2017年12月31日 星期日
2017年12月29日 星期五
思考"建築、繪畫、雕塑"之整合:從1776到1935: Laocoön 拉奧孔 (G. E. Lessing 萊辛 1776)、胡適 1935
1.胡適與時事畫/漫畫 (cartoons);
3. 思考"建築、繪畫、雕塑"之整合:從1776到1935: Laocoön 拉奧孔 (G. E. Lessing 萊辛 1776)、胡適 1935
Its object being the evocation of sentiment in others , art is primarily a social phenomenon. p.2
因為胡適用的藝術史教科書,找到 "Laocoön 拉奧孔及其二子 Laocoön and His Sons ":"
Fig. 102, p.69 (Museum of the Vatican .)
104 . —HEAD o r A POLLO . m .
This eloquence of physical suffering, so touchrnly rendered in the head of the young giant, is carried still farther in the famous La oco b ' n group in the Vatican , the work of three Rhodian sculptors , who executed it about the year 50B . C . (Fig .69) Now that the marvels of the great
Lessing appears to adumbrate modern semitoics when he argues that the sign a specific medium can represent is limited to its mode. Laocoön (i.e., the man represented) cannot cry out because sculpture's mode is the static marble: poetry or drama is the only one which can directly represent Laocoön's pain.
It is , in fact , to be noted that all the animals represented by quaternary art are of the comestible kinds , which sav ages engraved o r painted in order to attract them by a sort of magic sympathy .
Dolmens and menhirs mark the beginnings of architecture , but of archi tecture scarcely worthy of the name, for decoration O ma n —133 m m PLAQUE plays hardly any part in Found In Sweden. (Stockholm Museum.) it, and the elements of construction can claim no excellence other than that of a massive solidity .
【動詞】 【他動詞】1〈…の〉輪郭を(漠然と)示す; 〈理論・考えなどを〉漠然と示す.2〈未来を〉予示する.3〈…を〉暗くする.
1.胡適與時事畫/漫畫 (cartoons);
3. 思考"建築、繪畫、雕塑"之整合:從1776到1935: Laocoön 拉奧孔 (G. E. Lessing 萊辛 1776)、胡適 1935
Its object being the evocation of sentiment in others , art is primarily a social phenomenon. p.2
書名 | Apollo: an illustrated manual of the history of art throughout the ages |
作者 | Salomon Reinach |
譯者 | Florence Simmonds |
出版者 | C. Scribner's sons, 1907 |
Fig. 102, p.69 (Museum of the Vatican .)
104 . —HEAD o r A POLLO . m .
This eloquence of physical suffering, so touchrnly rendered in the head of the young giant, is carried still farther in the famous La oco b ' n group in the Vatican , the work of three Rhodian sculptors , who executed it about the year 50B . C . (Fig .69) Now that the marvels of the great
Lessing appears to adumbrate modern semitoics when he argues that the sign a specific medium can represent is limited to its mode. Laocoön (i.e., the man represented) cannot cry out because sculpture's mode is the static marble: poetry or drama is the only one which can directly represent Laocoön's pain.
It is , in fact , to be noted that all the animals represented by quaternary art are of the comestible kinds , which sav ages engraved o r painted in order to attract them by a sort of magic sympathy .
Dolmens and menhirs mark the beginnings of architecture , but of archi tecture scarcely worthy of the name, for decoration O ma n —133 m m PLAQUE plays hardly any part in Found In Sweden. (Stockholm Museum.) it, and the elements of construction can claim no excellence other than that of a massive solidity .
- 音節
- men • hir
- 発音
- ménhiər
[名詞] 〔考古〕 メンヒル:先史時代の巨石記念物;1個または数個が直列または環状に並べられた;Cornwall,Brittany などに見られる.
- 語源
- 1840.<ブルトン men hir=men 石+hir 長い
- 音節
- dol • men
- 発音
- dóulmen,-mən,dɑ'l-|dɔ'lmen
- 1〔考古〕 ((英)) ドルメン,卓石,支石墓:2個以上の大きな自然石を立て並べ平石を載せた太古の遺物;新石器時代から鉄器時代にかけて世界的に分布している. cf. CHAMBER TOMB
- 2〔考古〕 ((仏)) 巨石墓.
