2014年6月6日 星期五

Eminent Chinese of the Ch'ing Period, ed. by Arthur W. Hummel,

1943.5.25 此日無日記
 序:Eminent Chinese of the Ch'ing Period, ed. by Arthur W. Hummel, Vo 1 (Washington, 1943),參考洪銘水:悼周师策纵教授兼怀往事- 豆丁网

一九四四年 五十四歲
九月 應哈佛大學之聘,前往講學。

"A Note on Ch'an Tsu-wang, Chao I-ch'ing and Tai Chen; A Study of Independent Convergence in Research as Illustrated in Their Works on the Shui-Ching Chu," In:Eminent Chinese of the Ch'ing Period, ed. by Arthur W. Hummel, Vo 2 (Washington, 1944), pp. 970-982.

