2023年10月25日 星期三

從「箭垛式人物」到「被箭靶人生」 ; Sebastian. 解救蘋果

Antonello da Messina, San Sebastiano, 1478-1479 circa, Gemäldegalerie, Dresda, Germania

In this painting by Gerrit van Honthorst four bloody arrows pierce Saint Sebastian’s seemingly lifeless body. One has stabbed through his leg, and a stream of blood seems to enter our space from its tip. The saint was a Roman centurion who converted to Christianity and, in punishment, the Roman Emperor Diocletian ordered Sebastian’s fellow soldiers to tie him to a post and shoot him with arrows. Sebastian’s tormented body takes centre stage in Honthorst’s painting. The beautiful torso echoes classical sculpture, like the Belvedere Torso, which had been admired by artists in Rome since the fifteenth century. At the same time, the saint’s physical suffering was intended to inspire devotion: viewers were prompted to imagine his intense pain and the strength of his faith. Honthorst must have seen many depictions of the saint’s martyrdom during the period that he worked in Rome, but he likely painted this work a few years after he returned to his native Utrecht in 1620. There were a number of outbreaks of the plague in Utrecht between 1624 and 1626, and Sebastian was revered as a ‘plague saint’, believed to offer protection against the deadly and highly contagious disease. Oil on canvas, The National Gallery, London.
可能是 1 人的圖像



<果然有話>魏德聖的箭垛式冤情(張大春) | 蘋果日報

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Sep 21, 2010 - 垛式人物」是胡適的發明—在《三俠五義》的序裡,胡適開宗明義地說:「歷史上有許多有福之人。一個是黃帝,一個是周公,一個是包龍圖。」此一立論 ...



May 30, 2018

漢語拼音:jiàn duǒ
  1. 城上的短牆。也稱為「女牆」。射箭的標的物。《三國演義.第五六回》:「操欲觀武官比試弓箭,乃使近侍將西川紅 錦戰袍一領,掛於垂楊枝上,下設一箭垛,以百步為界。」也稱為「箭靶子」、「箭垛子」。
Sandro Botticelli Art
Sebastian, 1473


Sodoma 003.jpg
Saint Sebastian is largely responsible for use of this name.
German: [zeˈbasti̯an]
Romanian: [sebastiˈan]
Spanish: [seβasˈtjan]
Word/nameLatin and Greek
Meaning"from Sebastia", "Augustus"
Other names
Related namesSebastiánSébastienSebastiãoBastianBastienBasAugustus

