2020年11月14日 星期六

(2020胡適之先生紀念演講草稿 III)談點科學:它通常需要工具來證實或否証假設,兩親身案例; 全球COVID-19疫情中的科技與社會文化 :Nine COVID-19 Myths That Just Won't Go Away. From the U.S. to Europe, virus cases continue to rise around the world. Institut Pasteur簡報 . 英國疫苗 供應:12月Greater Manchester tier 3 status

Today's daily cartoon by Brendan Loper.

Nine COVID-19 Myths That Just Won't Go Away - Scientific ...
www.scientificamerican.com › article

2020/08/18 — This “infodemic” is just as harmful as COVID-19 itself, leading people to downplay the severity of the disease and ignore public health advice in favor of unproved treatments or “cures.” A recent survey by the John S. and ...

  • 在距離選舉日僅剩一週之際,美國總統川普得出的結論之一是新聞媒體故意誇大疫情的嚴重性,以便在政治上傷害他,如果喬·拜登贏得選舉,疫情消息將從人們的視線中淡出。

In conclusion, the general public in the United States and United Kingdom appears to have important misconceptions about COVID-19. Correcting these misconceptions should be targeted in information campaigns organized by government agencies, information provision by clinicians to their patients, and media coverage.

Knowledge and Perceptions of COVID-19 Among the General Public in the United States and the United Kingdom: A Cross-sectional Online Survey

Pascal Geldsetzer, MBChB, ScD, MPH

BREAKING: From the U.S. to Europe, virus cases continue to rise around the world.

Virus Cases Continue to Surge Globally
Infections are rising in most parts of the U.S. less than three weeks before the election. Florida, hit hard this summer, reported the most cases since August.

胡適之先生深知科學知識對社會的大利益,曾舉法國巴斯卡(Louis Pasteur,1822~95) 對該國葡萄酒業的貢獻。
Louis Pasteur discovered that microbes were responsible for souring alcohol and came up with the process of pasteurization, where bacteria are destroyed by heating beverages and then allowing them to cool.

 Institut Pasteur 網站相當多資訊


The US registered the sharpest declines in economic relationships, economic capability and diplomatic influence.

US power advantage over China declines in wake of coronavirus pandemic

  • 一財報導,科技部社會發展科技司副司長田保國介紹,已有13個疫苗進入臨床階段;其中滅活疫苗和腺病毒載體疫苗,兩種技術路線共四個疫苗進入三期臨床,且總體上進展順利。目前共計接種約6萬名受試者,未收到嚴重不良反應報告初步顯示了良好的安全性。


英國疫苗 供應:12月

Covid: 'Heartbreak' at Greater Manchester tier 3 status

It has followed Liverpool City Region and Lancashire into tier three.

Businesses including pubs and bars, unless they serve substantial meals, as well as soft play facilities, betting shops and casinos will have to close on Friday just after midnight.

The move has been met with anger, frustration and upset by businesses.

EXCLUSIVE: They 'began coughing when they got on the aircraft'

British anti-maskers behaved 'like spoilt brats' when they refused to wear masks on flight