- 語源
- 1859.<フランス語<コーンウォール tolmen 石の穴(フランスの考古学者により CROMLECH の意と解された)
- 音節
- qua • ter • nar • y
- 発音
- kwɑ'tərnèri,kwətə'ːrnəri|kwətə'ːnəri
- 14要素[部分]から成る;4つずつに並んだ,4つ一組になった.
- 2(順序・階級・等級などの)4番目の,(一連のもののうちの)4つ目の.
- 3〔地質〕 ((Q-)) 第四紀の. cf. NEOGENE⇒GEOLOGIC TIME(表)
- 4〔冶金〕 〈合金が〉四元の:4つの主要成分から成る.
- 5〔数学〕 四変数の.
━━ [名詞] (pl. -nar・ies)
- 14つ[4個,4部]一組のもの.
- 2(数字の)4.
- 3〔地質〕 ((the Q-)) 第四紀:地質時代の最後の紀;新生代(Cenozoic Era)の後期で,およそ200万年前に始まり,現世(Recent)と更新世(Pleistocene Epoch)を含む.
- 4=quaternary ammonium compound.
- 音節
- co • mes • ti • ble
- 発音
- kəméstəbl
【動詞】 【他動詞】1〈…の〉輪郭を(漠然と)示す; 〈理論・考えなどを〉漠然と示す.2〈未来を〉予示する.3〈…を〉暗くする.
[WITH OBJECT]formal- 1Represent in outline.‘Hobhouse had already adumbrated the idea of a welfare state’
- 1.1 Indicate faintly.‘the walls were only adumbrated by the meagre light’
- 1.1 Indicate faintly.
- 2Foreshadow (a future event)‘tenors solemnly adumbrate the fate of the convicted sinner’
- 3Overshadow.‘her happy reminiscences were adumbrated by consciousness of something else’
Late 16th century: from Latin adumbrat- ‘shaded’, from the verb adumbrare, from ad- ‘to’ (as an intensifier) + umbrare ‘cast a shadow’ (from umbra ‘shade’).
2017年12月26日 星期二
小仲馬於1848年完成小說「茶花女」,隨即在1851年改編成劇本,隔 年威爾第又把它改編成歌劇。1898-1899年林紓、王壽昌用古文合譯出《巴黎茶花女遺事》*。
胡適之先生1926年夏旅歐時,在法京巴黎看過 《茶花女》一劇,當時觀眾許多人很感動---在30年代 唯一有小說與劇本的是 《茶花女》, 所以值得研究它們。
胡先生日記上說,從小說到劇本, 剪裁的功夫最重要。
胡先生日記上說,從小說到劇本, 剪裁的功夫最重要。
趙元任根據好友劉半農的譯本譜成「茶花女中的飲酒歌」。趙元任自己很慶幸地說,他創作此曲時沒聽過威爾第的茶花女歌劇, 否則難免不受影響。
劉半農譯詞 趙元任作曲
劉半農譯詞 趙元任作曲
算了吧! 要不糊塗又什麼?
