2024年1月24日 星期三

Sir Norman Angell , The Great Illusion 1909到Visiting the Most Important Company in the World, Jan. 24, 2024,

Sir Norman Angell 的 The Great Illusion 一書,影響胡適之先生頗大,參考其"口述自傳"
今天,2024.1.25 紐約時報下文題到它:

I’m as skeptical of this argument as I am of the notion that China will invade Taiwan to grab T.S.M.C. The silicon shield reminds me of the 1909 best-selling book “The Great Illusion,” which was translated into 25 languages and predicted that Europe was so economically interdependent that warfare was obsolete. World War I and World War II killed its sales.

我對這一論點持懷疑態度,就像我對中國將入侵台灣奪取台積電的觀點持懷疑態度一樣。 矽盾讓我想起 1909 年的暢銷書《偉大的幻覺》,這本書被翻譯成 25 種語言,並預言歐洲在經濟上如此相互依賴,戰爭已經過時了。 第一次世界大戰和第二次世界大戰扼殺了它的銷售。google

哈哈:"......考慮到轉移生產的難度,保障晶片製造的最佳方法可能是比以往更加努力地阻止和避免台海戰爭。 更多相關內容請參考即將發表的專欄。"~~紐約時報OPINION
Visiting the Most Important Company in the World
Jan. 24, 2024, 7:00 p.m. ET

This is Steven Camley's interpretation of the lead up to World War One.
It refers to a 1913 text by Norman Angell, in which he argues that nations understood that war was pointless and therefore unlikely to happen:
"...military power is socially and economically futile, and can have no relation to the prosperity of the people exercising it; that it is impossible for one nation to seize by force the wealth or trade of another - to enrich itself by subjugating, or imposing its will by force on another; that in short, war, even when victorious, can no longer achieve those aims for which people strive..."
An excerpt from The Great Illusion by Norman Angell.
To hear how the news of the day was reported on 16th July 1914, listen to 1914: Day by Day: http://bbc.in/U9tqMN
A meeting of Suffragettes is attacked by a mob.

 胡適日記全集, 8 : 1940-1952
  19501月9日 與Sir Norman Angell* 和Mrs. Dwight Morrow吃飯談得很痛快,頁467-68(  我一生受他的影響很大。我從「不抵抗」主義逐漸轉到用力量制裁強暴的見解,是受了他和John Dewey的影響。*)*
胡適之先生在1915年的一次為期兩周的會議初識他及思想, 日記有詳記。
胡適口述自傳The Personal Reminiscences of Dr. Hu Shih《青年時期的政治訓練》一章,更詳細說明他受兩人思想的影響。

  1. Norman Angell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Sir Ralph Norman Angell (26 December 1872 – 7 October 1967) was an English lecturer, journalist, author, and Member of Parliament for the Labour Party.

  2. The Great Illusion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_Illusion‎   這本重要著作似乎沒漢譯
    The Great Illusion is a book by Norman Angell, first published in the United Kingdom in 1909 under the title Europe's Optical Illusion and republished in 1910 ...

  3. Sir Norman Angell - Biographical - Nobelprize.org

    Ralph Norman Angell Lane (December 26, 1872-October 7, 1967)1 was one of six children of Thomas Angell Lane and Mary (Brittain) Lane. Raised in a ...

  4. Sir Norman Angell (British economist) -- Encyclopedia Britannica

    English economist and worker for international peace, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1933. After an education in France, London, and Geneva, ...

 1961.7.3 胡適回信給呂光*

    ...... 這種運動,我在少年到中年的時期曾積極參加過,也曾發表過一些意見.....其主論  Government by law does not mean the absence of force, it only means that force is organized and regulated and direct toward some organized... Norman Angell 的思想的應用,即是"  Peace through the rule of law" 的一種說法。)老年回想,都似做了一場好夢。先生說要我"多予指示",更使我慚愧!      

