2015年9月9日 星期三

Walter Scott 的The Fortunes of Nigel (1822) . Leo Tolstoy

1910.9.8 胡適還沒留美。沒紀錄他當時知道托爾斯泰的悼聞。
Leo Tolstoy was born on September 9th 1828. He died, aged 82, in 1910, whilst escaping family life and the rows between his wife and secretary. From the archive: http://econ.st/1JTcspK

LEO TOLSTOY died one hundred years ago today, aged 82. His last days and hours succumbing to pneumonia in a railway master's house were followed by the entire...

胡適在1911年9月9日 (留美第一年),讀《荀子》及Walter Scott 的The Fortunes of Nigel (1822) is a novel written by Sir Walter Scott. The setting is some time between 1616 and 1625.

在一次訪談中,勒果夫提到自己從小就對歷史感興趣。至於他與中世紀的初次深刻接觸,似可回溯到十二歲那年的讀物:蘇格蘭作家史考特(Walter Scott)的暢銷歷史小說《劫後英雄傳》(Ivanhoe)。此書描寫的森林場景、騎士比武與鮮活人物如國王、騎士、俠盜羅賓漢、猶太美女羅貝嘉等等,都令他深深著迷。

