2023年2月28日 星期二

胡適談古 "士";執干戈以衛社稷;貔貅ㄆ一ˊ ㄒ一ㄡ: 氣度;千字文; 敦煌寫本簡筆字...仏.... .1960.3.12 /"錯客" (上海話)/ 商山四皓

 胡適談      "士";執干戈以衛社稷;貔貅ㄆ一ˊ ㄒ一ㄡ: 氣度;千字文;  敦煌寫本簡筆字...仏.... .1960.3.12  


1960/3/12/   13 

字號B04804正字 - 06 - 13 

1.  傳說中之猛獸。《玉篇.豸部》:「貅,猛獸。」《廣韻.平聲.尤韻》:「貅,貔貅,猛獸。」《字彙.豸部》:「貅,貔貅,猛獸,豹屬也。」

2.  比喻勇猛之軍隊、將士。《史記.卷一.五帝本紀》:「教熊羆貔貅貙虎,以與炎帝戰於阪泉之野。」唐.張守節.正義:「言教士卒習戰,以猛獸之名名之,用威敵也。」元.湯式〈小梁州.臨風閣內〉曲:「誰承望擒虎將軍至,擁貔貅百萬雄師。」

(漢語拼音:pí xiū,注音符號:ㄆ一ˊ ㄒ一ㄡ)為中國傳說的一種瑞獸。中國的風水學者認為貔貅是轉禍為祥的吉瑞之獸。中國傳統有裝飾「貔貅」的習俗,貔貅寓意 ...

 胡適談起敦煌寫本有許多簡筆字 如佛簡寫作仏 
 涅槃簡寫作 ....

 *** .....這是讀書的"錯客" (上海話)造出來的..... (胡適 1960/3/15 商山四皓 政治激烈)

2023年2月27日 星期一

(15回) 目次 2023年胡適之先生紀念演說 (共15 回) 目次 俄羅斯侵略烏克蘭一週年反思《自由主義之後》(彭淮棟譯。After Liberalism By Immanuel Wallerstein)


2023年胡適之先生紀念演說 (15回)  目次

2023年胡適之先生紀念演說 第15回: 


15/15  2023年胡適之先生紀念演說 第15回:日升日落,胡家二百年;美國世紀,利息在人間.......。胡適的記憶之宮:親友,方聞;詩歌,笑話。看電影《飄》、永井荷風看某法國片;趣談"日本國寶" (書). “March comes in like a lion, out like a lamb” .....談「想」(THINK)的矛、盾、幻覺與希望。夏濟安選文"Moscow, 1918" 兩段 By George Kennan...     「.....居然能出這樣一個人才!真使我驚異。」〈論思想或觀念的僵窒和簡化〉胡適之先生日記末兩篇及其剪貼   俄羅斯侵略烏克蘭一週年反思《自由主義之後》(彭淮棟譯。After Liberalism By Immanuel Wallerstein 1930~2019)  「胡適與殷海光 — 兩代自由主義者思想風格的異同 」  《臺大 文史哲學報》第37期1989.12 。海耶克 《到奴役之路》:胡適、余英時   


文本 https://hushihhc.blogspot.com/2023/02/1515-2023-15-after-liberalism-by.html

2023年胡適之先生紀念演說 第14回: 

故事集3     胡適之先生 學/談/譯談/譯哥德;康乃爾大學德文課 一本詩《赫爾曼與陀羅特亞》Hermann and Dorothea;胡適之先生圈子討論一句詩;周學普先生及其《哥德談話錄》譯人胡適促進翻譯事業

 2023年紀念講座( 14/15)   胡適之先生 學/談/譯談/譯哥德Goethe,胡適之先生圈子討論一首詩"譯葛德的 Harfenspieler (The Harper),紀念這個最難忘的朋友"  (1952年9月10日,收入《嘗試後集》)     。從隱地的回憶錄《一根線》的"楔子" 2020 說起 溫德斯 Win Wenders《歧路》˙《威廉麥斯特的學習時代》 ;康乃爾大學德文課 一本詩《赫爾曼與陀羅特亞》Hermann and Dorothea;;周學普先生及其《哥德談話錄》譯人胡適促進翻譯事業


2023年胡適之先生紀念演說 第13回: 

胡適故事集 2 13/15:記性與天分....胡適之先生談其"視覺的心" (The Mind's Eye)。羅光主教羅瑪31年後拜訪胡適之先生;利瑪竇《記法》;記憶之宮 史景遷 ;棄漢字 (韓日);幟,幔,帘...歌德/周學普.........

