2016年5月10日 星期二

S. Freud"與"Hu Shih;死亡的神祕名言

近日是S. Freud 生日......今天想查胡胡適之先生是否了解Freud的學說。

Fu Ssu-nien: A Life in Chinese History and Politicshttps://books.google.com.tw/books?isbn=0521480515Fansen Wang - 2000 - ‎Biography & Autobiography
But even before Hu Shih's arrival, a new climate had already been forming. ... Owing to this influence, Fu later went to England to study Freudian psychology.
由於用S. Freud與Hu Shih查,找到一網頁談"death"的名言, 兩人都有:
The sun exactly at noon is exactly [beginning to] go down.And a creature when he is born is exactly [beginning to] die.Hu ShihChinese Philosophy  出處待查

To endure life remains, when all is said, the first duty of all living beings...If you would endure life, be prepared for death.Sigmund Freud Thoughts for the Times on War and Death

