2018/03/19 - In Secrets of the Masons, cameras for the first time go behind the doors of the Grand Masonic Lodge of Scotland, ... Many believe the Freemasons are the secret hand that has shaped Scotland, but are they? ... Documentaries.
2018/03/14 - The formation of the Masons. ... Many believe the Freemasons are the secret hand that has shaped Scotland, but are they? The formation of the Masons. ... More clips from Secrets of theMasons ... By format: Documentaries.
2018/03/19 - Perhaps it is fitting that one of the oldest known organisations of similarly-minded people is the subject of some of the longest-standing conspiracy theories in the world. To many, the Freemasonsare simply an archaic ...
2018/03/19 - FOR centuries, the secrets of the Freemasons were known only to members. ... of Scotland's curator, Bob Cooper, spoke with the BBC for the Secrets Of The Masons documentary, which will be aired in the UK tomorrow.
2018/03/19 - INSIGHTS, including a look at the 400 years of secret ledgers within the society will be unveiled on a BBC programme after camera were ... A GRIPPING new TV documentary has uncovered hidden secrets of the Freemasons.
the Lincoln Patterson Scrapbooks (#37-6-334),
Series II. Correspondence including a letter from his mother to Mrs. Patterson, 20 pieces.
共濟會之旅 (1999-2002)
沒想胡適先生的日記中有段記載( 民國元年(1911)12月2日): 「夜往訪L. E. Patterson之家,夜深始歸。是夜偶談及Freemason(吾國譯「規矩會」)之原委始末。」 胡先生大概不是該會會員吧?我對該會在中國的傳播有興趣,可惜一無所知。我最早聽到此一名詞,也許是莫札特為其會員,在歌劇中或有揭露吧! 查梁實秋的《遠東英漢辭典》,Freemason此字為「共濟會或美生會(一國際性的秘密互助團體)」。 原義為中世紀時歐洲的石匠之秘密組織。Freemasonary為"共濟會之主張、制度、會員",引申義為「同病相憐」。(請參考本網站,”雜談《品質史》’中有關 Guild 的簡介。) 有興趣的朋友,可以讀一本圖文並茂的書:Freemasonry:A Journey through Ritual and Symbol by W. Krik MacNulty , Thames and Hudson(1991)。書中有上古至中古,再到日本的會堂,以及各種相關資訊,它們只有看了圖才能了解的;古時他們的會員也有精神上超越之道:先入學為徒,再做到 Fellow Craft,到升為Master Mason。就像從點到線、面而成為實體,是新柏拉圖式的四正道。 近讀貢布里希的訪談錄《藝術與科學》,知道他父親因為曾經加入共濟會而被納粹盤問;他以為藝術與文化沒有很大的關係,這點常被誇大。
「原文: "We agreed that no one who had not grown up in a little prairie town could know anything about it. It was a kind of freemansonary, we said. "
有興趣的朋友,可以讀一本圖文並茂的書:Freemasonry:A Journey through Ritual and Symbol by W. Krik MacNulty ,Thames and Hudson(1991)。書中有上古至中古,包括日本的「會堂」,及各種只有看了圖才能了解的資訊;古時,他們的會員也有從事精神上超越之道:入學為 徒;做Fellow Craft;到成為Master Mason。就像從點到線、面而成為實體,也對應新柏拉圖式的「四正道」。