Welcome back, students! If you were coming back to Cornell University around the turn of the century, your classroom might look something like this room in McGraw Hall. The professor is Burt Green Wilder, who taught natural history, zoology and neurology from 1867 to 1910.
Photo from the Cornell University Library - Rare and Manuscript Collections.
Help tell the Cornell story. When you think about the Ithaca campus, what place immediately comes to mind? Where are your off-the-beaten-path places to take people who are visiting the campus for the first time? Where do you like to study, spend time, relax?
Please go to this form: https://docs.google.com/…/1NW982WVqjzqTYfP-KvCXxT5…/viewform
昨天研究康乃爾大學。要問的是:為什麼.....著名校友胡適之先生的翻譯"康南耳"等,最後成為"康乃爾"? (校報對李登輝先生的來訪,只有2001年的一篇放在archive......) 昨天看到倫敦開設賣"真蘋果"的店,想到胡先生說他之所以從農學院轉到文學院,是老師要他們辨識北美的數百種蘋果種,胡先生或許頭昏腦脹,打退堂鼓了 (讀農、理工等是實用,可愛國.....)。他的同一級的同學趙元任在加大的口述歷史中,則給個轉系的"地理-時間"解釋:當時課間休息只7分,從一地(譬如說宿舍)趕往某學院上課,用跑的,都幾乎來不及.....
A hundred years ago, students were studying for finals in Uris (then just the "University Library"), just like students this week.
No databases or laptops for those long-ago students -- and current students don't have hats quite as creative as these -- but all these years later, the principle is the same!
More great historical images from Cornell University Library - Rare and Manuscript Collections in our online sesquicentennial exhibition:http://rmc.library.cornell.edu/…/ex…/introduction/index.html
Cornelliana with Corey Earle '07: The Founders
An in-depth look at the two men who built Cornell:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=up3VNo3VGWY
An in-depth look at the two men who built Cornell:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=up3VNo3VGWY
問題:為什麼當年胡適與趙元任留學美國選擇康乃爾大學。胡適很重視他早年寫的創校人 康南耳的傳記。
我在趙先生的自傳(加州大學口述,Rosemary Leveson和Laurence Schneider訪談)讀到他們選學校是自主的,他主要是受3位領隊之一的胡敦復(早上5年的公費,堂弟胡達(明復)是"同班*,班上有3位胡姓,應包括胡適--趙先生解釋當時胡適英文名Suh Hu,"h"是表示入聲調,喉塞音,不過一般人都讀....後來胡適英文名Shih 是威妥瑪氏拼法。
M.T.--full name, Minfu Ta Hu. And there was S.S. [Shien-sheng] Hu. Well, other than Hu Shih, the others were cousins. And so there were three Hus in our class and we couldn't tell "Who was Hu." [Laughter]
At that time Hu Shih spelled his name Suh Hu, instead of Hu Shih. "Shih" is the standard Wade-Giles spelling in the Chinese order. Suh Hu is the foreign order, with the last name last. The reason for that "h" is that it had an entering tone, and he was a student at Shanghai, where they had the entering tone, so "suh" really stands for the syllable [s[schwa]]; the "h" stands for the glottal stop [?]. But everyone called him Suh Hu.
* 胡適與趙元任是同級生,非同系、同班。
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Sheila Tobias, Professor Isaac Kramnick, Bruce Dancis and Jack Goldman speak with students about protests, antiwar activism and women’s studies in the course “Creating Contemporary Cornell.” Tobias, Dancis and Goldman are three of more than 20 alumni and former faculty and staff who have returned to campus Nov. 10 and 11 to take part in forums, a teach-in and to speak to classes about activism, student protests and the civil rights, Vietnam War and women’s rights movements at Cornell in the 1960s. Their visit was organized by Kramnick as part of the College of Arts and Sciences’ celebration of Cornell’s sesquicentennial.
有人贈我莎士比[亞]名劇《亨利第五》,全書三百八十餘頁,用薄紙印之,故全書僅廣寸有半,長二寸,厚不及半寸(英度),取攜最便,因以置衣囊中,平日不讀之,惟於廁上及電車中讀之,約一月而讀畢,此亦利用廢棄光陰之一法也。 (《藏暉室札記》卷五)