2015年10月26日 星期一

Harry Lloyd Hopkins 1890-1946

He was a firm supporter of China, which received Lend Lease aid for its military and air force. Hopkins wielded more diplomatic power than the entire State Department. Hopkins helped identify and sponsor numerous potential leaders, including Dwight D. Eisenhower.[14] He continued to live in the White House and saw the president more often than any other advisor.

哈里·勞埃德·霍普金斯Harry Lloyd Hopkins,1890年8月17日 - 1946年1月29日),美國政治家,美國民主黨人,曾任美國商務部長(1938年-1940年)。

胡適在論文多引用 Harry Hopkins 的Yelta 會議記錄:

Peter Drucker pointed to the example of Harry Hopkins, an adviser to Franklin D. Roosevelt during World War II. “A dying, indeed almost a dead man for whom every step was torment, he could only work a few hours every other day or so,” Drucker wrote of Hopkins. “This forced him to cut out everything but truly vital matters. He did not lose effectiveness thereby; on the contrary, he became, as Churchill called him once, ‘Lord Heart of the Matter’ and accomplished more than anyone else in wartime Washington.”

