2018年6月24日 星期日

胡適《嘗試集》第二編手稿北京拍賣: RMB 11,500,000 ($1,766,342.50)

Jiayan Mi 覺得嚇一跳。

Wow! 胡适 /the 29-page manuscript of Hu Shi's "Collection of Experimental Poems" 《尝试集》第二编手稿 was sold for RMB 11,500,000 ($1,766,342.50) at auction in Beijing. "Collection of Experimental Poems was published in march 1920 and is the earliest single collection of poems written in vernacular Chinese (free verse). 初稿本共收《一念》《鸽子》《人力车夫》《十二月五夜月》《老鸦》《三溪路上大雪里一个红叶》《新婚杂诗(五首)》《老洛伯》《四月二十五夜》《看花》《你莫忘记》《如梦令》《十二月一日奔丧到家》《关不住了》《希望》十五题十九首诗。

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