2015年6月27日 星期六

Statements issued by President Truman, dated 27-06-1950 ;杜魯門下令第七艦隊「協防」台灣(溫紳)

本日日記無法讀:胡適日記全集, 第 8 卷: 1940-1952

1950.6.27 只貼一張Truman's Statement 簡報。不知是否故意:".....底本模糊不清,從略。"

On June 27, 1950, President Truman issued the following statement:[2]
"The attack upon Korea makes it plain beyond all doubt that communism has passed beyond the use of subversion to conquer independent nations and will now use armed invasion and war. It has defied the orders of the Security Council of the United Nations issued to preserve international peace and security. In these circumstances the occupation of Formosaby Communist forces would be a direct threat to the security of the Pacific area and to United States forces performing their lawful and necessary functions in that area. "Accordingly, I have ordered the 7th Fleet to prevent any attack on Formosa. As a corollary of this action, I am calling upon the Chinese Government on Formosa to cease all air and sea operations against the mainland. The 7th Fleet will see that this is done. The determination of the future status of Formosa must await the restoration of security in the Pacific, a peace settlement with Japan, or consideration by theUnited Nations."
President Truman later ordered John Foster Dulles, the Foreign Policy Advisor to U.S. Secretary of State Dean Acheson, to carry out his decision on neutralizing Taiwan in drafting the Treaty of San Francisco of 1951 (the peace treaty with Japan), which excluded the participation of both the ROC and the PRC. No recipient was specified in the treaty of Taiwan's sovereignty, which supporters ofTaiwan independence have used to argue for their position.[3] According to the author George H. Kerr, a supporter of Taiwanese independence, in his book Formosa Betrayed, the political status of Taiwan was under the trust of the Allied Powers (against Japan). It would be the responsibility of the United Nations if this could not be resolved in near future as designed in the peace treaty.

Statement by President Truman on the Situation in Korea

June 27, 1950

In Korea, the Government forces, which were armed to prevent border raids and to preserve internal security, were attacked by invading forces from North Korea. The Security Council of the United Nations called upon the invading troops to cease hostilities and to withdraw to the 38th parallel. This they have not done, but on the contrary have pressed the attack. The Security Council called upon all members of the United Nations to render every assistance to the United Nations in the execution of this resolution. In these circumstances I have ordered United States air and sea forces to give the Korean Government troops cover and support.
The attack upon Korea makes it plain beyond all doubt that communism has passed beyond the use of subversion to conquer independent nations and will now use armed invasion and war. It has defied the orders of the Security Council of the United Nations issued to preserve international peace and security. In these circumstances the occupation of Formosa by Communist forces would be a direct threat to the security of the Pacific area and to United States forces performing their lawful and necessary functions in that area.
Accordingly I have ordered the 7th Fleet to prevent any attack on Formosa. As a corollary of this action I am calling upon the Chinese Government on Formosa to cease all air and sea operations against the mainland. The 7th Fleet will see that this is done. The determination of the future status of Formosa must await the restoration of security in the Pacific, a peace settlement with Japan, or consideration by the United Nations.
I have also directed that United States Forces in the Philippines be strengthened and that military assistance to the Philippine Government be accelerated.
I have similarly directed acceleration in the furnishing of military assistance to the forces of France and the Associated States in Indochina and the dispatch of a military mission to provide dose working relations with those forces.
I know that all members of the United Nations will consider carefully the consequences of this latest aggression in Korea in defiance of the Charter of the United Nations. A return to the rule of force in international affairs would have far-reaching effects. The United States will continue to uphold the rule of law.
I have instructed Ambassador Austin, as the representative of the United States to the Security Council, to report these steps to the Council.
Public Papers of the Presidents, Truman Presidential Museum and Library, www.trumanlibrary.org
Provided courtesy of The American Presidency Project. John Woolley and Gerhard Peters. University of California, Santa Barbara.

台灣史上大小事/溫紳專欄  杜魯門下令第七艦隊「協防」台灣 2013-06-27

舉世震驚的韓戰在1950年6月25日爆發後的第三天 ,對於流亡來台的國民黨政權而言,原本以為已被美國國務卿艾契遜發表白皮書而準備死守的局面,突如其來因為杜魯門下令第七艦隊「協防」台灣 ! 藉此巡弋台灣海峽的動作以遏止中共妄想對台攻擊之企圖,遂使蔣介石在1950年6月27日這關鍵性的一天得能茍延殘喘,甚至於還同步主動向美方釋出「願出兵3萬3千個國軍參與韓戰」的訊息,呼應聯合國軍最高司令官的麥克阿瑟將軍,準備動員國軍追隨其打到中國邊界鴨綠江的反攻計劃。



 台灣對於這位老兵的雪中送炭行止,非常感念在心,因此,當第一條高速公路在1964年5月2日啟用時,便以「麥帥公路」名之。這段台北至基隆的23公里路段,雖已在「中山高」通車後被併入,但仍標誌著麥帥與台灣的聯繫。其後,經過長期交涉,台美雙方還簽署了《中美共同防禦條約》(Sino-American Mutual Defense Treaty),這是美國與中華民國的台灣當局所簽訂的正式國際條約,條約內容是以軍事為基礎,同時也包含政治、經濟、社會等多目標合作的條約,直至一九七九年元旦,美中在建交公報所發布的聲明中,《中美共同防禦條約》依照公報第十條之規定,美方於照會中華民國一年後即告失效,隨後,美國國會再通過《台灣關係法》,對中華民國予以延續雙方長期之實質軍事合作關係。






 《中美共同防禦條約》雖然保障台灣免於解放軍跨海襲擊之虞,但也相對得牽制了國軍反攻故土的最後一線希望;可是,蔣介石卻一直自欺欺人,至死還揚言要「光復大陸」,直到蔣經國接掌總統後,尼克森總統迫不及待與北京當局大和解,接任之卡特總統則更進一步宣布與台灣斷交,這才使得雙方當年簽訂的「干涉中國內政」之《共同防禦條約》,在與中華民國斷交一年之後的一九八零年元旦,依據合約規定正式終止。美軍協防台灣的司令部(United States Taiwan Defense Command),則早於一九七九年的四月二十六日舉行最後一次降旗典禮,第七艦隊「協防」台灣始劃下休止符,但美國迄今實質上依舊執行「保護」台澎領域,形成國際間最為特殊的外交關係。
發佈日期: 2013-06-26 16:07:47

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