 胡適故事集 2  2023年胡適之先生紀念演說 (15回)     13/15:記性與天分....胡適之先生談其"視覺的心" (The Mind's Eye)。羅光主教羅瑪31年後拜訪胡適之先生;利瑪竇《記法》;記憶之宮 史景遷 ;棄漢字 (韓日);幟,幔,帘...歌德/周學普.........


2023年胡適之先生紀念演說 第12回: 

故事集:胡頌平(1904-1988)家; 胡適之先生(1891-1962)。漢寶德先生(1934-2014);余英時先生(1930-2021)。《胡適之先生年譜長編初稿補篇》2015;《胡適之先生年譜長編初稿》1984;詩友、紀念館及各屆館長;《文存》《詩存》《全集》


2023年胡適之先生紀念演說 第11回: 

2023年胡適之先生紀念演說 第11回 :意猶未盡: 胡適之先生及其摯友們徐志摩、丁文江等與俄羅斯、烏克蘭

:胡適《沁園春·新俄萬歲》1917........ 《Stalin 戰略下的中國》1950。記烏克蘭20~21世紀的悲劇。胡適、楊振寧太太的美國簽證困擾與解決 1949~1960......      Why the world must stand up to Putin. "烏克蘭的大饑荒更多是人為造成,而且是惡意為之"。Flag of Ukraine烏克蘭國旗史;「青の空と黄の麦畑」。胡適重視蘇聯的第1期5年計畫的成果分析1934.12.11 /至少三到五百萬烏克蘭人在1932-33年間餓死


2023年胡適之先生紀念演說 第10回:《補篇》中的忙:"友人"滿天下。火財盒語怕老婆的故事。《論語》;《詞選》:夢江南。多情智慧老人舊庄國小/胡適國民小學; 匈牙利的 Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (Laszlo Moholy-Nagy (1895~1946) ,2006改校名)


文本  https://hushihhc.blogspot.com/2023/02/2023-10-moholy-nagy-university-of-art.html

2023年胡適之先生紀念演說 第9 回:2023年胡適之先生紀念演說 第9 回:鸚鵡化身蜂鳥帶著小水滴撲向巨林大火----胡適《人權論集  序》(1929 中"鸚鵡翼間水"有意味的故事,《紐約時報Yoko Ono Fans...》2023 ;《胡適之先生年譜長編初稿 》 如何"自行審查"刪節      )。


 2023年胡適之先生紀念演說 第8回:了不起的美國英國大學出版社: 芝加哥大學出版社的胡適之《中國的文藝復興》The Chinese Renaissance (The Haskell Lectures, 1933).......兼談"外研社"、聯經出版的胡適英文著作;普林斯頓大學出版社的Bollingen Series、Zone Books......;《耶魯大學出版社的歷史》哈佛大 學出版社 的 Charles Eliot Norton Lectures ...... 「胡適紀念研究講座2021」鳥瞰哈佛大學的 Charles Eliot Norton Lectures;


2023年胡適之先生紀念演說 第7回:
公案: 從橄欖神樹(ˊThe olive tree of Vouves, on Crete), 談."現在我們回來了,你們請看,便不同了!"("You shall know the difference, now that I am back again." ) 到  沉默的胡適日記 "  


2023年胡適之先生紀念演說 第6回:胡適、傅斯年的畢歲與新春; 陶淵明〈擬古〉第九首  、〈榮木〉《胡適日記 》1949年元旦和二日


2023年胡適之先生紀念演說 1950年胡適日記為主題 第5回~10回:哀傅斯年;紐約著作書緣《中國文學史選例》。楊聯陞:論學通信20年、書評、胡頌平:年譜長編、補編、談話錄。唐德剛:口述自傳,王志雄:演講稿;遠流版


痛罵今日美國大學裏所謂"新詩"、"新文藝",深得我的同情。SPEAKING OF BOOKS By J. Donald Adams  nyt  胡適日記 1952年2月25

2023年胡適之先生紀念演說 1950年胡適日記為主題 第5回:哀傅斯年 第5回;