嚇!保你馬上的心回意轉, 意滿心歡。
劉半農 譯詞
劉半農先生寫《因「茶花女」之公演而說幾句》 (1932.11.6) 、《甘苦之言---看「茶花女」之公演後寫》1926.11.20、《再寫幾句》第三段說有兩先生吵《茶花女》是林琴南或嚴復翻譯的…….末段:哈哈!昨天我看見陳衡哲女士,談起《新青年》時代的白話詩,她說「那是三代以上的事了」。徵之於此,豈不良信。
出版社: 野人文化
出版社: 野人文化
胡適全集2004 的自己閹割:
安徽教育出版社在十來年前出版過"胡適全集",當然, 所有反共言論不收,還有不少東西漸出土, 如幾年前上海人民出版的留學日記掃描版--價格數萬台幣,沒買。
在滿天星斗的眾將中 不選陳誠等可以媲美蔣介石的 而選一位爭議頗大的胡宗南
周質平是胡適學專家 後半篇談的是中共沒政治自由 卻號稱出版的是胡適全集 (約2400萬字) 不過多自己閹割一些文章
- 作者:
- 出版社:天下文化
- 出版日期:2011年
2017年12月25日 星期一
「數人」又弱一個:劉半農《趙元任全集‧第15卷‧下》的圖版,有《劉半農先生輓辭》,收入九人的:錢玄同、黎錦熙、趙元任、陳懋治、魏建功、白滌洲、胡適、馬裕藻、周作人。趙先生的英文說明值得一抄:From the title of the “Society for a Few Men”, Yuen Ren wrote the memorial couplet to liu Pan-Nung some years later, 1934 (see p.566)(趙的十載湊雙簧,無詞今日難成曲。「數人」弱一個,教我如何不想他。胡適的守常慘死,獨秀幽囚,如今又弱一個。拼命精神,打油風趣,後起還有誰呢?)
2017年12月24日 星期日
Google的頭頭建議過FB老闆:每篇都可超連結 (像GMAIL/BLOGGER......)。FB的個人年終回顧也很有趣---我還不會。
現在介紹胡適之先生的手工作業:"胡適《1934的回憶》,附於《日記》後,甚好。胡適日記全集 7: 1934-1939, pp.155-61 (請點進去LINK)":
現在介紹胡適之先生的手工作業:"胡適《1934的回憶》,附於《日記》後,甚好。胡適日記全集 7: 1934-1939, pp.155-61 (請點進去LINK)":
2017年12月17日 星期日
胡適日記,梁思成~林徽音故事、和《雲使》 "Meghaduta"
說,現在的Google Map等,比較容易讓讀者了解昔日胡先生留學時代縱橫北美東北部的情形。他在1926~27年和30年代,個作了近乎環球一周的"旅行"。
古印度的《雲使》 "Meghaduta",是喜馬拉雅到印度大陸中部秀美山河的一瞥。我相信胡適日記全集,和梁思成~林徽音等等中國營造學社的足跡和故事,是近代的民國人物的感人篇章。
說,現在的Google Map等,比較容易讓讀者了解昔日胡先生留學時代縱橫北美東北部的情形。他在1926~27年和30年代,個作了近乎環球一周的"旅行"。
古印度的《雲使》 "Meghaduta",是喜馬拉雅到印度大陸中部秀美山河的一瞥。我相信胡適日記全集,和梁思成~林徽音等等中國營造學社的足跡和故事,是近代的民國人物的感人篇章。
中國營造學社史略 梁思成、劉敦禎川康地區調查路線圖
我只到過:12眉山--17 綿陽一線 (梁思成、劉敦禎川康地區調查路線圖)。1990年代。
我只到過:12眉山--17 綿陽一線 (梁思成、劉敦禎川康地區調查路線圖)。1990年代。
默片時代SILENT CINEMA 1895~1930 、有聲電影時代 SOUND CINEMA 1930~1960 中的胡適
根據 The Oxford History of World Cinema 1996,胡適與電影是2時代:
而且,偏重宗教與勵志類:Gone with the wind 則屬美國南方社會經濟的史詩。
構成は(1)サイレントSILENT CINEMA 1895~1930 默片時代
分兩部分:Music and the SILENT CINEMA ;
The Heyday of the Silents
分兩部分:Music and the SILENT CINEMA ;
The Heyday of the Silents
(2)トーキー SOUND CINEMA 1930~1960 有聲電影時代
(3)近代映画(1960-1995)THE MODERN CINEMA 1960~1995となっており、
胡適與電影 (1~2) 蘋論:好萊塢的築夢工廠 (2016);The Good Earth (film 1937)...
