2022年1月28日 星期五

胡適有聽 "聽" 羅斯福總統 1941年12月9日的Fireside chat 嗎?: 對日宣戰 On the Declaration of War with Japan

Fireside chats - Wikipedia

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Fireside_chats

The fireside chats were a series of evening radio addresses given by Franklin D. Roosevelt, the 32nd President of the United States, between 1933 and 1944.
Date: March 12, 1933 – June 12, 1944
Duration: 11–44 minutes

19 Tuesday, December 9, 1941 On the Declaration of War with Japan 26:19 [36]

James MacGregor Burns · 2017 · ‎Biography & Autobiography
5438- 5439; Lilienthal (Hu Shih's remembrance), p. ... Roosevelt's press conference and fireside chat of Dec.g, 1941: PPA, 1941, pp. 516-530.

2022年1月24日 星期一

Thomas Hardy 哈代 1840~1928;胡適之先生;徐志摩先生。張谷若; 吳奚真



胡適 譯 哈代 的 (引)詩《別離》《月光裡》;《還鄉記》、《德伯家的苔絲》;胡適父子練習翻譯: Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy 一段


胡適譯此詩末段,不過抄錯第一字,是By,非In。他知道出處是John Donne的
Present in Absence,不過他只記得詩題是"Absence"。他引的末段之標點也與下述的不同。

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The Hand of Ethelberta by Thomas Hardy: Chapter 40

www.online-literature.com › Thomas Hardy › The Hand of Ethelberta

'By absence this good means I gain, That I can catch her, Where none can watch her, In some close corner of my brain: There I embrace and kiss her; And so I ...

   English Poetry I: From Chaucer to Gray.
The Harvard Classics.  1909–14.
176. Present in Absence
John Donne (1573–1631)

ABSENCE, hear thou my protestation
    Against thy strength,
    Distance, and length;
Do what thou canst for alteration:
  For hearts of truest mettle        5
  Absence doth join, and Time doth settle.
Who loves a mistress of such quality,
    His mind hath found
    Affection’s ground
Beyond time, place, and all mortality.        10
  To hearts that cannot vary
  Absence is present, Time doth tarry.
My senses want their outward motion
    Which now within
    Reason doth win,        15
Redoubled by her secret notion:
  Like rich men that take pleasure
  In hiding more than handling treasure.
By absence this good means I gain,
    That I can catch her,        20
    Where none can watch her,
In some close corner of my brain:
  There I embrace and kiss her;
  And so enjoy her and none miss her.

胡適譯: 別離


pp. 125-27

Harriet Monroe, ed. (1860–1936).  The New Poetry: An Anthology.  1917.
152. In the Moonlight
By Thomas Hardy

“O LONELY workman, standing there
In a dream, why do you stare and stare
At her grave, as no other grave there were?
“If your great gaunt eyes so importune
Her soul by the shine of this corpse-cold moon,        5
Maybe you’ll raise her phantom soon!”
“Why, fool, it is what I would rather see
Than all the living folk there be;
But alas, there is no such joy for me!”
“Ah—she was one you loved, no doubt,        10
Through good and evil, through rain and drought,
And when she passed, all your sun went out?”
“Nay: she was the woman I did not love,
Whom all the others were ranked above,
Whom during her life I thought nothing of.”

胡適譯: 月光裡

      如今伊死了,你便失去了你的光明? 』




BBC Radio 4 的相片。

胡適日記 1931/8/14 他們(父子--胡適和瀛兒) 練習的翻譯應該是這段 (黑體字是他認為不好翻譯的字)


A well proportioned mind is one which shows no particular bias; one of which we may safely say that it will never cause its owner to be confined as a madman, tortured as a heretic, or crucified as a blasphemer. Also, on the other hand, that it will never cause him to be applauded as a prophet, revered as a priest, or exalted as a king. Its usual blessings are happiness and mediocrity.
--- Return of the Native byThomas Hardy

The Return of the Native - Page 75 - gutenberg - hardy thomas

proportioned mind is one which shows no particular bias; one of which we may safely ...

胡適之先生講"發揮" /翻譯相關: 張恩裕《苔絲》 TESS OF THE D'URBERVILLES (1891)甚用心. 此人當有成就

Expression is the most effective means of approximating impression.


