2013年12月31日 星期二

殷海光談《胡適與國運》/ 晚年胡適 胡殷一段Markings by Dag Hammarskjöld



影印三封給陳平景的信 其中一封談 胡適之流的名流
早年確有些光輝 晚年簡直沉淪為世俗的人了 他深怕大眾不再捧他 唯恐忤逆現實的權勢.....
p.159 殷海光最後的話語/殷海光全集

 1950年代初胡先生訪問李宗仁 希望他回國:台灣 希望他在國外不要公開說國家的壞話.....(胡先生此一立場同吳國禎事件)
殷海光訪問美國時曾給胡適長信 說吳在美之言論是大快人心之事 胡先生說吳是妄人 深得蔣介石之信任 槍殺台糖公司總經理等 都是吳簽可的


短篇小說 愛情與麵包 Love And Bread August Strindberg



Dag Hammarskjöld 有修養的人

他的名著Markings 台灣翻印


Hammarskjöld, D. (1963)   Albert Bonniers Förlag
Dag Hammarskjöld himself describes Markings as “the only true ‘profile’ that can be drawn”. Markings consists of short diary-like notes, prose and haiku poems.
The texts are in the same order and form as Hammarskjöld himself left them. Notes and explanations can be found in the end of the book.
The dating begins in 1925 and the last entry was written a few weeks before his death. Markings is not a book that you can rush through, since each paragraph requires reflection.
Markings is a true classic. Since its discovery in 1963 it has been translated into a number of different languages.

Former Secretary-General

Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjöld

Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjöld Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjöld was Secretary-General of the United Nations from 10 April 1953 until 18 September 1961 when he met his death in a plane accident while on a peace mission in the Congo. He was born on 29 July 1905 in Jonkoping in south-central Sweden. The fourth son of Hjalmar Hammarskjöld, Prime Minister of Sweden during the years of World War I, and his wife Agnes, M.C. (b. Almquist), he was brought up in the university town of Uppsala where his father resided as Governor of the county of Uppland.