楊聯陞:論學通信20年、書評 第6回

胡頌平年譜長編、補編、談話錄 第7回

唐德剛:口述自傳 胡適雜憶  第8回

紐約著作書緣《中國文學史選例》 第9回

王志雄:演講稿;遠流版。 歷任館長。中國的的胡適研究 .....第10回

2023年胡適之先生紀念演說 1950年胡適日記為主題 第4回:" 胡適紐約住屋及開支預算單":Round Table Club、《大幻覺 The Great Illusion》作者Norman Angel 續緣。了不起的胡適--趙元任(Dr. Y.R. Chao)通信;求書與Harvard Classics Volume 17: Folklore and Fable;求職;讀書,筆記。《朱語類類 》及古來的朝廷決策。Gest 東方圖書館館長期間的一些故事...泉井久之助..吉川幸次郎《元曲選釋》1952與胡適楊聯陞.....;胡適的中國思想史和中國白話白話文學史看法;新年志未酬的"少作"續完......



2023年胡適之先生紀念演說 1950年胡適日記為主題 第3回

高無上的磨難( the supreme ordeal ):個人處失望的沉默中( in the silences of his personal despair)--《英雄千面 》(The Hero with a Thousand Faces):

悲壯《陳獨秀的最後見解》序 ;
胡適引《新約》給李宗仁;司徒雷登的回憶錄(美國發表的《白皮書》) .....



 2023年胡適之先生紀念演說 1950年胡適日記為主題  第2回.  歷史與人 (生)  :從 時事漫畫到The Timid Soul ......。 "多難而偉大的20 世紀"中兩位中國人,他們的"高貴的精神"的兩篇"史論": China in Stalin's grand strategy(Foreign affairs季刊,1950.10《史達林大戰略下的中國》 )  。林語堂的《匿名》(The Secret Name,1958)  - 錢鎖橋 《林語堂傳》(2018)  (本年度講座10回直播至2023.2.24)



2023年胡適之先生紀念演說 (10回直播至2023.2.24)  第1回.漢字圈的故事:湯川9**秀樹夫婦與其兄弟.  王次回《疑雨集 》:胡適、永井 荷風 、  鄭清茂   。   提倡"民主"之前的 英國法律;賀衞方談胡適EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW第5讲: 少年胡适所见英国司法准则(上)....... Sir John Bowring 的故事 毒麵包案(馮睎乾十三維度) 。胡適之先生的世界,偏重《胡適日記  1950》超越文化譯者 1/10   努力 認真     胡適日記 20歲 1910 1月27 讀王次回《疑雨集 》



參考文本 https://hushihhc.blogspot.com/2023/02/2023-202322410.html

15/15 2023年胡適之先生紀念演說 第15回:日升日落,胡家二百年;美國世紀,利息在人間.......。胡適的記憶之宮:親友,方聞;詩歌,笑話。看電影《飄》、永井荷風看某法國片;趣談"日本國寶" (書). “March comes in like a lion, out like a lamb” .....談「想」(THINK)的矛、盾、幻覺與希望。夏濟安選文"Moscow, 1918" 兩段 By George Kennan... 「.....居然能出這樣一個人才!真使我驚異。」〈論思想或觀念的僵窒和簡化〉胡適之先生日記末兩篇及其剪貼 俄羅斯侵略烏克蘭一週年反思《自由主義之後》(彭淮棟譯。After Liberalism By Immanuel Wallerstein 1930~2019) 「胡適與殷海光 — 兩代自由主義者思想風格的異同 」 《臺大 文史哲學報》第37期1989.12 。海耶克 《到奴役之路》:胡適、余英時


15/15  2023年胡適之先生紀念演說 第15回:日升日落,胡家二百年;美國世紀,利息在人間.......。胡適的記憶之宮:親友,方聞;詩歌,笑話。看電影《飄》、永井荷風看某法國片;趣談"日本國寶" (書). “March comes in like a lion, out like a lamb” .....談「想」(THINK)的矛、盾、幻覺與希望。夏濟安選文"Moscow, 1918" 兩段 By George Kennan...     「.....居然能出這樣一個人才!真使我驚異。」〈論思想或觀念的僵窒和簡化〉胡適之先生日記末兩篇及其剪貼   俄羅斯侵略烏克蘭一週年反思《自由主義之後》(彭淮棟譯。After Liberalism By Immanuel Wallerstein 1930~2019)  「胡適與殷海光 — 兩代自由主義者思想風格的異同 」  《臺大 文史哲學報》第37期1989.12 。海耶克 《到奴役之路》:胡適、余英時   



