2018年4月13日 星期五

2月24日: 從胡適 (1891-1962)記 Abraham Flexner (1866-1959)談他的一個夢想

217 記美國弗勒斯納(Abraham Flexner)先生(胡適日記) 2018-02-21 漢清講堂

從胡適 (1891-1962)記 Abraham Flexner (1866-1959)談他的一個夢想

2018年2月24日 (禮拜六)10點到12點,
電話:(02)  23650127
題目:從胡適 (1891-1962)記 Abraham Flexner (1866-1959)談他的一個夢想

FlexnerAbraham, 1866-1959.

林斯頓大學出版社2017年的出版品:The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge 一書,主體是 Abraham Flexner (1939) 的論文(pp.49~90),以及一篇導論 The World of Tomorrow by Robert Dijkgraaf (2017, pp.1~47)。2頁作者簡介; 3頁"進一步研究資訊"。


他很可能讀過The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge By Abraham Flexner (1939),不過,該文的例子多非胡適所能"消受"或不方便"傳教"(距一般中文讀者太遠,了解該文需要約現在高中物理學以上的水準),所以他轉而用法國Louis Pasteur的例子來說明"無用之用是為大用"之大意 (此論斷待確定或否證);

人的評價,很有意思。據2017年的文章說,Abraham Flexner 1959過世時,紐約時報頭版刊出消息/訃文、社論,對他的貢獻,贊美有加。現在,我們在醫學教育圈,還可讀他百年前報告的檢討。然而,你從Wikipedia 對他的介紹,讀不出光與熱。



由他早年撰寫〈康南耳傳(Ezra Cornell)〉(根據李敖《胡適研究》指出,胡適逝世前還在修改此文),持續到晚年演講「美國大學教育的革新者吉爾曼的貢獻」,以及對美國教育改革家弗勒斯納先生─Abraham Flexner (1866-1959)一再發自內心的贊詞:我們對于這位肯夢想而能够努力使他的夢想成爲事功的偉人,能不表示我們的贊嘆與羡慕嗎



胡適對臺灣科學發展的推動 - 漢學研究中心


胡適對臺灣科學發展的推動:. 「學術獨立」夢想的延續**. 楊翠華*. 摘要. 胡適晚年在美國與臺灣,均繼續努力實踐其學術獨立的夢想,雖然他已不再是引領思潮革命的「大師」,卻是個推動臺灣學術與科學事業的舵手,從夢想落實到實踐層面,他自願扮演「鋪路者」的角色。本文先從胡適在民間. 公共領域 .... (Abraham Flexner)在普林斯頓大學創辦「高等學術研究院」(Institute for. Advanced Study)的楷模,也 .... 13 致吳大猷信,1962 年2 月5 日,「胡適晚年日記」卷,胡適檔。 14 吳大猷,《在臺工作回憶》( ...

早年撰寫〈康南耳傳(Ezra Cornell)〉(根據李敖《胡適研究》指出,胡適逝世前還在修改此文),持續到晚年演講「美國大學教育的革新者吉爾曼的貢獻」,以及對美國教育改革家弗勒斯納先生─Abraham Flexner (1866-1959)會一再發自內心的贊詞:我們對于這位肯夢想而能够努力 ...


Einstein, Kurt Gödel, John von Neumann, 

 A common room, with leather chairs, tables for chess, and a blackboard tucked away nearby in case of arguments, allowed the department to follow the English practice of gathering every afternoon for tea. Every time a bean counter approached Jones with the growing bill for the building, he said, “Nothing is too good for Harry Fine.”
For a few years after people started arriving, in 1933, to work at the Institute for Advanced Study, Fine Hall was also the home of its School of Mathematics. Even after that group moved to a new building, the mathematicians at the University and IAS were closely affiliated. Nazi hostility toward Jews and other minorities sent immigrants in flight to the United States: Einstein and Hermann Weyl from Germany, Gödel and Oskar Morgenstern from Austria, John von Neumann and Eugene Wigner from Hungary. Paul Erdős came from Hungary and, though he had no official affiliations, made Fine Hall a second home. “Those were the days when refugees were coming out of Europe,” recalled Israel Halperin *36, “and those in mathematics seemed to head first for Princeton, because the Institute and the University’s math department were both there. It was a tremendous concentration of talent.” 
“It started out being a very fearsome and frightening place,” said Joseph F. Daly *39 — but it became friendly “because they had tea every afternoon so you met all these people, people not only from the math department and the Institute for Advanced Study, but also from the physics department.” 

