2012年8月15日 星期三

"I Choose Freedom" by Victor Kravchenko 胡適讀後深受震動

"I Choose Freedom" 是胡適1946/4/24 讀後很受震動的書 現在網路或可取/讀

I Choose Freedom@Everything2.com

The title of a wonderful epic written, in beautifully formed English, by Victor Kravchenko about his personal and political life. The story follows him, in great detail, through life growing up before, during, and after the Russian communist revolution. He goes on to document his life as a devout Party member, the fails of Communist Russia, and finally, his defection. All in all, a wonderful read, if you are historically inclined or not.

Published in 1946 by Charles Scribner's Sons, and in 1947 by Garden City Publishing Co.

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