15/15  2023年胡適之先生紀念演說 第15回: 

1962.2.19/  2.21


俄羅斯侵略烏克蘭一週年反思《自由主義之後》(彭淮棟譯。After Liberalism By Immanuel Wallerstein)




 “March comes in like a lion, out like a lamb”

胡適病中看某本 Joke Book,跟胡頌平講的笑話之一。可能是怕老婆之故事。

 “March comes in like a lion, out like a lamb” means that March starts off with cold winters and ends with warmer, spring weather. Because March straddles the winter/spring line, this is the perfect idiom to describe the weather during this month.Mar 6, 2017


「胡適與殷海光 — 兩代自由主義者思想風格的異同 」  《臺大 文史哲學報》第37期1989.12, 頁123~172

海耶克 《到奴役之路》:胡適、余英時

George Kennan's Russia Leaves the War. George Kennan的回憶錄數本。Kremlin fury over Biden 'war criminal' comment. Vladimir Putin’s regime looks less secure. 政治下毒、暗殺重現俄羅斯。The Russia Hand: A Memoir of Presidential Diplomacy by Strobe Talbott 2003  。 OBLOMOV (《奧勃洛莫夫》1859) by Ivan Goncharov「多餘人」superfluous man

Moscow, 1918

George Kennan的回憶錄數本
George Kennan's Russia Leaves the War. George Kennan的回憶錄數本。Kremlin fury over

FT 版面不錯。
俄烏戰爭一週年,各媒體紛紛作專題報導,金融時報週末生活版也以1.5版篇幅刊載 “ 新的長電報 ”,想像1946年提出對蘇聯進行圍堵的喬治肯楠,如果面對當今俄羅斯普丁的新對抗,會寫出什麼樣的政策建議。
解決我們社會的內部問題,提高人民的自信心,紀律, 道德和社區精神的每一項勇敢和敏銳的措施,都是對莫斯科的外交勝利,抵得過一千個外交照會和聯合公報。


Wallerstein's academic and professional career began at Columbia University where he was first an instructor and then associate professor of sociology from 1958 to 1971.[10] During his time there he became leading supporter for student who were protesting during the Columbia University protests of 1968 as they fought against Columbia's involvement in the Vietnam War.[11] 

In 1976 Wallerstein was offered the unique opportunity to pursue a new avenue of research, and so became head of the Fernand Braudel Center for the Study of Economies, Historical Systems and Civilization at Binghamton University in New York,[13] whose mission was "to engage in the analysis of large-scale social change over long periods of historical time".[14] The Center opened with the publishing support of a new journal, Review,[10] (of which Wallerstein was the founding editor), and would go on to produce a body of work that "went a long way toward invigorating sociology and its sister disciplines, especially history and political-economy".[10] Wallerstein would serve as a distinguished professor of sociology at Binghamton until his retirement in 1999.[12]

From dependency theory, he took the key concepts of "core" and "periphery".[citation needed]

However, Wallerstein named Frantz Fanon (1925-1961), Fernand Braudel (1902-1985), and Ilya Prigogine (1917-2003) as the three individuals who exerted the greatest influence "in modifying my line of argument (as opposed to deepening a parallel line of argument)."[3] In The Essential Wallerstein, he stated that: "Fanon represented for me the expression of the insistence by those disenfranchised by the modern world‑system that they have a voice, a vision, and a claim not merely to justice but to intellectual valuation.";[3] that Braudel, for his description of the development and political implications of extensive networks of economic exchange in the European world between 1400 and 1800, "more than anyone else made me conscious of the central importance of the social construction of time and space and its impact on our analyses.";[3] and that "Prigogine forced me to face the implications of a world in which certainties did not exist – but knowledge still did."[3]

Wallerstein was often mocked for arguing since 1980 that the United States is a "hegemon in decline",[citation needed] but since the Iraq War this argument has become more widespread. During this time, Wallerstein also argued that the development of the capitalist world economy was detrimental to a large proportion of the world's population.[24] Like Marx, Wallerstein predicted that capitalism will be replaced by a socialist economy, a view held in the 1970s, but reassessed in the 1980s.[25] He concluded that the successor system(s) is unknowable.[citation needed]

