2011年9月14日 星期三

思念 I. A. Richards (2)/李安宅(1900-1985)-于式玉(1904-69)

I. A. Richards (1893-1979)/ William Empson


思念 I. A. Richards

讀北京新出的書 內容很不充實 希望以後寫篇文章紀念他

瑞恰慈:科學與詩 徐葆耕編 北京:清華大學出版社 2003

《意義的意義》(The Meaning of Meaning) 白人立 國慶祝譯 北京:師範大學出版社2000

《文學批評原理》 楊自伍 南昌:百花洲文藝出版社 1992

The Meaning of Meaning, by C. K. Ogden and I. A. Richards (Harcourt, Brace, 1956)(p281-c9, OOTC) 許多年前 約1930年 李安宅先生有釋義版 (上海/台北) 約1995 中國有譯本


李安宅 還翻譯三人的論文編成 巫術與語言 1936
李安宅(1900-1985)-于式玉(1904-69) 藏學文論選 北京:中國藏學 2002


在哈佛最後一年我第一次會到以基本英語聞名的I. A. Richards 以後在清華大學 他成為我的同事 我們時常見面 後來對基本英語興趣濃厚 寫了一本基本英語教科書 且試以非美國口音錄了一套錄音片(1934 上海中華) 基本英語便是 I. A. Richards和C. K. Ogden共同發明的--趙元任《從家鄉到美國—趙元任早年回憶》學林1997

I also admired I. A. Richards and his course on practical criticism. I liked the dry, ironic tone of his elucidation of poetic ambiguities, and to him I owe the valuable axiom that the origin and value of a proposition are separate and distinct questions.

Ivor and Dorothea Richards had me to tea (with a bevy of Chinese students) later in the year, and we become good friends when they migrated to Harvard after the war. One felt in the end that Richards wasted a sharp and original intelligence on his enthusiasm for Basic English (and mountain climbing); but he was a very nice man and generous to the young. --p.195

Richards, I. A. (Ivor Armstrong Richards), 1893-1979, English literary critic. Richards was one of the founders of the school of interpretation known as the New Criticism, which stressed an awareness of textual and psychological nuance and ambiguity when studying literature. He advocated this viewpoint in influential studies including The Meaning of Meaning (with C. K. Ogden, 1923), Principles of Literary Criticism (1924), and Practical Criticism (1929) (see criticism). Richards's own poetry included Internal Colloquies: Poems and Plays (1973) and Beyond (1974) Richards was well-known for his creation, with Charles Kay Ogden, of a simplified language called Basic English, which consists of a primary vocabulary of 850 words. He championed its adoption in books such as Basic English and Its Uses (1943) and So Much Nearer: Essays Toward a World English (1968), and in his teaching at Cambridge and Harvard; he even translated Plato's Republic into Basic English.


See biography by J. P. I. Russo (1989).

