2018年7月19日 星期四

從胡適出發,進一步閱讀和思考:"Ithaca" ;ANNA KARENINA (1877) by Leo Tolstoy; Abraham Flexner先生(胡適)

關於"Ithaca" by Cavafy 及荷馬的"Ithaca" 等,以及進一步閱讀和思考,參考我的2010的書
《系統與變異: 淵博知識與理想設計法》,頁443~447。http://demingcircle.blogspot.tw/2010/06/hc-2010.html
As you set out on the way to Ithaca
hope that the road is a long one,
filled with adventures, filled with understanding.
The Laestrygonians and the Cyclopes,
Poseidon in his anger: do not fear them,
you’ll never come across them on your way
as long as your mind stays aloft, and a choice
emotion touches your spirit and your body.
The Laestrygonians and the Cyclopes,
savage Poseidon; you’ll not encounter them
unless you carry them within your soul,
unless your soul sets them up before you.
Hope that the road is a long one.
Many may the summer mornings be
when—with what pleasure, with what joy—
you first put in to harbors new to your eyes;
may you stop at Phoenician trading posts
and there acquire fine goods:
mother-of-pearl and coral, amber and ebony,
and heady perfumes of every kind:
as many heady perfumes as you can.
To many Egyptian cities may you go
so you may learn, and go on learning, from their sages.
Always keep Ithaca in your mind;
to reach her is your destiny.
But do not rush your journey in the least.
Better that it last for many years;
that you drop anchor at the island an old man,
rich with all you’ve gotten on the way,
not expecting Ithaca to make you rich.
Ithaca gave to you the beautiful journey;
without her you’d not have set upon the road.
But she has nothing left to give you any more.
And if you find her poor, Ithaca did not deceive you.
As wise as you’ll have become, with so much experience,
you’ll have understood, by then, what these Ithacas mean.
The Alexandrian Greek poet Constantine Cavafy (1863–1933) is a towering figure of twentieth-century literature. No modern poet brought so vividly to life the history and culture of Mediterranean antiquity; no writer dared break, with such taut energy, the taboos of his time surrounding homoerotic desire. In this edition, award-winning translator and editor Daniel Mendelsohn has made a selection of the poet’s best-loved works, including such favorites as “Waiting for the Barbarians,” “Ithaca,” and “The God Abandons Antony.” Accompanied by Mendelsohn’s explanatory notes, the poems collected here cover the vast sweep of Hellenic civilization, from the Trojan War through Cavafy’s own lifetime. Whether advising Odysseus as he returns home to Ithaca or portraying a doomed Marc Antony on the eve of his death, Cavafy’s poems make the historic profoundly and movingly personal. READ more here: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/…/cavafy-poems-by-c-p-c…/


一.    ANNA KARENINA (1877) by Leo Tolstoy
2017年胡適之先生紀念會上,我們提到胡先生留學日記上的閱讀 ANNA KARENINA Tolstoy筆記。

Modern Tragedy By Williams, Raymond /McCallum, Pamela (EDT) /Publisher:Broadview Pr Published 2006
《現代悲劇 》南京: 譯林, 2007 (據第一版翻譯)
該書的這章,很可參考:Social and Personal Tragedy: Tolstoy and Lawrence


安娜‧卡列尼娜(全二冊)   高惠群等譯,上海譯文,2010.8~2017.4 第8刷
安娜‧卡列尼娜 草嬰譯,南京:譯林,2014.4~2017.9 第14刷
安娜‧卡列妮娜,台北:志文,1986.9~1990.1 第2刷

【百果樹紅磚屋 / 黃昏電影院】本週影片
《安娜卡列妮娜Anna Karenina》(1948 , 139分鐘)
  《安娜卡列妮娜Anna Karenina》根據俄羅斯作家列夫•托爾斯泰於1874年-1877年間創作的小說所改編而成的,曾於1935、1948、1997、2012年改編成電影,1948年的版本是由費雯•麗領銜主演。

"There was something in her higher than what surrounded her. There was in her the glow of the real diamond among glass imitations. This glow shone out in her exquisite, truly enigmatic eyes. The weary, and at the same time passionate, glance of those eyes, encircled by dark rings, impressed one by its perfect sincerity. Everyone looking into those eyes fancied he knew her wholly, and knowing her, could not but love her."
--Anna’s thoughts about Liza from ANNA KARENINA (1878) by Leo Tolstoy
A famous legend surrounding the creation of Anna Karenina tells us that Tolstoy began writing a cautionary tale about adultery and ended up falling in love with his magnificent heroine. It is rare to find a reader of the book who doesn’t experience the same kind of emotional upheaval. Anna Karenina is filled with major and minor characters who exist in their own right and fully embody their mid-nineteenth-century Russian milieu, but it still belongs entirely to the woman whose name it bears, whose portrait is one of the truest ever made by a writer. Translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude. READ more here: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/…/anna-karenina-by-leo-…/

二. 進一步閱讀和思考胡適的Abraham Flexner先生:

217 記美國弗勒斯納(Abraham Flexner)先生(胡適日記) 2018-02-21 漢清講堂


從胡適 (1891-1962)記 Abraham Flexner (1866-1959)談他的一個夢想

2018年2月24日 (禮拜六)10點到12點,
電話:(02)  23650127
題目:從胡適 (1891-1962)記 Abraham Flexner (1866-1959)談他的一個夢想

FlexnerAbraham, 1866-1959.

林斯頓大學出版社2017年的出版品:The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge 一書,主體是 Abraham Flexner (1939) 的論文(pp.49~90),以及一篇導論 The World of Tomorrow by Robert Dijkgraaf (2017, pp.1~47)。2頁作者簡介; 3頁"進一步研究資訊"。