胡適與電影 (1)The King of Kings; Gone with the Wind/: Road To Life, Wings Of The Morning (1937)/ Francis of Assisi, 曼鏗/ Inherit the Wind
.........經乾堃邀吃飯,陪宴華童公學校長C. S. Forter Carnp,他在華童公學二十餘年,今年將回國.....飯後我們同去看影戲,戲本名"The King of Kings"......全本皆依據四部福音.....文句皆採經文,甚能動人。唯演"靈跡" (Miracles)皆不刪,使人看了不快。其實刪了靈跡,這個故事也自能動人。
The King of Kings is a 1927 American silent epic film produced and directed by Cecil B. DeMille. It depicts the last weeks of Jesus before his crucifixion and stars H.B. Warner in the lead role.
Featuring the opening and resurrection scenes in two-strip Technicolor, the film is the second in DeMille's biblical trilogy, preceded by The Ten Commandments (1923) and followed by The Sign of the Cross (1932).he King of Kings

胡適日記全集, 第 8 卷: 1940-1952
1940年1月2日-24日 頁3 與李國親和其家人 去看
Gone with the Wind (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gone with the Wind《飄》《亂世佳人》「風と共に去りぬ」
The Making of "Gone With The Wind"
adapted from Margaret Mitchell's Pulitzer-winning 1936 novel and produced by David O.
Published on May 1, 2014
Winner of eight Academy Awards - featuring the biggest stars from Hollywood's Golden Age and still number one in ticket sales - "Gone With The Wind" continues to captivate the world 75 years after it was made.
The Harry Ransom Center, a humanities research library and museum at The University of Texas at Austin, is organizing a major exhibition about the making of "Gone With The Wind", the 1939 blockbuster film based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Margaret Mitchell,
Opening in September 2014 the exhibition will be an historical examination into the making of this quintessential Hollywood film.
Before a single frame was shot, the film was embroiled in controversy for its depiction of race and violence in the Civil War-era Old South.
Drawn exclusively from the Ransom Center's David O. Selznick archive, the exhibition will include photographs, audition footage, storyboards, letters, and the legendary producer's own memos.
Visitors will get a behind-the-scenes view of the four year journey, from the purchase of the movie rights, to Hattie McDaniel's Oscar win as best supporting actress.
The exhibition will also feature three original gowns worn by Vivien Leigh, in her Oscar-winning performance as Scarlett O'Hara.
The newly conserved costumes will be displayed together for the first time in more than 25 years.
Visitors will be swept away by the tumultuous story behind the making of "Gone With The Wind" including issues of race and the film's depiction of history.
A beautifully illustrated book featuring never-before-seen images will serve as a permanent record to the exhibition.
A companion web exhibition will also be launched on the Ransom Center's website.
The 75th anniversary of this classic film provides an unique opportunity to showcase the Ransom Center's magnificent David O. Selznick collection and to provide a contemporary perspective on why "Gone With The Wind" remains one of the most iconic films of all time.
The Harry Ransom Center, a humanities research library and museum at The University of Texas at Austin, is organizing a major exhibition about the making of "Gone With The Wind", the 1939 blockbuster film based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Margaret Mitchell,
Opening in September 2014 the exhibition will be an historical examination into the making of this quintessential Hollywood film.
Before a single frame was shot, the film was embroiled in controversy for its depiction of race and violence in the Civil War-era Old South.
Drawn exclusively from the Ransom Center's David O. Selznick archive, the exhibition will include photographs, audition footage, storyboards, letters, and the legendary producer's own memos.
Visitors will get a behind-the-scenes view of the four year journey, from the purchase of the movie rights, to Hattie McDaniel's Oscar win as best supporting actress.
The exhibition will also feature three original gowns worn by Vivien Leigh, in her Oscar-winning performance as Scarlett O'Hara.
The newly conserved costumes will be displayed together for the first time in more than 25 years.
Visitors will be swept away by the tumultuous story behind the making of "Gone With The Wind" including issues of race and the film's depiction of history.
A beautifully illustrated book featuring never-before-seen images will serve as a permanent record to the exhibition.
A companion web exhibition will also be launched on the Ransom Center's website.
