有影響的作家,曾受邀參與Bill Moyer著名的電視節目《心智世界》。 [1]
I America的理念
II 開天闢地
III 伊甸園的天使
IV 兩種民主

Jacob Needleman
The American Soul: Rediscovering the Wisdom of the Founders (English) 平裝 – 六月 2, 2003
Looking at the lives of America's founders-including Washington, Jefferson, and Franklin-scholar and bestselling author Jacob Needleman explores their core of inner beliefs; their religious and spiritual sensibilities; and their individual conception of the purpose of life.
The founders, Needleman argues, conceived of an "inner democracy": a continual pursuit of wisdom and self-improvement that would undergird the outer democracy in which we live today. Any understanding of America as a nation of spiritual valu
"If ever a work of philosophical ideas arrived at a time when human events make it not only timely but urgently relevant, The American Soul is such a book." -San Francisco Chronicle
"So literate it comes close to poetry...[This] book makes you think and rethink most of the ideas you ever had about the stunning people who give American history both its exceptionalism and its commonalities." -Martin Peretz
About the Author
The acclaimed author of The American Soul, Why Can’t We Be Good? and Money and the Meaning of Life, Jacob Needleman is Professor of Philosophy at San Francisco State University, and former Director of the Center for the Study of New Religions at the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley. He lives in Oakland, CA.
Paperback: 400 頁
出版商:TarcherPerigee; Reprint 版本 (2003年6月2日)
語言: English
ISBN-10: 1585422266
ISBN-13: 978-1585422265
At the heart of The American Soul is a call to rediscover the timeless truths hidden within the founding vision of the American nation. Embedded in the ideals of democracy, individual liberty and freedom of conscience is a view of human nature that echoes essential aspects of the wisdom that has guided every great civilization of the world. Free of all religious and philosophical dogma, and liberated from all historical and political clichés, this uniquely American vision has the power to speak again to the modern world's need for meaning and community
Throughout the book, Jacob Needleman takes a new sounding of the inner beliefs and spiritual sensibilities of the great iconic figures of American history. His uniquely conceived portraits show us Washington as the great symbol of selfless impartiality; Jefferson as the embodiment of the communal search for truth, Franklin as the seeker of knowledge in two worlds. Lincoln emerges as the incarnation of the ideal of the individual; Frederick Douglass as the voice of America's conscience; the story of the Iroquois constitution reveals the cosmic dimensions of our own ideal of democracy.
Needleman shows how the crimes and defeats of America-slavery, the destruction of the culture of the American Indian, the Vietnam war-cry out for a clear vision of America asleep to its own spiritual essence, while bringing home the depth of what America owes to its own people and to the earth itself.
Finally, following an illuminating discussion of what we need to learn from America's all but forgotten early mystical communities, Needleman concludes with a resounding call, echoing Walt Whitman's quest for a new American mythology, to understand what is truly eternal and indestructible in the American vision.
Throughout the book, Jacob Needleman takes a new sounding of the inner beliefs and spiritual sensibilities of the great iconic figures of American history. His uniquely conceived portraits show us Washington as the great symbol of selfless impartiality; Jefferson as the embodiment of the communal search for truth, Franklin as the seeker of knowledge in two worlds. Lincoln emerges as the incarnation of the ideal of the individual; Frederick Douglass as the voice of America's conscience; the story of the Iroquois constitution reveals the cosmic dimensions of our own ideal of democracy.
Needleman shows how the crimes and defeats of America-slavery, the destruction of the culture of the American Indian, the Vietnam war-cry out for a clear vision of America asleep to its own spiritual essence, while bringing home the depth of what America owes to its own people and to the earth itself.
Finally, following an illuminating discussion of what we need to learn from America's all but forgotten early mystical communities, Needleman concludes with a resounding call, echoing Walt Whitman's quest for a new American mythology, to understand what is truly eternal and indestructible in the American vision.
"While Needleman clearly finds much to love about America, he balances our light with our darkness, our genuine good will and spirituality with our great crimes of slavery and the genocidal abuse of the American Indian.... Needleman's latest work gives open-minded readers a new set of spiritual role models and much valuable food for thought at a crucial moment."
—Publishers Weekly
—Publishers Weekly
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