2012年2月20日 星期一


北京 中國

今天造訪 The Economist 網站
我很清楚 胡適那一代的北京/北平
(1960年代初 開明英語 有選一篇胡適描寫灰塵滿天 有專人(澆水夫?) 不斷灑水....)

Daily chart

Looking inwards

Foreign direct investment in China will flow to the interior provinces

FOREIGN investors in China will be increasingly drawn to China’s interior provinces in the years ahead, according to a report by the Economist Intelligence Unit, our sister organisation. Rapid urbanisation in these provinces will provide a ready source of labour and contribute to booming retail markets. In the central provinces the average urbanisation rate will leap from around 44% in 2010 to nearly 55% in 2020. This shift is already clear. In 2007 the municipality of Chongqing in western China was ranked 22nd out of China’s 31 provinces in terms of overall FDI. In 2011 it attracted an estimated $10.8 billion in inward investment, more than the capital, Beijing. By 2014 it will be the fourth-largest destination in China, ahead of Shanghai and Tianjin. Within five years, nearly half of FDI will go to areas outside of the eastern seaboard, compared with less than 20% in 2000. View the interactive map below (in Firefox, Safari or Chrome) for 2011-15 forecasts for each province.

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