The 75th anniversary of this classic film provides an unique opportunity to showcase the Ransom Center's magnificent David O. Selznick collection and to provide a contemporary perspective on why "Gone With The Wind" remains one of the most iconic films of all time.
"Good Earth" 出處不知: The Good Earth is a Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Pearl S. Buck.大地/
胡適批評的Scarlett 是女主角
On the eve of the American Civil War in 1861, Scarlett O'Hara lives at Tara, her family's cotton plantation in Georgia, with her parents and two sisters
1934年1月27日 父子三人同看好電影蘇聯片Road To Life
Road to Life (Russian: Педагогическая поэма, translit. Pedagogicheskaya poema) is a 1955 Soviet drama film directed by Aleksei Maslyukov and Mechislava Mayevskaya and based on the book by Anton Makarenko. It was entered into the 1956 Cannes Film Festival.[1]
胡適日記全集 7: 1934-1939 頁44
1937年5月1日 在上海看當年的英國片
Wings Of The Morning (1937) --First Technicolor movie shot in the British Isles, features Gypsies, horse racing, singing and romance.胡先生的日記 John McCormack 唱三曲而該片的故事也不壞
John McCormack in "Wings of the Morning (1937) 2/2 二首
(Movie Clip) I Am Not A Shrimp!
Introduction of Canadian horse trainer Kerry (Henry Fonda), as Gypsy-descended Spanish duchess Maria (Annabella), disguised as a boy, rides up and makes a trade, in 20th Century Fox's Wings Of The Morning, 1937.
(兵荒馬亂期當"戰犯"名單者 2周前從南京到上海. 月台等火車4小時 車遲到7小時......)
1949.2.21 與經農夫人及梅月涵同去看Life with Father - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia電影 我三年不看電影了 p.357
Life with Father is a 1947 American comedy film. It tells the true story of Clarence Day, a stockbroker who wants to be master of his house, but finds his wife and his children ignoring him, until they ... Wikipedia
1949.3.9 日記看Possessed (1947 film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
胡適記曾與主角 Raymond Massey 相識
先生又問:「你的孩子都看過《雄才怪傑》* ( Inherit the Wind ) 的電影嗎?那位代表田納西州檢察屬的皮雷耶**是在開庭之後兩天才死的,不是當場辯論之後便死的。這個故事當中有位新聞記者叫做曼鏗 (H. L. Mencken),真是一位了不得的人,他在美國的影響,正如中國的胡適之。我在美國讀書時,他辦《太陽報》,又辦一種《水星雜誌》,是月刊。他對美國的種種都來批判,一出來,就被賣空了,在路上看見的學生,差不多每人手中都有一本。《太陽報》是曼鏗吃飯的地方,《水星雜誌》是他好玩來辦的。這個中學教員史東尼被控的案子發生後,《太陽報》全力支持他一切的費用,就是將來敗訴之後必須罰款的話,也是由《太陽報》來負擔的。曼鏗是這件案子中的主要人物,不知你們的孩子注意到了沒有 ?」
* 中文說明
Inherit the Wind (1960 film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inherit_the_Wind_(1960_film) - Cached
Inherit the Wind is a 1960 Hollywood film adaptation of the play of the same name, written by Jerome Lawrence and Robert Edwin Lee, directed by Stanley ...Inherit the Wind is a parable that fictionalizes the 1925 Scopes "Monkey" Trial as a means to discuss McCarthyism.[2] Written in response to the chilling effect of the McCarthy era investigations on intellectual discourse, the play (and film) are critical of creationism.
** 劇情
As the court is adjourned, Brady tries to give his speech but most ignore him outside of his wife and his court opponents who are concerned seeing him become hysterical. During this fit he suffers a cardiac arrest and dies in the court room.
William Jennings Bryar(片中易名Matthew)確是在審判結案一週後突然瘁逝的。
胡適沒談名辯護律師Clarence Darrow.....
On July 21, 1925, the ''monkey trial'' ended in Dayton, Tenn., with John T. Scopes convicted of violating state law for teaching Darwin's theory of evolution. (The conviction was later overturned.)
