2020年10月19日 星期一

(2020胡適之先生紀念演講草稿 II) 全球COVID-19疫情中的科技與社會文化 :dashboards、Coronavirus: Could the world have been spared? - FT。全員檢測與進口冷凍鱈魚包裝上病毒、紐西蘭:‘我們將在Covid危機中更好地重建’


COVID-19 Map - Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center
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This website and its contents herein, including all data, mapping, and analysis are copyright 2020 Johns Hopkins University, all rights reserved. When linking to the website, attribute the Website as the "COVID-19 Dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University"

U.S. Map
Johns Hopkins U.S. County Level COVID-19 Tracking Map.

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COVID-19 Worldwide Dashboard - WHO Live World Statistics

A COVID-19 dashboard is available providing up to date data from around the world。Showing the latest stats and information related to COVID-19。Official info on COVID-19。

COVID-19 Dashboard (Live)
The latest global numbers on
the Coronavirus outbreak

Myth busters
Clarifications on common
on COVID-19.

Data last updated: 2020/10/18, 2:43pm CEST

■ More than 70,450 new coronavirus cases were reported in the U.S. on Friday, the highest figure since July 24, according to a Times database, and the global seven-day average of new cases is hovering near 350,000.

***10.19 紐約時報 美國疫情


1 日前 — China and Covid-19: what went wrong in Wuhan? The first days and weeks of the pandemic were crucial. So why was no action taken? Through a six-month investigation in the city, the FT has uncovered the answers.




Pandemic fatigue, and its costs

A lawyer working at a cafe in Wausau, Wisc., kept his mask on.   Gabriela Bhaskar for The New York Times
In parts of the world where the coronavirus is surging again, the outbreaks and a rising sense of apathy are colliding, a dangerous combination that could worsen what health officials fear could be a devastating new wave.

Pandemic fatigue is especially stark in the U.S. and setting off alarms in Europe. “Things are different now,” said an American psychologist who studies stress. “Fear has really been replaced with fatigue.

針對「後疫情世代 台灣發展健康產業之契機」


在威斯康星州沃索一家咖啡館工作的律師一直戴面具。 Gabriela Bhaskar的《紐約時報》


大流行性疲勞在美國尤為明顯,並在歐洲引起人們的警覺。 一位研究壓力的美國心理學家說:“現在情況有所不同。” “恐懼真的被疲勞所取代。”

航空公司,機場,州和外國政府都希望測試能使旅遊業復甦。 但是,還有很多未解決的問題。



Japan's Zipair starts Tokyo-Seoul flights
Zipair Tokyo started passenger flights twice a week between Narita Airport and Incheon near Seoul on Friday. It follows Japan's easing earlier this month ...


The streets of Paris and eight other French cities were deserted on Saturday night as a new 21:00 to 06:00 curfew came into force.隨著新的21:00至06:00的宵禁生效,巴黎和其他八個法國城市的街道在周六晚上荒廢了。


■ The Chinese disease control agency said the coronavirus had survived on packages of imported frozen cod, fueling an outbreak in Qingdao, in eastern China, though many scientists say the likelihood of catching the virus from packaged frozen food is very low.


因中國工程院院士鐘南山日前表示,“白雲山複方板藍根對新冠病毒有效”的發言,白雲山公司一炮走紅,其股價 快速上漲。對此,白雲山10月18日發布澄清公告稱,相關結論只是針對公司合營企業白雲山和黃公司複方板藍根顆粒開展的抗新型冠狀病毒體外篩選的實驗結果,後續還需對該產品開展進一步相關工作,相關工作尚存在一定的不確定性。


Serum Institute of India and Bharat Biotech are expected to pursue late stage clinical trials of intranasal COVID-19 vaccines in the coming months once they receive regulatory approval, Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan said on Sunday.

印度衛生部長Harsh Vardhan博士周日表示,一旦獲得監管部門的批准,預計印度血清研究所和Bharat Biotech將在未來幾個月內進行鼻內COVID-19疫苗的後期臨床試驗。


‘We will build back better from the Covid crisis’: Jacinda Ardern’s landslide win

New Zealand’s prime minister and her Labour Party coasted to victory in national elections, riding a wave of support for her response to the coronavirus. Ms. Ardern has now cemented her position as New Zealand’s most popular prime minister in generations, if not ever.
The 40 year-old politician has become a global standard-bearer for a progressive politics that defines itself as compassionate and competent in crisis. “We will govern as we campaigned: positively,” Ms. Ardern said in her acceptance speech on Saturday night. “We will build back better from the Covid crisis. This is our opportunity.”
Political rebalancing: Ms. Ardern’s first term was marked by a partnership with the populist, center-right New Zealand First Party. Now Labour will be able to govern on its own, giving her more leeway to move left. The core decision that Ms. Ardern faces is how far to push.
Details: With more than 95.5 percent of the vote counted, Labour had secured 49 percent, with the National Party at 27 percent. Labour was expected to win 64 of the 120 seats in Parliament, with 35 expected to go to the National Party. It is the best result for Labour in 50 years.
‘我們將在Covid危機中更好地重建’:Jacinda Ardern的壓倒性勝利
這位40歲的政治家已成為進步政治的全球標杆,該政治將自己定義為富有同情心和在危機中勝任的能力。 “我們將在競選活動中執政:積極”,阿德恩女士在周六晚上的致辭中說。 “我們將從Covid危機中更好地重建。這是我們的機會。”

