2013年10月31日 星期四


這本書的謝辭有新竹清華語言所........Disputers of the Tao: philosophical argument in ancient China (La Salle, Illinois: Open Court, 1989) [trans. into Chinese by Zhang Haiyan "Lun dao zhe: Zhongguo gudai zhexue lun bian", Beijing: Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe, 2003) 论道者 : 中囯古代哲学論辩 / 葛瑞漢(A.C.Graham)著 ; 张海晏译 北京 : 中国社{212154}科学, 2003 這本書2013年有新版.不過"人名索引仍沒"胡適"和"梅貽寶"等人. 
  • Later Mohist Logic (reprint - Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2003)Later Mohist Logic, Ethics and Science by A. C. Graham (Feb 4, 2004)  (Hong Kong and London, 1979)
  • 此書中的胡適 讀者可從Amazon 的全文索引中知之.....
  • Divisions in early Mohism reflected in the core chapters of Mo-tzu (Singapore: Institute of East Asian Philosophies, 1985)