 The statuses of core and periphery are not exclusive and fixed geographically, but are relative to each other. A zone defined as "semi-periphery" acts as a periphery to the core and as a core to the periphery. At the end of the 20th century, this zone would comprise Eastern Europe, ChinaBrazil, and Mexico. It is important to note that core and peripheral zones can co-exist in the same location.[citation needed]

In the last two decades of his life, Wallerstein increasingly focused on the intellectual foundations of the modern world-system and the pursuit of universal theories of human behavior. In addition, he showed interest in the "structures of knowledge" defined by the disciplinary division between sociology, anthropologypolitical scienceeconomics, and the humanities, which he himself regarded as Eurocentric. In analyzing them, he was highly influenced by the "new sciences" of theorists like Ilya Prigogine.[citation needed]

****his ideas about Western domination of the modern world and the very nature of sociological inquiry


Immanuel Maurice Wallerstein was an American sociologist and economic historian. He is perhaps best known for his development of the general approach in sociology which led to the emergence of his world-systems approach. Wikipedia
Born: September 28, 1930, New York, New York, United States
Died: August 31, 2019, Branford, Connecticut, United States

989The Modern World-System, vol. III: The Second Great Expansion of the Capitalist World-Economy, 1730-1840sImmanuel WallersteinSan Diego: Academic Press
1989Antisystemic MovementsImmanuel Wallerstein with Giovanni Arrighi and Terence K. HopkinsLondon: Verso
1990Transforming the Revolution: Social Movements and the World-SystemImmanuel Wallerstein with Samir AminGiovanni Arrighi and Andre Gunder FrankNew York: Monthly Review Press
1991Race, Nation, Class: Ambiguous IdentitiesImmanuel Wallerstein with Étienne BalibarLondon: Verso.
1991Geopolitics and Geoculture: Essays on the Changing World-SystemImmanuel WallersteinCambridge: Cambridge University Press
1991Unthinking Social Science: The Limits of Nineteenth Century ParadigmsImmanuel WallersteinCambridge: Polity
1995After LiberalismImmanuel WallersteinNew York: New Press

“I had the gut feeling in the 1950s,” he wrote in “The Essential Wallerstein” (2000), “that the most important thing that was happening in the 20th-century world was the struggle to overcome the control by the Western world of the rest of the world.”

“I have argued that world-systems analysis is not a theory but a protest against neglected issues and deceptive epistemologies,” he wrote.

“It is an intellectual task,” he continued, “that is and has to be a political task as well, because — I insist — the search for the true and the search for the good is but a single quest.”

1995Historical Capitalism, with Capitalist CivilizationImmanuel WallersteinLondon: Verso1998Utopistics: Or, Historical Choices of the Twenty-first CenturyImmanuel WallersteinNew York: New Press1999The End of the World As We Know It: Social Science for the Twenty-first CenturyImmanuel WallersteinMinneapolis: University of Minnesota Press2001Democracy, Capitalism, and TransformationImmanuel WallersteinDocumenta 11, Vienna, March 16, 20012003Decline of American Power: The U.S. in a Chaotic WorldImmanuel WallersteinNew York: New Press2004The Uncertainties of KnowledgeImmanuel WallersteinPhiladelphia: Temple University Press2004World-Systems Analysis: An IntroductionImmanuel WallersteinDurham, North Carolina: Duke University Press2004Alternatives: The U.S. Confronts the WorldImmanuel WallersteinBoulder, Colorado: Paradigm Press2006European Universalism: The Rhetoric of PowerImmanuel WallersteinNew York: New Press2011The Modern World-System, vol. IV: Centrist Liberalism Triumphant, 1789–1914Immanuel WallersteinBerkeley: University of California Press2013Uncertain Worlds: World-Systems Analysis in Changing TimesImmanuel Wallerstein with Charles Lemert and Carlos Antonio Aguirre RojasBoulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers2013Does Capitalism Have a Future?Immanuel Wallerstein with Randall CollinsMichael MannGeorgi Derluguian and Craig CalhounNew York: Oxford University Press2015The World is Out of Joint: World-Historical Interpretations of Continuing PolarizationsImmanuel Wallerstein (editor)Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers