2020年11月6日 星期五

(2020胡適之先生紀念演講草稿 IV) 全球COVID-19疫情中的科技與社會文化 : Coronavirus Study in Germany Offers Hope for Concertgoer.The Price for Not Wearing Masks: Perhaps 130,000 Lives

  Coronavirus Study in Germany Offers Hope for Concertgoers  以"實驗計畫法",研究參加音樂會的染新冠病毒的風險

 德國8月在萊比錫以"實驗計畫法",研究參加音樂會的染新冠病毒的風險。結果已經公布。紐約時報的科學Section 有報導,有興趣者請參考。

Coronavirus Study in Germany Offers Hope for Concertgoers

Findings from a test event with 1,200 attendees suggest that indoor concerts have a “low” impact on infection rates, providing they are well ventilated and follow hygiene protocols.


The Price for Not Wearing Masks: Perhaps 130,000 Lives

The pandemic death toll could be lowered by next spring if more Americans wear masks, a new analysis finds.