胡適日記全集, 第 6卷 1930-33
頁730  1933.12.23   胡適之先生"校讀張恩裕翻譯的Tess《苔絲》.... (12.22 即說:此譯甚用心. 此人當有成就)


周作人1966.2.10 致信香港的徐訏, 說他1937-38一年"......靠胡適之的編譯會的譯書的事 總算混過去了....."---hc按: 周要養約10口人。
這編譯會是中英基金會支持的。 胡適給的稿費通常可讓教授一年生活 (卞之琳拿預付款。到日本去翻譯.....)
胡適日記全集, 第 6卷 1930-33
頁730  1933.12.23  可讀 胡適之先生談翻譯之一:.....今不加咀嚼....豈不更失翻譯原意....

Poet and novelist Thomas Hardy was born in Stinsford, Dorset, England on this day in 1840.
"She had no fear of the shadows; her sole idea seemed to be to shun mankind — or rather that cold accretion called the world, which, so terrible in the mass, is so unformidable, even pitiable, in its units."

One of Thomas Hardy’s most famous novels is the story of an innocent young woman victimized by the double standards of her day. Set in the magical Wessex landscape so familiar from Hardy’s early work, Tess of the d’Urbervilles is unique among his great novels for the intense feeling that he lavished upon his heroine, Tess, a pure woman betrayed by love. Hardy poured all of his profound empathy for both humanity and the rhythms of natural life into this story of her beauty, goodness, and tragic fate. READ more here: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/…/tess-of-the-durbervil…/




5月11日 自題〈日黃中〉前面的幾句話: 「......我現在也欠我自己少做詩,多譯詩。這一冊 (按:《胡適之先生詩歌手跡》(上海:商務))是譯詩居多.......」


7月11日譯薛萊Shelley 的小詩

7月23日譯哈代Thomas Hardy的〈月光裏〉

8月20日譯葛德的 Harfenspieler (按日記中詩的翻譯討論介紹,值得專文記述之,參考《嘗試後集此詩的說,又當今留傳的歌德原書中的翻譯.......)

〈別離〉胡適翻譯自哈代(Thomas Hardy) 的小說 The Hand of Ethelberta: A Comedy in Chapters (1876)

 1924年11月12日,胡適讀完The Hand of Ethelberta: A Comedy in Chapters is a novel by Thomas Hardy, published in 1876.


其中引 John Donne 的 Absence 末章,胡適將它翻譯成〈別離〉

Christopher was now over five-and-twenty.  He was getting so well
accustomed to the spectacle of a world passing him by and splashing him
with its wheels that he wondered why he had ever minded it.  His habit of
dreaming instead of doing had led him up to a curious discovery.  It is
no new thing for a man to fathom profundities by indulging humours: the
active, the rapid, the people of splendid momentum, have been surprised
to behold what results attend the lives of those whose usual plan for
discharging their active labours has been to postpone them indefinitely.
Certainly, the immediate result in the present case was, to all but
himself, small and invisible; but it was of the nature of highest things.
What he had learnt was that a woman who has once made a permanent
impression upon a man cannot altogether deny him her image by denying him
her company, and that by sedulously cultivating the acquaintance of this
Creature of Contemplation she becomes to him almost a living soul.  Hence
a sublimated Ethelberta accompanied him everywhere--one who never teased
him, eluded him, or disappointed him: when he smiled she smiled, when he
was sad she sorrowed.  He may be said to have become the literal
duplicate of that whimsical unknown rhapsodist who wrote of his own
similar situation--

   'By absence this good means I gain, 不見也有不見的好處:
      That I can catch her,                我倒可以見著她,                                   
      Where none can watch her,            不怕有誰監著她, 
   In some close corner of my brain:    在我腦海的深窈處;   
      There I embrace and kiss her;         我可以抱著她,親她的臉;
      And so I both enjoy and miss her.'    雖然不見,抵得長相見。 

This frame of mind naturally induced an amazing abstraction in the
organist, never very vigilant at the best of times. 

