2015年9月8日 星期二

1924國事紛亂至極。 BBC A Nightingale Sang

1924年5月6日,胡適(上海) 臥病旅館 (痔發3處,臥病月餘),美國朋友 G. E. Soksloky夫婦來訪,勸胡適到他們家養病。他就去索君家33天:"....他們待我非常之好,至可感激。"
G. E. Soksloky 在網路上查不到,姓都改成sokolosky

3月25胡適有【解嘲】一篇,末云:......今日支配國事的人-- 酒狂之上將,財迷之后(候)補總統,酒色狂之國會議長,-- 那一個不是"非從其所欲而充分為之不止"的神經病人。......"。


A Nightingale Sang

Late in the evening on 19th May, 1924, the BBC made its first live wildlife outside broadcast, from the cellist Beatrice Harrison's garden. A nightingale joined in, singing as she played. Listeners were so entranced by this duet that the cello and nightingale concerts were broadcast annually, eagerly awaited by listeners around the globe. Last year folk musician Sam Lee marked the 90th anniversary with his own song.
First broadcast on Singing with the Nightingales, 19th May 2014.

Late in the evening on 19th May, 1924, the BBC made its first live wildlife outside broadcast, from cellist Beatrice Harrison's garden. A nightingale joined in, singing as she played.

A three-minute clip