(電影藝術真有意思 我十幾年前給Herbert Simon信 說 他的傑作人工智能中的某電影有些引誤--- 這本書全世界圖書館可能多有 卻沒人指出這)
Francis of Assisi, St (他是真正實行基督教教義的一個人)
1926年10月3日和附近有4則Francis of Assisi, St 七百年紀念的剪報
日記"....他是中古的一個怪傑 他歌頌貧窮 反對一切物質上的享受 最近於原始基督教 然離今日西洋文化的精神最遠"
胡適跟胡頌平說:告訴你的孩子 這是值得看的一部電影
1961/12/7:台北國際"影戲院" 這兩天演聖法蘭傳 (Francis Ro Assisi 應該是筆誤)
胡適之先生晚年談話錄頁 260-61
Francis of Assisi (1961)
105 min - Drama - 12 July 1961 (USA)
The story of a lusty, fighting young adventurer who exchanged his sword for a cross
Francis of Assisi, St. :聖方濟.亞西西:舊譯名方濟各( 1181-1226 ), 1224 年自己的身體印了五傷,親身體驗到耶穌所受的十字架痛苦, 1228 年列入聖品,又稱五傷聖方濟,為一平民化的義大利聖人。創立了方濟會;該會先後分出三支:方濟小兄弟會 Order of Friars Minor ( 1209 年),方濟住院會 Conventuals ( 1415 年),嘉布遣會 Capuchins ( 1525 年)。
《我的回憶》(《黃朝琴回憶錄》) 1981;1989 臺北市 ,龍文出版社印行,25開,排印本,296頁,題「我的回憶」;2001
然而,仍然有許多寶貴的資料,譬如說,抗戰時,舊金山 (任職5年)等地華僑,共捐了數百萬美金.....第32節《審查《大地》*影片》,胡適之先生在1936年10月27日在米高梅片場看完,親口跟他說了一長段評語,黃朝琴先生竟然如實記下。--《黃朝琴回憶錄》,頁101-102
(在這2段中,胡適基本上認為電影比原著更好.....。又討論 俾女翻譯成girl slave 是否恰當。胡先生指出,莎士比亞的《威尼斯商人》描繪一重利盤剝的猶太人,從未文猶太人民族群起而攻之。.....)
The Good Earth (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Good_Earth_(film)The Good Earth is a 1937 American drama film about Chinese farmers who ... on the 1931 novel of the same name by Nobel Prize-winning author Pearl S. Buck. ... The movie script was more sympathetic to China than the novel had been.
The Good Earth (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Good Earth is a 1937 American drama film about Chinese farmers who ... on the 1931 novel of the same name by Nobel Prize-winning author Pearl S. Buck. ... The movie script was more sympathetic to China than the novel had been.
胡適之先生在1936年9月30日~ 12月9日,日記從缺。
The Good Earth (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Good Earth is a 1937 American drama film about Chinese farmers who ... on the 1931 novel of the same name by Nobel Prize-winning author Pearl S. Buck. ... The movie script was more sympathetic to China than the novel had been.
胡適之先生在1936年9月30日~ 12月9日,日記從缺。
* 此片根據Pearl Buck的小說,原書著者本非第一流作家,觀察中國農村情形,亦多隔膜,故原書頗多瑕疵可予指摘。......本書用意,要寫一個勤儉起家的農夫,今忽暴富(getting rich quick),豈非矛盾.....此片用外國人扮演中國人,其用心揣摩,頗費苦心,女主角Miss Rainer最為成功.....Rainer 演此婦,甚見風鼓,似勝原書......吾人似不宜失去大國民風度也。
Pilgrim's Progress (1912)
Drama | 8 October 1912 (USA)

Consists of two parts: Part One: The Life of John Bunyon (2 reels); Part Two: The Pilgrim's Progress (3 reels).
Director: Francis Powers
Writer: John Bunyan (novel)
Stars: Warner Oland, Ethel Clayton, Clifford Leigh
文章 (Atom)