2021年3月5日 星期五

林肯150年的生日紀念 (1959.2) 廣播稿。Abraham Lincoln : A Play By John Drinkwater 1918; 《林肯》 沈性仁譯、趙元任校、胡適序

林肯150年的生日紀念 (1959.2) 廣播稿。


Drinkwater, John, 1882-1937.; 德林瓦脫 (Drinkwater, John, 1882-1937);
人人文庫. 2029-2030.
、胡適序 pp.1~10

胡適1921.5.8日記   "......校讀沈性仁女士(陶孟和夫人)譯的Drinkwater's Abraham Lincoln 第一幕及第6幕,為加一長註。"

In 1918 he had his first major success with his play Abraham Lincoln

_Lincoln_: My friends, I am touched, deeply touched, by this mark of your good-will. After four dark and difficult years, we have achieved the great purpose for which we set out. General Lee's surrender to General Grant leaves but one Confederate force in the field, and the end is immediate and certain. _(Cheers_.) I have but little to say
at this moment. I claim not to have controlled events, but confess plainly that events have controlled me. But as events have come before me, I have seen them always with one faith. We have preserved the American Union, and we have abolished a great wrong. _(Cheers_.) The task of reconciliation, of setting order where there is now confusion, of bringing about a settlement at once just and merciful, and of directing the life of a reunited country into prosperous channels of good-will and generosity, will demand all our wisdom, all our loyalty.
It is the proudest hope of my life that I may be of some service in this work. _(Cheers_.) Whatever it may be, it can be but little in return for all the kindness and forbearance that I have received. With malice toward none, with charity for all, it is for us to resolve that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that
government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

