胡適日記全集, 第 6卷 1930-33
胡適讀的 My Life (autobiography) 是剛英譯的新書
7.25 讀完此書的感想 (頁202 ): 自負太過責人太甚......趣事多
1930.8.5 p.219 見 Leon Vernon Kofod, 當時他還是學生 環球旅行2年
胡適跟他說救世之道不在祈禱 乃在改善提高人的智慧.
此君十幾年之後的一次演講有其簡介Women's Art To Hear Kofod .
Moving-pictures of Guatemala will be shown by Leon Vernon Kofod, world traveller, lecturer and photographer, when he appears . before the opening meeting ...或可參考
1930: My Life (autobiography 1879-1917) [Click Here for PDF version – 3.5 megbytes big!] Significant work!
Leon Trotsky[2] (Russian: Лев Троцкий, pronounced [ˈlʲef ˈtrot͡skʲɪj] (
列夫·達維多維奇·托洛斯基(或譯托洛斯基,俄語:Лев Давидович Троцкий,1879年11月7日-1940年8月21日)原名「列夫·達維多維奇·布隆施泰因」,曾是蘇聯共產黨和第四國際領袖,為革命家、軍事家、政治理論家和作家等。
Leon Trotsky
My Life
My Life was originally published in 1930 by Charles Schribner’s Sons, NY. Transcription and HTML markup for the Trotsky Internet Archive by David Walters in 1998.
Readers should note that the translation uses a form of written
English combining both the British and the United States styles of
English. This on-line version of My Life stays loyal to
the literary structure, spelling and grammar of the original version
published in 1930 from which it was transcribed.The photos used on the table of contents below are available along with other photos in the Trotsky Internet Archive Photo Gallery. Download PDF of My Life. |
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Last updated on: 6.5.2007