...In all, the story of Fine Hall in the 1930s is a story about talented, irreplaceable characters coming to Princeton from all over the world and building here a little world of their own — making messes, making friends, and making history along the way. One last story about the town’s most famous resident: At a luncheon, someone asked Einstein, “How do you like it in this country?” Einstein replied “that he liked it very much, it was a great country, and he was grateful for what Institute founding director Abraham Flexner and others had done to bring him to Princeton. There was however one thing he really did not like, namely that people stopped him on the street and asked him for signatures and other things.” As the story goes, Lefschetz said to Einstein, “Well, Herr Einstein, I can tell you how to stop that.” 
“Oh, Professor Lefschetz,” Einstein said, “I would be so grateful. What can I do about it?” 
Lefschetz replied, “Cut your hair.” 
Elyse Graham ’07 is an assistant professor of digital humanities at Stony Brook University.
“Cut your hair “
原文的作者title 是Stony brook 的
Professor of “digital humanities “!台灣好像沒有教授會有這樣的頭銜?

The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge By Abraham Flexner (1939)

; 胡適 (1959):"記美國醫學教育與大學教育的改造者弗勒斯那納先生 (Abraham Flexner-- 1866-1959); Who Got Einstein’s Office? The Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) "北京協和,Hopkins,


Who Got Einstein’s Office?: Eccentricity and Genius at the Institute for Advanced Study  1987

Universities : American, English, German

FlexnerAbraham, 1866-1959.

Iconoclast : Abraham Flexner and a life in learning

Bonner, Thomas Neville.

Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press c2002

 Clifford Geertz (1926~2006) 回憶錄


Abraham Flexner (1866-1959): A Great Medical Educator
近代醫學教育推動者:Abraham Flexner

蔡嘉哲(Gregorg J. Tsay) 李明濱 ; 黃伯超

醫學教育 / Journal of Medical Education, 2004-06-01, 8卷2期 (Vol.8, Issue 2), pp.202-207

檔案格式: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
... universities and their attitude towards medical standards and medical support; finally, upon the attitude of the… medical profession towards the standards of their own practice and upon their sense of honor with respect to their own profession. Medical Education in the United States and Canada. ~Abraham Flexner, 1910.


  • "Medical Education in the United States and Canada" (1910年
  • "A Modern School"(1916年)
  • "The Gary Schools"(F.B. Bachmanと共著)(1918年
  • "The Burden of Humanism. "The Taylorian Lecture at Oxford University(1928年
  • "Universities: American, English, German."1930年
  • "I Remember: The Autobiography of Abraham Flexner. Simon and Schuster."1940年
  • " A biography of H.S. Pritchett."1943年


  • Bonner, Thomas Neville," Iconoclast: Abraham Flexner and a Life in Learning."Johns Hopkins Univ. Press. ISBN 0-8018-7124-7.(2002年
  • Starr, Paul," The social transformation of American medicine" Basic Books,(1982年
  • Wheatley, S. C." The Politics of Philanthropy: Abraham Flexner and Medical Education."niv. of Wisconsin Press. ISBN 0-299-11754-5.(1989年

Jordan Wen 分享了你Hanching Chung貼文

張一中 最近一週,聽著「得到」的音頻專欄,吳軍老師談他關於「大學之道」、關於培養人的看法,甚有感悟。
台灣的高教啊 .....

** 坦白說,我不太相信現在的台灣的商、管理學院,能夠扭轉現在多年以來輕視人文與博雅的心態了。

Jordan Wen 我在東海四年學了工業工程,整個環境、同學,也誏我學了一些無用之用的心境。姚仁祿建築系早我一屆在一次TED Talk也提到類似的概念。當年遠離市區的博雅及住宿生活的影響。

好文章是Ben Chen轉來Kang-i Sun Chang 教授的文章 孫康宜:

字 字 字 孫康宜 二○一四年二月號 專題.特輯 全文刊 人文教育還有希望嗎? (孫康宜) 2014-02-012015-12-07 Yip Keith   我在耶魯執教已經三十二年。記得八十年代初剛到耶魯工作時,我是東亞系教授中最年輕的一員,現在卻已...

