How did a party created to represent the working-class manage to lose so many working-class voters in its heartland to an Old Etonian member of the metropolitan elite? 2019.12.13
The British prime minister David Cameron and the mayor of London Boris Johnson may not be going the same way over Europe. But they have a lot in common - especially their school. Sean Curran on the special place of Eton in British public life.
現在我假設本文的推論是對的,而且胡先生在英國的著名"貴族"中學 (我知道的,至少有3所)中只訪問過Eton College。
他老人家過了34年, 在台北的徵信新聞的一篇談體罰(BIRCHING)的文章說 (各校當時體罰細節,可能類似"樺木棒") , 參見胡頌平的胡適之先生晚年談話錄,頁98 ,1960年 12月 20日。
這所Eton College,也是邱吉爾先生上過學的。
邱吉爾上的是Harrow School - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
胡適之先生的鮮明記憶, 雖然沒記在日記, 卻鮮活地保留三十四年, 參考下文圖
As at Eton schoolboy from 1853 to 1857, Bracebridge Heming was all too familiar with the frequent castigations administered by heavy-handed masters. On page 403 of Sir H. C. Maxwell Lyte’s A History of Eton College (1440-1898), published by Macmillan & Co., Ltd., London, 1899, appears a woodcut of the infamous birch and block upon which so many boys suffered.

胡適1926年10月16日 (周六) 的日記, 前半部遺失。
由前幾天和剩下的當日後半可知, 他是到英國著名的Eton College去演講" The New Literary Movement in China" (此講稿他很慎重其事,約花3晚去寫,可能花了7-10鐘頭。)
胡適日記全集: - Google Books Result
胡適提到的該校,有以紅色標出。 其中缺 Shelley 他是該校Syon 學院畢 (現在找不到它) 他還提到BALFOUR:Balfour: A Political Biography - Sydney H. Zebel - Google BooksThis biography analyses the long political career of Arthur James Balfour (1848-
Past pupils of Eton College are known as Old Etonians. In recent years, the school has become popular with the British Royal Family; Princes William and Harry are Old Etonians. Eton has also produced nineteen British Prime Ministers, including William Ewart Gladstone, Sir Robert Walpole, the first Duke of Wellington, and the current Prime Minister, David Cameron. A rising number of pupils come to Eton from overseas, including members of royal families from Africa and Asia, some of whom have been sending their sons to Eton for generations. One of them, King Prajadhipok or Rama VII (1893–1941) of Siam, donated a garden to Eton.[83] The mediaevalist and ghost story writer M. R. James was provost of Eton from 1918 until his death in 1936. The English Antarctic explorer Lawrence Oates attended the school. The jazz trumpeter and radio broadcaster Humphrey Lyttelton attended Eton. Actors educated at Eton include Max Pirkis, Eddie Redmayne, Simon Woods, Damian Lewis, Dominic West, Jeremy Brett, Hugh Laurie, Tom Hiddleston and Patrick Macnee. Musician Frank Turner also was at Eton. Other Old Etonians include Henry Fielding, Guy Burgess, George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, John Maynard Keynes and Henry More.
Eton College - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Eton College, often referred to simply as Eton, is a British independent school for boys aged 13 to 18. It was founded in 1440 by King Henry VI as "The King's College of Our Lady of Eton besides Wyndsor".[1]
It is located in Eton, near Windsor in England, north of Windsor Castle, and is one of the original nine English public schools as defined by the Public Schools Act 1868.
Eton has a long list of distinguished former pupils. David Cameron is the nineteenth British Prime Minister to have attended Eton.[2][3]
Eton has traditionally been referred to as "the chief nurse of England's statesmen",[4] and has been described as the most famous public school in the world.[5] Early in the 20th century, a historian of Eton wrote, "No other school can claim to have sent forth such a cohort of distinguished figures to make their mark on the world".[6]
The Good Schools Guide called the school "the number one boys' public school," adding, "The teaching and facilities are second to none."[7] The school is a member of the G20 Schools Group.
- 1 Overview
- 2 History
- 3 School terms
- 4 Boys' houses
- 5 Head Masters of Eton College (1442 - Present day)
- 6 Uniform
- 7 Tutors and teaching
- 8 Societies
- 9 Incentives and sanctions
- 10 Prefects
- 11 Sports
- 12 Music and drama
- 13 Celebrations
- 14 School magazines
- 15 Charitable status and fees
- 16 Controversy
- 17 Historical relations with other schools
- 18 Old Etonians
- 19 Partially filmed at Eton
- 20 In popular culture
- 21 Bibliography
- 22 See also
- 23 Notes
- 24 References
- 25 External links