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First edition title page

The Hand of Ethelberta: A Comedy in Chapters is a novel by Thomas Hardy, published in 1876. It was written, in serial form, for the Cornhill Magazine, which was edited by Leslie Stephen, a friend and mentor of Hardy's. Unlike the majority of Hardy's fiction, the novel is a comedy, with both humour and a happy ending for the major characters and no suicides or tragic deaths. The late nineteenth century novelist George Gissing, who knew Hardy, considered it 'surely old Hardy's poorest book'.[1]

徐志摩先生。英國造訪Thomas Hardy 哈代

Thomas Hardy (1840-1928 / Dorchester / England) 近90歲都還可以寫詩 徐志摩(在英國曾專程搭火車拜訪之)的年齡少他一半多的時候 翻譯他83/86歲的生日詩 陸小曼說譯得還可以.....可惜這些中英文文稿待查 有意思的是 蔣復璁先生說胡適是徐的唯一知音 胡徐兩人在這方面的文學喜號/人生觀等 似乎相差甚大


張谷若; 吳奚真



Thomas Hardy
Thomashardy restored.jpg
英格蘭 英格蘭多塞特郡多爾切斯特
英格蘭 英格蘭多塞特郡多爾切斯特
配偶Emma Lavinia Gifford (1874–1912)
Florence Dugdale (1914–28)


湯瑪士·哈代OMThomas Hardy,1840年6月2日-1928年1月11日),英國作家,生於農村沒落貴族家庭。









  • 《絕望的救濟》Desperate Remedies: A Novel (1871)
  • 《綠蔭下》Under the Greenwood Tree: A Rural Painting of the Dutch School (1872)
  • 《一雙藍眼睛》A Pair of Blue Eyes: A Novel (1873)
  • 《遠離塵囂》Far from the Madding Crowd (1874) 吳奚真
  • 《伊索貝塔的真愛》The Hand of Ethelberta: A Comedy in Chapters (1876)
  • 歸鄉》The Return of the Native (1878) 張谷若
  • 《司令長》The Trumpet-Major (1880)
  • 《冷漠的人》A Laodicean: A Story of To-day (1881)
  • 《塔上戀人》Two on a Tower: A Romance (1882)
  • 《卡斯特橋市長的生活與死亡》The Mayor of Casterbridge: The Life and Death of a Man of Character (1886)《卡斯特橋市長》吳奚真
  • 《林居人》The Woodlanders (1887)
  • 德伯家的苔絲:一個純潔的少女》Tess of the d'Urbervilles: A Pure Woman Faithfully Presented (1891) 張谷若
  • 《深受愛載者》The Well-Beloved: A Sketch of a Temperament (1897) (first published as a serial from 1892)
  • 無名的裘德》Jude the Obscure (1895) 張谷若


  • 《牛奶女工的浪漫冒險》"The Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid" (1883) (collected in A Changed Man and Other Stories)
  • 《三個陌生人》"The Three Strangers" (1883) (collected in Wessex Tales)
  • 《威塞克斯故事集》Wessex Tales (1888, a collection of short stories)
  • 《一群高貴的淑女》A Group of Noble Dames (1891, a collection of short stories)
  • 《生活的小諷刺》Life's Little Ironies (1894, a collection of short stories)


  • 《威塞克斯的詩與其他》Wessex Poems and Other Verses (1898)
  • 《過去與現在的詩》Poems of the Past and the Present (1901)
  • 《時光的笑柄》Time's Laughingstocks and Other Verses (1909)
  • 《現實的諷刺》Satires of Circumstance (1914)
  • 《幻想時刻》Moments of Vision (1917)
  • 《詩集》Collected Poems (1919)
  • 《晚期與早期抒情詩》Late Lyrics and Earlier with Many Other Verses (1922)
  • 《人間萬象、遙遠之夢:歌謠與瑣事》Human Shows, Far Phantasies, Songs and Trifles (1925)
  • 《心境與格律的冬詞》Winter Words in Various Moods and Metres (1928)


  • 《王朝:拿破崙與戰爭的詩戲》(The Dynasts: An Epic-Drama of the War with Napoleon (verse drama)
    • 《王朝》第一部The Dynasts, Part 1 (1904))
    • 《王朝》第二部(The Dynasts, Part 2 (1906)
    • 《王朝》第三部(The Dynasts, Part 3 (1908)
  • 《康沃爾女王的悲劇》The Famous Tragedy of the Queen of Cornwall at Tintagel in Lyonnesse (1923)

A Daughter of the D'Urbervilles? Here is an autograph manuscript of Tess of the d'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy, where the original title was crossed out. You can see revisions to the dialogue, marking changes from standard English to dialectal phrasing, such as ‘t'ye’ and ‘well as I know 'ee by sight’. #ManuscriptMonday
Find the first and final chapters here: 🔗http://www.bl.uk/....../manuscript-of-the-first-and......
📜Add MS 38182
Manuscript of Thomas Hardy's draft of Tess of the D'Urbervilles